Memphis Merit Academy Charter School


Monthly MMA Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 21, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Memphis Merit Academy

PUBLIC COMMENT AT MEMPHIS MERIT ACADEMY BOARD MEETINGS - An opportunity for the public to address the Board will be provided at the conclusion of the agenda. Members of the public who wish to speak on
any item are requested to identify themselves and indicate on which agenda item they wish to speak. The Board will provide an opportunity for the public to speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes, unless granted
additional time at the discretion of the Board. Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Memphis Merit Academy. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony
period that are not listed on the agenda. 

Directors Present

Angelia Allen, Aurelia Mcbride, Dimika Cavalier, Joseph McKinney (remote), Talunja Prophet

Directors Absent

Lashawn Lester, Timorie Belk

Guests Present

Angelina Mccoach, Lakenna Booker, Reid Lanigan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Aurelia Mcbride called a meeting of the board of directors of Memphis Merit Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Nov 21, 2024 at 5:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

Talunja Prophet made a motion to approve monthly minutes.
Angelia Allen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Talunja Prophet made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly MMA Board Meeting on 10-17-24.
Angelia Allen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Review and Approval and Monthly Financials


Approval of Monthly Financials

Dimika Cavalier made a motion to to approve monthly financials.
Talunja Prophet seconded the motion.
  • prior year expenses are trickling in - dues and parent meetings 
  • 100K LIT funding vs 150K unbudgeted funds that the school received
  • repaid LOC 150K
  • Aug - Feb paid for 405 students from TISA projecting 434 students through the end of fiscal year
  • positive operating income
  • competitive charter grant 500K - huge accomplishment
  • 431 students currently --> retention to 434 ADM
  • Memphis Education Fund is asking if MMA can take on other schools - they are shifting their funding methods - instead of schools closing they want to transfer management --> discussions to be had by the board, strategic plan needed


The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Review and Approval of New Enrollment Process


New Enrollment Policy

Angelia Allen made a motion to amend enrollment lottery process.
Talunja Prophet seconded the motion.
  • ahead of lottery process need to submit for review
  • modified student preference/priority will be provided for higher pick
  • name the priority - preferences had to be defined - lottery will automatically add preferences
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. New Board Member


Review and Approval of Reid Lanigan

Angelia Allen made a motion to approve board member Reid Lanigan.
Talunja Prophet seconded the motion.
  • commercial real estate experience - native Memphian - familiar with the area - he is equally aligned with the school's mission 
  • supports all children having access


The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Committee Reports


Academic Achievement Commmittee

  • received scores are not as good as we would like - 3rd grade scores decreased the overall scores - 3rd grade count twice - most staffing changes happened in this grade - 1 in this area but 3 in others
  • discussion in place for how we communicate the scores to the parents
  • 4th graders will be retested this year
  • one subgroup not showing adequate progress - the next school improvement plan will address this
  • math and ELA targeted interventions
  • hired a director of literacy Dr. Henderson
  • only second year with data - need three years to develop a trend
  • funders investment based upon the deficiencies 
  • ultimate narrative will be that we are growing students - looking at whether, holistically, school is trending upward



Development Committee

  • Capital campaign is the main focus right now  
  • packet is produced - distribution to corporate sponsors scheduled for next week


Finance Committee

500K will go a long way to improve facilities 



Governance Committee

  • successfully completed getting new board member vetted and on board
  • TN charter school pending guidance on training - once certain of date and requirements are given that information will be circulated

VI. Other Business


Executive Director Update

  • competitive grant received 500K
  • all 5s on the operational scorecard
  • attendance above 95%
  • restructure 4th grade staffing 
  • minimize impact of teacher transitions on students - teachers volunteered to revamp their schedules - saving cost by continuing to build stronger teachers on staff -all transitions set to begin at the beginning of December
  • founding teacher passed away which has been difficult for the school
  • complete mid year evaluation of students 
  • continuing to interview quality staff 
  • last month 424 continually enrolled at one point at 431 as of today gap of 10 students in kindergarten 
  • budget built on 422
  • will get differential in Dec 
  • suspension rate is holding at last year's rate
  • Jan 6 - 14 next scorecard
  • secure loan for additional funding
  • renew LOC
  • appeal letter grade based on applicable measures 
  • staffing can fluctuate around the holidays
  • 1.6M would add additional classroom space, bathroom
  • more wellness resources for staff


MMARE Financials

  • security payments would have to be repaid if tenant moves out - 25K will be held for this
  • Beautiful Nails paid two payments last month
  • African Braid made $400 less than previous months payment - they are making payments to resolve their overdue balance
  • delinquent rent - no significant dent to African Braids overdue balance
  • 4-5 tenants delinquent 
  • trying to get fitness gym - Shericka (spelling?) Fitness
  • consider getting an interest building account for the deposit funds being held
  • no interest on late payments but there is a late fee - laws  dictate what can be charged for late fees - Reid mentioned that charging interest on late fees is acceptable


MMARE Financials - 901 Properties

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Aurelia Mcbride