Research Triangle High School

Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM EDT


Research Triangle High School

3106 East NC Highway 54

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709




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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Ailette Tobien 4 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Elizabeth Cunningham 2 m
II. Approve Board Minutes 5:36 PM
  A. Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ailette Tobien 4 m

The Board will review and approve the minutes from the September 18, 2024 Board of Directors meeting.

    Approve minutes for Board of Directors Meeting on September 18, 2024  
  B. Board Retreat Minutes Approve Minutes Ailette Tobien 4 m

The Board will review and approve the minutes from the October 10, 2024 Annual Board of Directors retreat.

    Approve minutes for RTHS Board of Directors Annual Retreat on October 10, 2024  
III. Public Comments 5:44 PM
  A. Open to all community members (students, family members, faculty and staff, community members, and others) FYI Elizabeth Cunningham 5 m


Welcome and thank you to everyone attending tonight's meeting. If you submitted a request to make a comment, please limit your remarks to no more than 3 minutes.

IV. Chief School Officer Report 5:49 PM
  A. Executive Overview Discuss Akiba Griffin 15 m

RTHS Chief School Officer Akiba Griffin will highlight key events and activities.


V. Governance Committee Report 6:04 PM
  A. Governance Committee Update Vote Carolyn Coia 15 m

Committee Chair Carolyn Coia will present edits to the 2024-25 RTHS Employee Handbook for the Board's review and approval.

VI. Finance Committee Report 6:19 PM
  A. RTHS Monthly Financials and Other Business Vote Mitch Babb 20 m

Committee Chair Mitch Babb will present the following:


  • Update on the 2024-25 budget, including a request for a budget adjustment
  • Update on the interest-earning opportunities on cash reserves
  • Facility update
  • Audit report approval and review plan
VII. Other Business Matters 6:39 PM
  A. As needed Discuss Elizabeth Cunningham 15 m
  • Annual Board Retreat Overview
  • NC Coalition for Charter Schools and NC Association for Public Charter Schools Adopt a WNC School Initiative
  • Thank you to Gary Rodgers!
VIII. Closing Items 6:54 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Ailette Tobien 1 m