Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 17, 2018 at 5:30 PM EDT
The RTHS Board of Directors meets monthly on the Third Wednesday of each month, except for December and July. Meetings are held onsite at 5:30pm until 7pm, upstairs in the FBC Conference Room.
Members and public who are not able to attend in person (preferred) may join via:
Phone Number : (712) 451-0709
Access Code: 214330
Host PIN 6137
Members and public who are not able to attend in person (preferred) may join via:
Phone Number : (712) 451-0709
Access Code: 214330
Host PIN 6137
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on September 19, 2018 | ||
II. | Consent Agenda | |
A. | CSO's report | |
B. | Monthly Financial Report | |
C. | Vote to accept items | |
III. | Academic Excellence | |
Academic Excellence
IV. | Development | |
A. | Update on status | |
V. | Finance | |
A. | Audit | |
The Finance Committee reviewed the Draft Audited Financial Statements thoroughly, with our auditor Amanda Habich of Thomas Judy and Tucker.
B. | Financial Update | |
VI. | Governance | |
A. | Retreat Update | |
VII. | Strategic Initiatives | |
Strategic Initiatives
A. | Discuss opportunities | |
Discuss possible opportunities for collaboration. |
VIII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |