Due to the statewide COVID-19 restrictions, this meeting will only be held as a Zoom video teleconference.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://rthighschool.zoom.us/j/95821624045
Meeting ID: 958 2162 4045
One tap mobile:
+19294362866,,95821624045# US (New York)
+12532158782,,95821624045# US (Tacoma)
Find your local number: https://rthighschool.zoom.us/u/aenwsT2Zrd
Join Zoom Meeting: https://rthighschool.zoom.us/j/95821624045
Meeting ID: 958 2162 4045
One tap mobile:
+19294362866,,95821624045# US (New York)
+12532158782,,95821624045# US (Tacoma)
Find your local number: https://rthighschool.zoom.us/u/aenwsT2Zrd