Research Triangle High School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 17, 2017 at 5:30 PM EDT


This meeting will focus on two key areas - a review of the Budget for next year, and focusing Development strategies to attain a major goal. Governance will also present an update to the ByLaws for a vote, and the officers slate for next year.

Callin In (712) 451-0709 Passcode 214330 for 4/19


Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on April 19, 2017
  D. CSO Report - Any questions?
  E. April Cash Flow
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Vote to accept all above
III. Moment of Zen
  A. Caroline - The World Robotics Championships!

IV. Squeaky Toys of Glory
  A. Winner(s)!
V. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
VI. CEO Support And Eval
CEO Support And Eval
  A. CSO evaluation time!
 CSO Support two topics
(1)  CSO Evaluation Survey Timeline: Status  and
(2)  CSO 1/1 Meetings
VII. Development
  A. Spotlight on process with corporations

Chaya will give a brief overview of how she has reached out to and successfully engaged with various corporate neighbors.

  B. Activities & needed actions of Board members
  1. Spring Thank You Bash May 24th - Carmen
  2. Partnership Exec Program: Let's review and discuss - Sherida (Consolidate, Focus, Goals)
  3. Fundraising results to date - FYI
    1. $42,521 from 170 families (38%)
    2. $8,220 from PTSO
    3. $17,500 from corporate neighbors
VIII. Finance
  A. A Detailed Walk thru Budget for 17-18
  1. Revenue has increased based on this year's county funds received.
  2. Personnel changes - 3 people have been hired. Impact on dollars projected is zero.
  3. Plan to formally vote in June
  B. Nicole wants to submit the vote on book-to-actual in June

The state used to require us to submit a final budget vs. actual report, and asked that we rebudget late in the year if there were any variances over 10%. They no longer require that, but the final budget-to-actual does still go in the final pages of the audit, and the auditors note it if we are over 10% in variances. Therefore, we want this final document's vote to be as late as possible. We will have it for the June Board meeting.

IX. Governance
  A. ByLaws Update
  B. Slate for next year
Officers and any new committee chairs
New committee memberships if any
Vice chair is open

All Board Members are asked to submit to Carmen by June 12th, 2017, their individual preferences for Committee Membership for the 2017-18 Academic Year.
X. Replication & Scaling
  A. Pamela will call a meeting.

Pamela will send a calendar invite to RTHS Board Members to discuss this topic separately, in advance of the June Board Meeting.  

XI. Closing Items
  A. Next Month - Eric talk key strategic needs!

Mr. Grunden will share strategic insight for the upcoming school year and forward at the June Board Meeting.  

  B. Adjourn Meeting
XII. Other Business
  A. New item

Carmen asked all RTHS Board Members  to complete Assessments via the Board on Track tool , and Carmen will record via OKR's this set of tasks for all Board Members to complete by the June 21, 2017, Board Meeting.