Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting - Retreat
Date and Time
Friday October 20, 2017 at 8:30 AM EDT
Syngenta - 9 Davis Drive, RTP
The Retreat is being held at Syngenta Biotechnology at 9 Davis Drive, via the gate.
Members who are offsite may join by video conference via Zoom; just click on this link:
You may also join that link by phone; it will download the app onto your phone, and then you can use it solely aurally if you like. Or you can also video chat from your phone. Lastly, it uses battery power intensely, so be prepared to recharge, and also be sure to close the app after you ring off or it will stay open and use battery life.
Members who are offsite may join by video conference via Zoom; just click on this link:
You may also join that link by phone; it will download the app onto your phone, and then you can use it solely aurally if you like. Or you can also video chat from your phone. Lastly, it uses battery power intensely, so be prepared to recharge, and also be sure to close the app after you ring off or it will stay open and use battery life.
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
Dr. Martinette Horner, UNC School of Education |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
II. | Ice Breaker | |
Academic Excellence
A. | Ice Breaker Exercise | |
Everyone brings an item that has some significance and discusses why it is significant to them. |
III. | Trends and Strategic Direction | |
CEO Support And Eval
A. | CEO Update | |
B. | Work Group by Strategic Area | |
Break into work groups to discuss each of the Strategic Areas. |
C. | Break | |
D. | Work Group Readouts | |
IV. | Committee Updates | |
A. | Finance Update | |
B. | Academic Excellence Update | |
C. | Lunch | |
D. | Development Update | |
E. | Governance Update | |
F. | CEO Support and Eval Update | |
V. | Work Session | |
A. | Develop Unified Set of Actions | |
VI. | October Monthly Board Meeting Items | |
A. | Audit Review | |
The Finance Committee has reviewed the Audit with the Auditor in detail at its monthly meeting, and recommends that the full Board accept and approve this audit for filing to the Local Government Commission. There are no findings this year.
B. | Approve September Minutes | |
VII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |