Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM
The RTHS Board of Directors meets monthly on the Third Wednesday of each month, except for December and July. Meetings are held onsite at 5:30pm until 7pm, upstairs in the FBC Conference Room.
Callin In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330 for 4/19
Callin In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330 for 4/19
Directors Present
C. Mugge, C. Rao, G. Rodgers, K. Ondrick, K. Pigues, R. Cohn, S. Mcmullan, T. Medhin
Directors Absent
C. Rockafellow, J. Kerr, T. Vaidhyan
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
T. Medhin
Guests Present
E. Grunden, P. Blizzard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Mugge called a meeting of the board of directors of Research Triangle High School to order on Wednesday Apr 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM.
Approve Minutes
G. Rodgers made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-15-17 Board Meeting on 03-15-17.
S. Mcmullan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
CSO Report
Mr. Grunden shared with the Board the Organization's decision to extend the school day by 30 minutes beginning in the 2017-18 academic year and requested a vote of approval of the Board at this meeting. This extension details are contained in the CSO Report shared at this Board Meeting.
March Cash Flow
II. Consent Agenda
Vote to accept all above
R. Cohn made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda as presented (CSO Report which includes Changes to the 2017-18 school year school day duration and the hiring of a new I/T Associate, and March Cash Flow).
K. Pigues seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Moment of Zen
T. Medhin arrived.
IV. CEO Support And Eval
CSO evaluation time!
The Board was made aware that the CSO Evaluation Survey will be shared with each Board member by early May for Mr. Grunden's evaluation for this academic year, and requested to complete .the survey by May 16.
V. Development
Activities & needed actions of Board members
Carmen and Sherida will take the lead to place the RTHS Introduction .ppt deck and the link to the google doc showing which Board Members own and placing it in one spot within BoT Documents section. They will consider also including in that online filing space a "helpful hints" document for each Board Member's use, which may include a sample letter and suggested follow-through activities for Board Members' consideration. (.ppt deck of the RTHS Introduction will be found under Board Documents, Permanent Documents)
Spotlight on process with corporations
VI. Finance
Another look at Budget for 17-18
Discussion on priority of bus transportation
Pamela will present a proposal in an upcoming Board Meeting on what the Organization recommends the Board consider pertaining to bus transportation for RTHS.
Policy updates
VOTE to approve this year's cash flow to Actual
The recommendation from the Organization was to defer the vote to approve this fiscal year's cash flow to actual be tabled until the May, 2017 Board Meeting.
VII. Governance
Slate for next year
The recommendation was made to consider creating a formal "term" of four years for a Board Member. Carmen is going to bring forward a formal consideration and potential vote at an upcoming Board Meeting, after review of the By Laws..
Policy on Expectations of Board Members
The Committee proposes the implementation of the Policy on Expectations of Board Members; the document was reviewed and agreed on. A motion was brought forward to approve the document as presented (without the financial obligation statement), the motion was brought forward by Sherida and second by Gary and unanimously approved by Board members.
Schedule of regular monthly meetings - Please be prepared to name your meeting time
It was recommended that this topic be tabled until the May board meeting.
Annual Committee Calendar
Discussion occurred about academic year calendar planning tools and will continue into the May board meeting. A template tool on Board on Track will be considered and will be part of conversation at May board meeting. BoT calendar template can be found at
VIII. Replication & Scaling
Form committee
This topic will be moved to May board meeting.
IX. Other Business
Executive Session
A motion was brought forward was moved by Carmen to go into executive session for reason of legal matters and second by Rich, and motion was approved by all Board members present at 7:14 pm.
A motion was brought forward to exit executive session by Sherida and second by Chaya and motion was approved to exit executive session by all present Board Members. Exit Executive session at 7:18 pm
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
C. Rao made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
K. Ondrick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
K. Ondrick