Research Triangle High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 20, 2016 at 5:30 PM EST
Conference Call & Use your own computer - 888-266-3096 (Passcode 38405081).
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening items
A. | Tour of Site - Eric & Pamela | |
B. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
C. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
D. | Approve Monthly Board Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on November 18, 2015 | ||
II. | Consent Agenda | |
A. | CSO Report | |
B. | December Cash Flow | |
C. | Vote to accept CSO report & Cash Flow rpt | |
III. | Moment of Zen | |
A. | Brief highlights from Eric | |
IV. | Finance | |
Finance Agenda Stock Description
A. | Finance Update | |
Please take a look at the Notes tab, and of course the bottom line/right corner of the Projected Actuals. |
B. | The Audit and the IRS 990 tax filing UPDATE | |
C. | Location of all Bond Financing & Site Purchasing materials | |
V. | Academic Excellence | |
Academic Excellence Agenda Stock Description
A. | Update | |
B. | PLP Update | |
VI. | Governance | |
Governance Agenda Stock Description
A. | Update | |
VII. | Development | |
Development Agenda Stock Description
A. | Update on 2016 Goals | |
VIII. | Facility | |
Facility Agenda Stock Description
A. | Report update | |
IX. | CEO Support And Eval | |
CEO Support And Eval Agenda Stock Description
A. | CSO Goals & Objectives -> School Goals & Objectives | |
X. | Executive Session | |
A. | A legal matter | |
XI. | Closing Items | |
A. | Resignation | |
B. | Adjourn Meeting | |
C. | Pamela Moment |