Mission Preparatory
General Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday August 15, 2024 at 4:30 PM
The Abraham Joshua Learning Commons
1050 York st - Second floor
Directors Present
C. Craig-Chardon, D. Goldberg, J. Garcia, N. Driver, S. Cronin
Directors Absent
D. Monte, L. Alvarado
Guests Present
B. Fleming (remote), C. Jerez
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Calendar
Approve Minutes
EdTec Contract
MPS Prop 28
Declaration of need
New sick leave policy for hourly employees, SF Unified giving money for VAPA
SY24-25 Mission Prep Handbook
III. Executive Director Updates
Update for SY24-25 Launch
Enrollment update: 492 students enrolled, grew TK from 12-14 students, over enrolled in 1st grade, some spaces available in 2nd and 4th grade. One open position staff position in 2nd grade. All lower elementary teachers trained in Science of Reading.
IV. Finance
Budget 24-25 Update
Some increasing in special education and lottery funding from the state, additional facilities rent cost, increased funding for local parcel taxes, and increased salaries and benefits for additional community liaison, art teacher, and ELOP (Extended Learning Partnership) staffing, which nets 308k in operating costs. Moved after school programming away from Boys and Girls Club and will provide those services onsite, which creates an increase in costs. MP is solvent with reserves despite the new changes.
V. Governance
New Board Member
Colin Smitt worked with MP on outdoor spaces as part of America Scores and would like to join the Board.
Review of 2024-2025 contract with EdTec (change in price $165,000- $180,000 due to inflation and increase in services).