Mission Preparatory
Mission Prep Board Meeting
Directors Present
A. Ruiz de Bustamante (remote), C. Craig-Chardon (remote), D. Goldberg (remote), D. Monte (remote), J. Garcia (remote), K. Gandiaga (remote), L. Fuentes (remote)
Directors Absent
N. Driver, S. Cronin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Calendar
Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency
Approve Minutes
III. Finance
IV. Executive Director Update
Executive Director Update
Anticipated adding 20 students but have lost a few more and continue to recruit students to supplement the impact this makes on ADA funding. Increase in students enrolled in special education, increase in African American student population. Working on 30% of students who need more reading interventions; good progress in tk-2nd grade. Slight increases in math progress across 3-8th grade, but more work to do to makeup learning loss in those grade levels. For adult staff, an HR Specialist hired and there has been antiracist/antiblack professional development opportunities. There was a question regarding increased homework and teacher discretion.
V. Closed Session - Public Employee Evaluation
Executive Director Evaluation Plan 22-23
Governance committee will conduct focus groups to gather community input.
Mike from EdTec gave review of governor's budget plan which will impact LCFF among other things. Mission Prep still maintains a 69k surplus for the 2022-23 fiscal year and is able to withstand the shifts in funding.