Seaside School Foundation


Seaside School Foundation Board Meeting

October Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 19, 2023 at 4:00 PM


Seaside Neighborhood School 

10 Smolian Circle (3rd Building, 2nd Floor)

Santa Rosa Beach Florida, 32459

Directors Present

A. Beecher, C. Glavine, F. Barker, J. Beer, N. Vlahos, S. Widman

Directors Absent

G. Fisher, J. Trapp, K. Goff, P. McCarthy

Guests Present

K. Tucker, T. Horton, T. Miller

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Vlahos called a meeting of the board of directors of Seaside School Foundation to order on Thursday Oct 19, 2023 at 4:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

C. Glavine made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/17/23 Seaside School Foundation Board Meeting on 08-17-23.
A. Beecher seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


The Seaside School, Inc. Leadership Team Update

Dr. Miller updated the board on the recent developments at the school.  There are a lot of exciting academic initiatives. The middle school is fully enrolled and mentorship started this week.  The HS kids are starting to receive acceptances.  There are 130 students on campus in the 9&10th grades this year. 


The Seaside School, Inc. Board of Directors Update

Kav Tucker informed the board that the school board is voting on various compliance issues.  The other main discussions for the school board have been regarding financing of the expansion and developing a better understanding of decisions that need to be made on the debt service. 

III. Finance and Governance Committee Report


SSF Financials

We have had two committee meetings so far discussing goals of the committee as well as financials for the expansion. 

Goals include compliance documentation and asking the school to amend our finance policy so we do not have conflicting policies between the school and foundation.


We have updated financials in the board packet, but we will table the discussion on financials until the next meeting to be sure our budget is in line with the school board's budget that was recently passed. 

IV. Strategic Planning Committee


Update on Actions with SCDC/Addendum to LDA + Performing Arts Center

Nick shared that the school board and foundations committee meetings should be integrated to the extent that they are all working on the same issues with the SCDC and LDA.  

The school board has formed a subcommittee to focus specifically on the LDA and Performing Arts Center.  They had a call in September that went well with a little bit of hesitation on the afternoon pick up options.  There is a thought that we will be staggering our dismissal times to alleviate traffic and if it works out SCDC may allow us to pick up in Seaside. An LDA will not be signed by either party until this issue is resolved. 


Update on SCHS + NWFSC Expansion Project

Shannon gave an update on the latest project developments.  Groundbreaking has happened and site work is underway.  Patrick has been leading the charge by communicating with the college, architect, and contractors.  WBA has given us a new timeline that proves to be very tight, so we will be trying hard to stick to that schedule so we can get students in the new buildings by Fall of 2025.  There are three contractual items that need ratification and a vote.

  • SCHS Structural Geotechnical Contract - A motion was made by Farrar to approve the contract.  Chris seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
  • AFPS Proposal - A motion was made by Jason to approve the contract.  Farrar seconded.  Motion carried. 
  • Universal Engineering Sciences | Proposal Acceptance Form - A motion was made by Jason to approve the contract.  Farrar seconded.  Motion carried. 
  • Request from WBA to increase fee - When we signed the original contract with WBA in 2022, our original scope was 1/3 of what it is today.  WBA has requested an amendment to the original contract, which was included in the board materials.  A motion was made by Jason to approve the amendment to the contract.  Farrar seconded.  Motion carried. 


Triumph Gulf Coast/Liberty Partners Update

Dr. Miller has met with Liberty Partners to update efforts on the grant application.  We are communicating with them on how the curriculum certifications will be produced by programming.  Goal is to have another draft application by November.  


Legislative Appropriations/Rubin Turnbull Update

We are asking for another $9mm from the FL legislature for the next session.  The applications are complete and under review by our lobbyist, Rubin Turnbull.  


Project Financing/Roundtable Update

Discussions with RoundTable have been on hold while we have been talking with the school board and School Financial Services to stress test our budget and consider various scenarios for financing. We expect to continue discussions with RoundTable next week and move on with an underwriter.  

V. Capital Campaign Strategy + Donor Relations Committee


Capital Campaign Progress Towards $10MM Goal

Teresa updated the board on the committee meeting.  They are working with the school board's development committee to help support fundraising efforts.  Goal over the next 5 years is to raise $10mm and work on pipeline to donors.  The committee is exploring dates to partner with the chamber on an event. 

VI. Fundraising Events


2023 Tom Glavine's Field of Dreams Charity Golf Outing RECAP

The golf outing was very successful once again.  All went well with the event.  The event grossed $153,000 +/-. 


2024 Seaside School Race Weekend | February 16-18, 2024

Event meetings are moving along.  This year we are adding a VIP component to race day  to increase revenue through registration.  So far that has grossed $8000 in revenue. We plan on having another Saturday/Expo Lunch n Learn event. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Vlahos