Research Triangle High School

RTHS Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 21, 2024 at 5:30 PM EDT


Research Triangle High School

3106 East NC Highway 54

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709




Via Zoom

Meeting ID: 935 6646 0638


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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Record Attendance Vote Ailette Tobien 2 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Elizabeth Cunningham 2 m
II. Approve Board Minutes 5:34 PM
  A. Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ailette Tobien 3 m

The Board will review and approve the minutes from the June 19, 2024 Board of Directors meeting.

    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on June 19, 2024  
  B. Special Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ailette Tobien 2 m

The Board will review and approve the minutes from the June 27, 2024 called meeting of the Board of Directors.

    Approve minutes for Called Board Meeting on June 27, 2024  
  C. Special Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ailette Tobien 3 m

The Board will review and approve the minutes from the August 2, 2024 called meeting of the Board of Directors.

    Approve minutes for Special Board Meeting on August 2, 2024  
III. Public Comments 5:42 PM
  A. Open to all community members (students, family members, faculty and staff, community members, and others) FYI Elizabeth Cunningham 5 m


Welcome and thank you to everyone attending tonight's meeting. If you submitted a request to make a comment, please limit your remarks to no more than 3 minutes.

IV. Chief School Officer Report 5:47 PM
  A. Executive Overview Discuss Akiba Griffin 20 m


RTHS Chief School Officer Akiba Griffin will highlight key events and activities.


V. Governance Committee Report 6:07 PM
  A. Governance Committee Update Discuss Carolyn Coia 2 m

Committee Chair Carolyn Coia will introduce the Governance Committee and provide an update on their work.

  B. Employee and Student/Family Handbook Amendment Vote Carolyn Coia 15 m

Chair Carolyn Coia and CSO Akiba Griffin will present amendments to the 2024-25 Employee and Student/Family Handbooks for review and approval by the Board of Directors.


Employee Handbook -- proposed amendment


Vendor Contracts

Employees are not permitted to sign any contracts on behalf of the School. There are state laws and auditing procedures that require the school to follow specific guidelines and wording, as it pertains to generating and agreeing to contracts. Please contact the Chief School Officer or Office Manager if a contract needs to be signed. Only the Chief School Officer or Board Chair/Board Designee are authorized to sign contracts.

VI. Academic Excellence Committee Report 6:24 PM
  A. Committee Update Discuss Jeni Corn 5 m

Committee Chair Jeni Corn will introduce the Academic Excellence Committee and provide an update on their work.

VII. Development Committee Report 6:29 PM
  A. Committee Update Discuss Dina Requena 5 m

Committee Chair Dina Requena will introduce the Development Committee and provide an update on their work.

VIII. Finance Committee Report 6:34 PM
  A. RTHS Monthly Financials and Updates Discuss Mitch Babb 10 m

Committee Chair Mitch Babb and RTHS Chief Operations Officer Alex Drake will provide an update on RTHS financial matters.

IX. Closed Session 6:44 PM
  A. Closed Session - Employment Contracts Vote Elizabeth Cunningham 3 m

The Board will move into Closed Session to discuss employment contracts.

X. Other Business Matters 6:47 PM
  A. As needed Discuss Elizabeth Cunningham 5 m

Board members may propose additional matters for consideration or discussion by the Board.


Board needs/activities:


  • Invitation to RTHS Robotics tryouts from 5:00-7:00 PM on August 27th, September 3rd, September 10th, or September 17th
  • Board Retreat responses:

       September 23 at 1:00 PM

       September 24 at 1:00 PM 

       October 16 at 1:00 PM

XI. Closing Items 6:52 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Ailette Tobien 1 m