Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School

AAHS Board Meeting

Published on June 11, 2024 at 1:18 PM CDT

Date and Time

Thursday June 13, 2024 at 3:00 PM CDT


1414 2nd Ave N


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 3:00 PM
  A. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum   Jillian Fitts 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Scott Underwood 1 m
  C. Adoption of the Agenda Vote Scott Underwood 1 m
  D. Approve Minutes from May 23 Meeting Approve Minutes Scott Underwood 1 m
II. Financials 3:04 PM
  A. May 2024 Financials Vote R.J. Smith 5 m

Vote to approve the May 2024 bank reconciliation and financial statements. 

III. Consent Calendar
IV. Committee Reports 3:09 PM
  A. Facilities Committee Report Vote Scott Underwood 10 m

Vote to approve the Bessemer Ground Lease.

  B. Nominating Committee FYI Courtney French 10 m
V. Chief Executive Officer's Report 3:29 PM
  A. School Updates FYI Ruben Morris 15 m
  B. Grant Updates FYI Ruben Morris 5 m
  C. Upcoming Events FYI Ruben Morris 5 m


  • June 10-28 | AAHS | Summer School
  • June 10-28  | EKY | Solo Flight Academy
  • June 10-July 19 | AAHS | 21st Century Summer Enrichment Camp
  • June 27 | EKY | AAHS Groundbreaking
  D. Drone Soccer Discuss Ruben Morris 10 m

Drone Soccer discussion

VI. School Director Report 4:04 PM
  A. School Director's Report FYI Porshia Allen 10 m
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
IX. Public Comment
X. Closing Items 4:14 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Scott Underwood 1 m