Menlo Park Academy Governing Board


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Menlo Park Academy

2149 W. 53rd Street

Cleveland, OH 44102

This month's regular meeting of MPA’s governing board will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at Menlo Park Academy, 2149 W. 53rd Street, Cleveland, OH 44102. Virtual observation will be made available, when possible, at the following link - Meeting dates and times are posted in several places in building as well as on our website. 

Directors Present

Jillian Dura, Joe Loyd, Shruti Aring, Susan Dornan, Teri Harrison, Tiffany Randle, Twana Rogers

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Allison Lentz, Allison Lentz, Deborah Zeffren, Jeffrey Sugalski, Jessica Wilcox, Kaitlyn Old, Phyllis Robinson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Teri Harrison called a meeting of the board of directors of Menlo Park Academy Governing Board to order on Thursday Dec 14, 2023 at 6:02 PM.

II. Public Comments-Items on the Agenda


Public Comments-Items on the Agenda


III. Minutes


Meeting Minutes-11/30/23 Working Session

Joe Loyd made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Working Session on 11-30-23.
Tiffany Randle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes 11/16/23 Regular Meeting

Tiffany Randle made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 11-16-23.
Joe Loyd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Sponsor Report


Sponsor Update

Allison Lentz presented her report.


  • Governor DeWine nominated a new superintendent, Stephen Bacon and it has been confirmed by the senate. 
  • Safe Harbor has come back into play for Cleveland schools. 
  • Contract modifications are up for approval. 
  • Compliance check passed with Deborah Zeffren on Monday. 
  • Deborah Zeffren is working on assigning a Vector training as all staff need to be Heimlich trained.

V. Treasurer's Report


Monthly Financial Report

Tiffany Randle made a motion to acknowledge receipt of November financial report as presented.
Jillian Dura seconded the motion.

There were no red flags to discuss. For further questions, reach out to the treasurer. The November regular meeting attendance was 100%

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Education Reports


Principal Report

Ms. Robinson presented the principal's report. 


The month of December is “Giving” focused and we will kick off the month with a spirit week of dress and activities. We will have a variety of student opportunities for the month that will teach giving strategies and engage students in leadership practices.


Program Report

Jessica Wilcox presented her report


Reading MAP Fluency Tests - Complete 

3rd Grade Reading OST Results: Week of December 18, 2023


She discussed past and present Professional Development Plans 


Current Enrollment - 384 Students

VII. Operations Report


Operations Report

Deborah Zeffren shared the Operation's report.


  • The 3rd Floor windows are being replaced in the coming weeks. 
  • Cleaning in the building has been an issue from the feedback we are getting. JanPro knows our expectations and now have a checklist to complete. 

VIII. Board Committees


Audit & Finance

Ms. Randle presented the updates on the Audit and Finance committee. 


We have several areas to audit with the focus on looking at monthly financials to identify service contracts. What do they say versus what we are being invoiced for? By the next meeting we will have the structure in place.



Ms. Rogers presented the updates within the Development committee. 


Over the weeks we met with Jeff Sugalski and Tiffany to plan a 15 year gala as a means of fundraising. We want to encourage parents to come into these meetings. 


New change order submitted due to finding of a coal deposit in the building. This was nearly $800. 


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

No update. 


Enrollment Task Force

Mr. Loyd presented updates on Enrollment efforts. 


There's an issue with the payment link that Dave Massa is looking to correct. 


Working with Lyman on marketing materials like parent interview videos and part of our advertising efforts for enrollment. 


Palm Cards are ready to be printed and we are working on a school choice guild. 


Open house dates have been set for January 27th and March 3rd of 2024.


Health & Safety Task Force

Ms. Dornan presented updates on the Health and Safety efforts of the school. 


Kids Café has been a success this week as they get ready to get this running. 


Blackout shades to go into home base areas for lockdown scenarios. Deborah is working on the estimates for the screens by the end of the year. 


Follow ups happening on safe schools training with school staff. Stop the bleed training is free and being implemented. Phyllis to identify school safety leaders and send the list to Susan as soon as possible. 


Program Excellence

Ms. Aring presented updates on the PEC. 


Competition season is among us and we want to provide the opportunity for students to register. Deadlines are coming up within a week from today for the following:

  • Power of the Pen
  • AMC8
  • Math Counts
  • State Science Day
  • NHD
  • Mock Trial. 

IX. Resolutions for Consideration: Academic


Overnight Field Trips

Ms. Robinson presented trip options for the students. No vote was taken. 

X. Resolutions for Considerations: Operations


New Hires




Twana Rogers made a motion to accept the resignation of Rene LiVest effective December 15, 2023.
Tiffany Randle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Monthly Enrollment Verification

Shruti Aring made a motion to acknowledge receipt of monthly enrollment verification as presented.
Jillian Dura seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Fall 2023 Community School Contract Modification

Tiffany Randle made a motion to to approve Community School Contract modification as presented.
Shruti Aring seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


#787 Seizure Action Plan Designated Employee

Jillian Dura made a motion to designate Deborah Zeffren as the designated employee for the seizure action plan.
Shruti Aring seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Cleveland Building Restoration

Shruti Aring made a motion to table the Cleveland Building Restoration agreement.
Tiffany Randle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Resolutions for Consideration: Enrollment & Advancement


Auction Agreement

Joe Loyd made a motion to allow Jessica Wilcox to execute the Auction agreement as presented.
Jillian Dura seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XII. Other Business


Building Financing Update

Ms. Harrison presented update on new market credit. 


We are in the process of getting extensions of loans but union activity and enrollment could be seen as a challenge. Once the sponsor renewal comes in we can continue engaging in conversation about mitigating risks.


XIII. Public Comments - Items not on Agenda


Public Comments


XIV. Executive Session


Executive Session

Tiffany Randle made a motion to enter into executive session to speak with our attorney.
Twana Rogers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Harrison