Research Triangle High School


RESCHEDULED Finance Committee Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM


RTHS Board of Directors is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: RTHS Board of Directors' Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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The RTHS Board of Directors meets monthly on the Third Wednesday of each month, except for December and July. Meetings are held onsite at 5:30pm until 7pm, upstairs in the Conference Room (Room 200).

Committee Members Present

A. Drake (remote), C. Coia (remote), M. Babb (remote), N. Lightner (remote)

Committee Members Absent

G. Rodgers, S. Rivers-Kobler

Guests Present

A. Griffin (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Babb called a meeting of the Finance Committee of Research Triangle High School to order on Tuesday Feb 20, 2024 at 2:15 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Babb made a motion to approve the minutes from Finance Committee Monthly Meeting on 01-09-24.
C. Coia seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Budget Review; Actuals vs. Budget

  • 2 checks totaling close to 250K were delayed by USPS and were just received and deposited impacting timing of cash flow
  • ESSER funded mental health services (Overcomers) have ended services at RTHS and leadership reviewing how we'll offer resources in the future for mental health for students
  • snack room budget decreased by 5k
  • IT - over budget by $24K primarily as a result to PA system upgrades in the building that were deemed necessary
  • Performance Bonus - state allocated AP performance bonuses (offsets in revenue as well - net neutral)
  • Landscaping increased as a result of unexpected landscape costs
  • Legal and consulting - increased by $10K based on current usage

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Coia