Research Triangle High School
Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 15, 2020 at 5:30 PM
RTHS Board Room
Due to the statewide COVID-19 restrictions, this meeting will be held as a Zoom video teleconference.
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Directors Present
A. Quigley (remote), C. Mugge (remote), C. Rao (remote), E. Cunningham (remote), G. Rodgers (remote), M. Johnson (remote), S. Mcmullan (remote), T. Medhin (remote), V. Vojnovich (remote)
Directors Absent
S. Rivers-Kobler
Guests Present
E. Grunden (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
G. Rodgers called a meeting of the board of directors of Research Triangle High School to order on Wednesday Apr 15, 2020 at 5:38 PM.
Approve Minutes from last Board Meeting
V. Vojnovich made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting (Part 2) on 03-25-20.
C. Mugge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Monthly Finance Report
Vote to accept Consent Agenda above
V. Vojnovich made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting (Part 2) on 03-25-20.
C. Mugge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
-following state's directions and guidelines for graduation requirements
- trying to make the current system work better; working with students to minimize their anxiety
- students are learning the content; shifting the focus on project work - hope is that they will be able to learn better; doing the best to present the content in a way easy for them to learn; keeping the essence of personalized learning; concept of independent learning continues; under the circumstances, project work seems to be the best option to facilitate learning
- On-line prom
- June 6: Graduation; prepared for it and will be on schedule, if permissible
- Reopening school: Depends on state legislature's decision; Couple of possibilities if we have to open on May 15 - looking at several options; some parents may be reluctant to bring their kids
- Potential budget cuts in fall
- Paycheck Protection Program: Less than 500 employees in a nonprofit qualify for loan; Forgivable loan; some charter schools are applying for it; RTHS could potentially qualify;
- Found out the mechanics for gym expense; LOI to BBT to give some projections; borrowing limits; how it impacts financial status of RTHS; productive meeting with BBT
- trying to make the current system work better; working with students to minimize their anxiety
- students are learning the content; shifting the focus on project work - hope is that they will be able to learn better; doing the best to present the content in a way easy for them to learn; keeping the essence of personalized learning; concept of independent learning continues; under the circumstances, project work seems to be the best option to facilitate learning
- On-line prom
- June 6: Graduation; prepared for it and will be on schedule, if permissible
- Reopening school: Depends on state legislature's decision; Couple of possibilities if we have to open on May 15 - looking at several options; some parents may be reluctant to bring their kids
- Potential budget cuts in fall
- Paycheck Protection Program: Less than 500 employees in a nonprofit qualify for loan; Forgivable loan; some charter schools are applying for it; RTHS could potentially qualify;
- Found out the mechanics for gym expense; LOI to BBT to give some projections; borrowing limits; how it impacts financial status of RTHS; productive meeting with BBT
V. Vojnovich made a motion to approve school to apply for PPP loan.
C. Mugge seconded the motion.
- to look into it in detail and understand thoroughly the ramifications before using the money, if application is granted
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Academic Excellence
Materials from Committee Meeting
Overview of state guidelines:
- Guidance on handling this period; RTHS different as a school compared to other schools; meet the criteria for remote learning, then you can treat it is regular instructional days; RTHS is set up for this and can meet it - so different from other schools
- Seniors who have not reached the 60% threshold (state guidelines), work with them
- 9-11 grade students are continuing as before
- EOC tests have been suspended; No final exams this year
- Students are trained to be independent learners; working well during this time
- In Fall, do a review of students who could not cover any project and work with them
- Working on informing students where there are at in their studies; trying times and this will help them know accurately how they are doing
- Guidance on handling this period; RTHS different as a school compared to other schools; meet the criteria for remote learning, then you can treat it is regular instructional days; RTHS is set up for this and can meet it - so different from other schools
- Seniors who have not reached the 60% threshold (state guidelines), work with them
- 9-11 grade students are continuing as before
- EOC tests have been suspended; No final exams this year
- Students are trained to be independent learners; working well during this time
- In Fall, do a review of students who could not cover any project and work with them
- Working on informing students where there are at in their studies; trying times and this will help them know accurately how they are doing
IV. Development
Progress on 2019-20 Development Committee Goals
- A Credit Suisse employee has expressed interest in joining RTHS Board
- New pitch book for potential partners
- Adding all parents to Bloomerang (CRM tool)
- Fundraising campaign for Gym: on hold due to current situation
- Main fundraising campaign: Food to distribute to families - need of the moment
- New pitch book for potential partners
- Adding all parents to Bloomerang (CRM tool)
- Fundraising campaign for Gym: on hold due to current situation
- Main fundraising campaign: Food to distribute to families - need of the moment
V. Governance
Minutes from Committee Meeting
Board Recruitment Process and Discussion
- Reaching out to individual Board members to talk about Board recruiting
- Get a few Board volunteers to talk to potential Board members - F2F meeting/phone; establish a process for this
- Get a few Board volunteers to talk to potential Board members - F2F meeting/phone; establish a process for this
Board Orientation Documents / Board Expectations
- Mr. Eric Grunden to provide information about RTHS; packet with details for potential Board members to get familiar with school
- To have continuity of term, serve in a role for a minimum of two years - this would be applicable to those in officer position or Chair of committees; look at changing the Bylaws
- To have continuity of term, serve in a role for a minimum of two years - this would be applicable to those in officer position or Chair of committees; look at changing the Bylaws
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
G. Rodgers
S. Mcmullan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Rao seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
- Otherwise, nothing major or significant changes in the budget