Mission Preparatory

Mission Prep Board Meeting

Published on February 21, 2023 at 11:45 AM PST
Amended on March 2, 2023 at 3:39 PM PST

Date and Time

Thursday March 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM PDT


Zoom Link

1050 York St, San Francisco, CA 94110 at the Learning Commons



      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. SARC Vote 5 m
II. Open Public Comment

1 min per speaker

III. Consent Calendar
  A. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Karla Gandiaga
    Approve minutes for Mission Prep Board Meeting on January 19, 2023  
IV. Finance 5:06 PM
  A. Updates FYI David Monte 15 m
  B. 2nd interim report Vote David Monte 5 m
V. Closed Session - Public Employee Evaluation 5:26 PM
  A. Executive Director Evaluation 22-23 Discuss Karla Gandiaga 15 m
VI. Executive Director Compensation and Employment 23-24 5:41 PM
  A. Board Review of Compensation Comparability Study in Open Session Vote Karla Gandiaga 5 m

Prior to the Board taking action to approve the new employment agreement, the Board must first exercise due diligence by reviewing & adopting the compensation practices of comparable non-profit schools and charter schools in open session.

  B. Board Review and Vote of Agreement Vote Karla Gandiaga 15 m

Once the Board has completed its discussion of any confidential aspects of employment in closed session, and after it has reviewed and adopted the Compensation Comparability Study in open session, the Board may move onto the review and approval of the Employment Agreement. Again, this must occur in open session of a regular Board meeting. Prior to approval, the Board may discuss any technical aspects of the agreement, such as the terms, pay, form of employment, etc.


The Brown Act was recently amended to require that immediately prior to the Board’s approval of an executive’s employment agreement, the Board must orally report out to the public the exact compensation to be paid to the executive.  As such, before the Board votes on the Employment Agreement, the Board must announce in open session the amounts of total compensation to be paid, including any base pay, benefits, retirement, stipends, vacation pay, life insurance, etc. After all aspects of compensation are read out into open session, the Board may vote to approve the Agreement.

VII. Closing Items 6:01 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote