Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 21, 2017 at 5:30 PM EDT
Call In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on May 17, 2017 | ||
D. | CSO Report - N/A | |
Eric is taking his first vacation in five years! |
E. | May Cash Flow | |
II. | Consent Agenda | |
A. | Vote to accept all above | |
III. | Academic Excellence | |
Academic Excellence
IV. | Development | |
A. | Graphical report on Fundraising total for the year | |
V. | Finance | |
A. | Vote to approve proposed Amended Budget Actual 16-17 for this year | |
B. | Vote to approve proposed 17-18 Budget | |
Same Document - different column
C. | Vote to approve audit contract with TJ&T | |
Attached. The Engagement Letter is fyi to all members except Caroline. The LGC contract must be approved by Board vote.
VI. | Governance | |
A. | Officer Slate for next year - Vote | |
B. | Board Assessments - Do before or in meeting | |
C. | Assign/Choose Committees & Chairs for coming year | |
D. | Board Assignment over the summer | |
1. Recharge!
2. Choose a Friday in October for Retreat 3. Bring new names for board members - HR, attorney, & banker/investor |
VII. | Replication & Scaling | |
A. | Pamela will call a meeting. | |
Pamela will send a calendar invite to RTHS Board Members to discuss this topic separately, as directions emerge.
VIII. | CEO Support And Eval | |
CEO Support And Eval
A. | CSO evaluation status and timetable | |
B. | Executive Session to discuss a Personnel matter | |
IX. | Other Business | |
X. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |