Research Triangle High School
RTHS Board Meeing
Date and Time
Wednesday August 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Zoom Meeting - Until further notice
Due to the statewide COVID-19 restrictions, this meeting will be held as a Zoom video teleconference.
Aug 19, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Aug 19, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 958 2162 4045
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Meeting ID: 958 2162 4045
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Directors Present
C. Mugge (remote), C. Rao (remote), E. Cunningham (remote), G. Rodgers (remote), M. Bliss (remote), M. Johnson (remote), S. Hunter (remote), S. Rivers-Kobler (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Quigley, T. Medhin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
G. Rodgers called a meeting of the board of directors of Research Triangle High School to order on Wednesday Aug 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM.
Welcome New Board Members
Approve Minutes from last Board Meeting
C. Mugge made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 06-17-20.
S. Rivers-Kobler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
G. Rodgers |
M. Johnson |
A. Quigley |
T. Medhin |
C. Mugge |
C. Rao |
E. Cunningham |
S. Rivers-Kobler |
Monthly Finance Report
As of today, ADM is 587
Vote to accept Consent Agenda above
C. Rao made a motion to accept consent agenda.
S. Rivers-Kobler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
C. Mugge |
M. Johnson |
C. Rao |
G. Rodgers |
M. Bliss |
S. Hunter |
T. Medhin |
A. Quigley |
S. Rivers-Kobler |
E. Cunningham |
- On pace to meet the budget goals; 10% budget cut
- Will meet the ADM; Run rate: 557
- Most diverse class this year (could be due to articulation agreement? nothing conclusive)
- Start 8.45 am to 4 pm: Virtual school timing; cannot duplicate daily schedule online
- Provide more individual time; less time on-screen; continuing mentoring - bringing it back - big priority! Lot of reading/consulting with schools - both pvt. and independent - to put together a schedule that makes sense; Sampling of parents/students - will do it just like in Spring
- Meeting 2 days a week vs. 5 days like in the past
- Anti-racist efforts: with parents/staff/students being done school-wide
- Will meet the ADM; Run rate: 557
- Most diverse class this year (could be due to articulation agreement? nothing conclusive)
- Start 8.45 am to 4 pm: Virtual school timing; cannot duplicate daily schedule online
- Provide more individual time; less time on-screen; continuing mentoring - bringing it back - big priority! Lot of reading/consulting with schools - both pvt. and independent - to put together a schedule that makes sense; Sampling of parents/students - will do it just like in Spring
- Meeting 2 days a week vs. 5 days like in the past
- Anti-racist efforts: with parents/staff/students being done school-wide
CSO Goals Presentation
- CSO Goals will be presented next month
- Spent surplus for school supplies for the new school year
III. Finance
FY19-20 Completion
FY 2020-2021 Budget
- Covid Relief Funds (addition to the budget)
- Talking about repairing/replacing HVAC system (old as the building); Fund established through Bond
- Planned for 10% revenue cut in Spring 2020 (other schools: 7-8% reduction); We may have 2% revenue increase - 12% spring (won't know till Nov.); Not include County Funds - up or down - don't know
- Talking about repairing/replacing HVAC system (old as the building); Fund established through Bond
- Planned for 10% revenue cut in Spring 2020 (other schools: 7-8% reduction); We may have 2% revenue increase - 12% spring (won't know till Nov.); Not include County Funds - up or down - don't know
IV. Governance
2020-21 Board and Committee Leadership Roles
- Sherida McMullan and Victoria Vojnovich: Resigned from Board
- Look for 2 new Board members before Retreat
- New Board members Orientation: Steven Hunter and Matthew Bliss - to happen in the coming weeks
- Look for 2 new Board members before Retreat
- New Board members Orientation: Steven Hunter and Matthew Bliss - to happen in the coming weeks
- Leadership positions are the same
- Academic: Elizabeth Cunningham; Finance: Alex Quigley;
- Victoria Vojnovich- Resigned from Board
- Governance: Mark Johnson
- Development: Vacancy
- Academic: Elizabeth Cunningham; Finance: Alex Quigley;
- Victoria Vojnovich- Resigned from Board
- Governance: Mark Johnson
- Development: Vacancy
Board Candidate Recruitment Efforts
Preparation for 2020-21 Board Retreat
- Annual Retreat: Friday, October 23, 2020; Venue TBD; Board members to look for a suitable venue; If none available, RTHS is back up; Doing it virtually - always an option
V. Development
Development Committee Status
- Focus on helping families with financial difficulties
- Internship: establishes with corporations in RTP; work on projects and get a course grade; could not take off this year; will look at it next year
- Bloomerang: DRM database; no automatic data entry; is being done manually
- UNC/NCSU: give access to digital resources through contacts/network at these universities; to provide better resources to students
- landscaping enhancements/amphitheater style classroom/beehives: some proposals and can be used as development campaign; creating some space for students to sit and work
- Internship: establishes with corporations in RTP; work on projects and get a course grade; could not take off this year; will look at it next year
- Bloomerang: DRM database; no automatic data entry; is being done manually
- UNC/NCSU: give access to digital resources through contacts/network at these universities; to provide better resources to students
- landscaping enhancements/amphitheater style classroom/beehives: some proposals and can be used as development campaign; creating some space for students to sit and work
- Board members to complete CEO Evaluation and Assessments
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:34 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
G. Rodgers
C. Rao made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Rivers-Kobler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. Quigley |
S. Hunter |
C. Rao |
E. Cunningham |
M. Bliss |
G. Rodgers |
T. Medhin |
S. Rivers-Kobler |
M. Johnson |
C. Mugge |