Memphis Merit Academy Charter School


MMA August Board of Directors Meeting

Memphis Merit Academy Charter School Board of Directors

Date and Time

Thursday August 17, 2023 at 5:30 PM


4775 American Way

Memphis, TN 38118

Directors Present

Dimika Cavalier, Lashawn Lester, Melisa Moore, Timorie Belk, Tressa Johnson

Directors Absent

Angelia Allen, Aurelia Mcbride, Talunja Prophet

Guests Present

Ben Crowe (remote), Betty Michelle Mccline, Candace Tate, Joseph McKinney, Lakenna Booker, Tasia Mitchum (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Melisa Moore called a meeting of the board of directors of Memphis Merit Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Aug 17, 2023 at 5:39 PM.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment.



III. Agenda


Approval of Agenda

Lashawn Lester made a motion to approve the agenda from.
Dimika Cavalier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

Lashawn Lester made a motion to approve the minutes from.
Timorie Belk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Monthly Financials


Presentation of Monthly & Year-end Financials - Edtec

383 is budgeted enrollment target. 363 currently enrolled. District actively working through the 3rd grade issue - families don't know if their child is in 3rd or 4th grade. There is confusion about the transition from public to private related to 3rd of 4th grade. Essentially there is an enrollment integrity issue around student records/ student data. If a child doesn't have immunization records, they can't enroll. That's another challenge that can deter families from enrolling. MMA is actively reaching out to hit the enrollment target of 395. If we don't, will look to ways we can reduce budgets/contracts in certain areas. Funds will not be cut from staffing, as so many students need extra support. Students who need additional support must have a plan in place in order for MMA to receive the additional funding, which is challenging/unlikely for elementary students. Re: the new building, the school is paying the lease for now. First 18 or 24 months, interest only. 


Acceptance of Monthly Financials

Tressa Johnson made a motion to approve the financials from.
Lashawn Lester seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Tressa Johnson
Timorie Belk
Dimika Cavalier
Angelia Allen
Lashawn Lester
Talunja Prophet
Melisa Moore
Aurelia Mcbride

V. Approval of Contracts


Student Recruitment/Social Media Marketing - Taylor Wiz

Marketing company Taylor Whiz produces leads for us on social, then in-house person follows up. Contract states they aren't responsible for whether leads are followed up on. MMA meets with Taylor Whiz weekly. Very responsive. Company works for several charter schools. 

Lashawn Lester made a motion to Approve.
Tressa Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Other Approvals


Adoption of MSCS Grading Policy

Last year we didn't change the grading policy with Memphis Shelby County Schools. Reconciliation was a challenge. Easiest for parents to understand when we adopt the policies of Memphis Shelby County Schools. Once adopted, Lakenna will update families, then update handbook. 

Lashawn Lester made a motion to Adopt the policy.
Dimika Cavalier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Commitee Updates



Working to onboard new recruits. Joseph McKinney is here visiting. Memphis native, currently senior counsel at FedEx. Has a few years of experience with Boards. Wants to give back. 


Candace Tate. Native Memphian. Works for Porter Leath. Has served on other boards, but not in the charter school sector (yet!). 


Another potential member will be interviewed by Tressa in the next two weeks. 


Everyone needs to get onboarded to Board on Track. Reminder to do trainings - 4 hours existing members, 6 hours new members. 


Academic Achievement

Monthly meeting date/time will be scheduled soon. 


HOS evaluation will be done at the board retreat. 



No update. 



Monthly meeting to be scheduled and chair TBD. 

VIII. CEO Update


Academic Updates

Today is the 8th day of school. 363 students in the building. Zero culture referrals from our 3/4/5 students.


Many senior staff this year with lots of experience. Excited about LIT grant, which enables teachers to visit other schools, see literacy efforts in action. Also, 144 scholars will have individual tutor. 


Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) are set by the state. 



2nd grade: Great growth in 2022-2023, but still pushing toward MMA's goals. Curriculum changes are meant to help continue to improve. 

3rd grade: Affected by 3rd grade commitment law. Math took a dip, but science increased. Growing toward efficiency.

4th grade: No AMO yet. 


Math 2023 iReady: Great growth YoY in proficiency. 

ELA 2023 iReady: Great growth YoY in proficiency. 



Helping create a plan that marches toward development of new facility. Need to be strategic about marketing the new school. March 2024 building will be ready. How to differentiate ourselves? Could we use existing building through October (when lease is up)? Lots of interest in other spaces around new MMA site. 


Strategic planning:

Taylor Whiz, open houses, hiring and staffing


Operational Updates

Ranked #1 for operational scorecard. Scored 4.8 out of 5. This is how Memphis Shelby County Schools measure if the school is on track. Must be above a 3 to be recommended for renewal. 9 organizational goals will be reviewed in depth during board retreat. 


Kindergarten has biggest issues with truancy. MMA has offered uniform giveaways, before care, after care, etc. to address truancy. MMA has divided out the families to staff to assist with accountability/support. 


New facility is on track for 3/2024. Lakenna did walk through today. 400K unexpected cost to build storm shelter. Recouped with facilities grant. Families excited about the new facility! 


1st week of school underway. Scholar Orientation allowed MMA to do some initial screening before school start. 


Areas of opportunity: attendance, enrollment, fund development/capital campaign, continued review of curriculum alignment for grades K-4, focus on math instruction to make academic gains for K-4


Current enrollment: 92%. TISSA funding based on number of students in the building, and on student needs. As enrollment fluctuates, funding does as well. 


Attendance: 94%. Attendance incentives started day 1. Enrolled 20 new students leading up to school start - in one week. Aiming toward 395. 



IX. Other Business - MMA Real Estate, LLC


Presentation of MMARE Financials

Working closely with 901 Properties on budgeting, strengths, areas of opportunities. Some of the contracts in place are ones MMA assumed when we purchased the new space. We are paying rent to 901 Properties. June to July deficit is because of when MMA payments hit. Some additional expenses include replacing windows, landscaping, etc. Important to keep the area looking nice to attract tenants. Braid shop wants to continue, daycare may be coming. 901 Properties is helping MMA evaluate tenants, leases, etc. Lighting contract was terminated, new one in place. 


Board member asked why does security fluctuate? MMA has increased hours of security (and stopped overnight, etc.). This explains why security varies month to month. When 901 Properties came on, rent was behind which explains the jump from deficit to increased funds. MMARE just paid taxes. Expanding leases for braid shop and Village Mart. Daycare lease may require special called board meeting. 


Acceptance of MMARE Monthly Financials

Timorie Belk made a motion to Accept monthly financials.
Lashawn Lester seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Marston Group- CPA Proposal

Also CPA for MMA; familiar with the school and the new building. Fiscal year just closed, and MMA needs to have financials audited ASAP. Having the same CPA for both entities (MMA and MMARE) advantageous for many reasons. 

Tressa Johnson made a motion to Allow Lakenna to move forward with Marston Group-CPA.
Dimika Cavalier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Timorie Belk