Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 17, 2017 at 5:30 PM
This meeting will focus on two key areas - a review of the Budget for next year, and focusing Development strategies to attain a major goal. Governance will also present an update to the ByLaws for a vote, and the officers slate for next year.
Callin In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330 for 4/19
Callin In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330 for 4/19
Directors Present
C. Mugge, C. Rao, C. Rockafellow, G. Rodgers, J. Kerr, K. Ondrick, R. Cohn, S. Mcmullan
Directors Absent
K. Pigues, T. Medhin, T. Vaidhyan
Guests Present
E. Grunden, P. Blizzard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Rockafellow called a meeting of the board of directors of Research Triangle High School to order on Wednesday May 17, 2017 at 5:30 PM.
Approve Minutes
C. Mugge made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-19-17 Board Meeting on 04-19-17.
R. Cohn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
CSO Report - Any questions?
April Cash Flow
II. Consent Agenda
Vote to accept all above
S. Mcmullan made a motion to Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The Board notes that in this meeting, the Board approved the hiring of staff as presented in the CSO report.
C. Rao seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Moment of Zen
Caroline - The World Robotics Championships!
Caroline Rockafellow shared with the Board that the RTHS Robotics team, the Terror Bytes, won State of NC competition and went on to World Competition in Houston and made it to the semi-finals of World competition. The RTHS Board recognized the great growth of the Terror Bytes team at RTHS over the year, and the leadership of the adults that are involved as mentors and coaches for the Terror Bytes.
IV. Squeaky Toys of Glory
Squeeky Toy of Glory was presented by Pamela to Chaya for her efforts and results in corporate engagement/recruitment this academic year as a new member of the RTHS Board. Sherida and Gary were also presented the Squeeky Toy of Glory for their efforts contributing positively contributing to Mr. Grunden this quarter.
V. Development
Spotlight on process with corporations
Chaya shared her strategy with corporate outreach and engaging new businesses to help garner support for RTHS. Chaya's presentation is contained in Board on Track in Board Documents, FY2016-17, Development sections.
Activities & needed actions of Board members
Board Members will greet and host the following guests for the May 24 appreciation event at RTHS:
Caroline - Marie Hopper
Sherida - Senator Woodard
Pamela - Smedes York, Chair, RTP Foundation
Karen - Lt. Governor Forest
John - Dr. Jenna Carpenter, Dean, Campbell University School of Engineering
Gary - Marie Hopper, FIRST NC Robotics
Tsegga - Steve Pearson, IBM
Board Members are asked to please arrive at RTHS by 5 pm to the May 24th appreciation event.
Caroline - Marie Hopper
Sherida - Senator Woodard
Pamela - Smedes York, Chair, RTP Foundation
Karen - Lt. Governor Forest
John - Dr. Jenna Carpenter, Dean, Campbell University School of Engineering
Gary - Marie Hopper, FIRST NC Robotics
Tsegga - Steve Pearson, IBM
Board Members are asked to please arrive at RTHS by 5 pm to the May 24th appreciation event.
VI. Governance
ByLaws Update
R. Cohn made a motion to approve the updated by-laws as presented, and unanimous approval was received for this motion to approve the by-laws as presented.
A separate action item was noted that Pamela will email to all RTHS Board Members by Friday, May 19, 2017 the RTHS conflict of interest policy document for execution and signature and will project to return signed documents for 100% of all RTHS Board Members before the June 2017 board meeting.
K. Ondrick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Slate for next year
VII. Closing Items
Next Month - Eric talk key strategic needs!
Adjourn Meeting
S. Mcmullan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
R. Cohn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
C. Rockafellow