Hogan Preparatory Academy
Hogan Preparatory Academy
Date and Time
Monday October 28, 2019 at 5:30 PM
5809 Michigan Ave, Kansas City, MO 64130
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, October 28 at Hogan Preparatory Academy District Office, at 5809 Michigan Avenue.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, October 28 at Hogan Preparatory Academy District Office, at 5809 Michigan Avenue.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Directors Present
David Collier, Lynne Beaver, Matt Samson, Robin Carlson
Directors Absent
Kirra Jones
Guests Present
Jamie Berry, Janice Thomas, Jayson Strickland, Tamara Burns, Tanya Shippy, Vici Hughes
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Matt Samson called a meeting of the board of directors of Hogan Preparatory Academy to order on Monday Oct 28, 2019 at 5:34 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Adoption of Agenda
Comments from Public
There were not any comments from the public.
Comments from the Superintendent
Listening tour--2 families--appreciative of cell phone policy
Strategic plan submitted--feedback from employees
Enrollment numbers constant and steady---as of 10/24 at 1055
Attendance rate at 96%
Ironing out inclement weather procedures--follow KCPS and surrounding charter schools policy
Comments to BOD will be in bulletin form
Thank Matt Samson with connecting with future business partners; access to partners
Recognition of Mr. Arthur Seabury for his work for the young people and putting HPA in a positive light
Strategic plan submitted--feedback from employees
Enrollment numbers constant and steady---as of 10/24 at 1055
Attendance rate at 96%
Ironing out inclement weather procedures--follow KCPS and surrounding charter schools policy
Comments to BOD will be in bulletin form
Thank Matt Samson with connecting with future business partners; access to partners
Recognition of Mr. Arthur Seabury for his work for the young people and putting HPA in a positive light
Comments from the Board President
Honored to be present at the Listening Tour---all leadership staff present; great idea-different Hogan and the future is extremely bright.
Spoke with Kirra Jones, VP--board member for 2.5 years; has moved to LA. Resigned and resignation was accepted. Governance policy which will guide the Board.
Spoke with Kirra Jones, VP--board member for 2.5 years; has moved to LA. Resigned and resignation was accepted. Governance policy which will guide the Board.
II. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes September 23, 2019
Robin Carlson made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 09-23-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 09-23-19.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Employment of Non-Certified Personnel
Robin Carlson made a motion to Approve employment of non-certified personnel.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Employment of Certified Personnel
Robin Carlson made a motion to Approve employment of certified personnel.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
III. New Business
Approval of New Board Members
Lynne Beaver made a motion to Approve the new board members.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Governance Policies and forecast of policies review
Good to condense and update
Makes a lot of sense to include proxy
What is done on a regular basis which requires certain officers on a board? Signal of strength to have the four positions.
Revision to policy to have president and secretary with option to have vp and treasurer.
Revising one section at a time. Plan is to present complete revisions all at one time. Need for a vice president and secretary.
Collier expressed desire to take on a leadership role. Willing to take what is available.
Encourage the board to fill the position which is required; secretary or Vice President.
Strickland and Samson will touch basis with the members about potential officers.
Training for board members---virtual options and other training. In process of putting catalog together for training.
Resignation from Kirra needs to be in writing w/presentation to Board.
No vote tonight; will be put on consent agenda at next meeting.
Makes a lot of sense to include proxy
What is done on a regular basis which requires certain officers on a board? Signal of strength to have the four positions.
Revision to policy to have president and secretary with option to have vp and treasurer.
Revising one section at a time. Plan is to present complete revisions all at one time. Need for a vice president and secretary.
Collier expressed desire to take on a leadership role. Willing to take what is available.
Encourage the board to fill the position which is required; secretary or Vice President.
Strickland and Samson will touch basis with the members about potential officers.
Training for board members---virtual options and other training. In process of putting catalog together for training.
Resignation from Kirra needs to be in writing w/presentation to Board.
No vote tonight; will be put on consent agenda at next meeting.
Consolidated School District 403B Retirement Supplement
Will be on next month's consent agenda.
Richard Counts---CSD retirement plan trust built on a mutual fund platform; similar to a 401K
Formed to help manage compliance issue--whole focus is education--does come with stipulations---makes sure District will stay in compliance----have only one partner
Savings/cost---no cost to the District; funded by participants in the plan.
Monitored and managed on a quarterly basis.
No contract just a participation agreement.
Compliance function comes out of the participant cost.
Benefits: Reduces the risk for the District and the cost of the product to the employees; education piece for employees.
No obligations to existing vendors; just provide the the service of payroll deduction.
Richard Counts---CSD retirement plan trust built on a mutual fund platform; similar to a 401K
Formed to help manage compliance issue--whole focus is education--does come with stipulations---makes sure District will stay in compliance----have only one partner
Savings/cost---no cost to the District; funded by participants in the plan.
Monitored and managed on a quarterly basis.
No contract just a participation agreement.
Compliance function comes out of the participant cost.
Benefits: Reduces the risk for the District and the cost of the product to the employees; education piece for employees.
No obligations to existing vendors; just provide the the service of payroll deduction.
Teach for America
David Collier made a motion to Approve Teach for America contract.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Provide assistance for parents to do online
1000 max- going to check if price changes
1000 max- going to check if price changes
Matt Samson made a motion to Approve School Mint for 20-21 school year with understanding change in price to be discussed at next month's meeting.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Superintendent's Report
Strategic Plan Update
Another update
Vote at next month's meeting
Ask for feedback
Done with parents and staff in spring of last year.
Draft Vision changes: Intentional not to just say students; meant for whoever is connected to Hogan.
Competitive advantage= graduate with one market value asset.
Concerns: How does this apply to K-12?
There is not any community experience; vision or mission to incorporate community into Hogan.
This needs clear articulation in our mission statement. To be successful, it has to start at Kdg.
Appropriate partnerships
Sports orientation: strong athletic program; build off that interest; teach; broaden approach of instruction Response is very positive.
HPA will be unique; project based learning.
Vote at next month's meeting
Ask for feedback
Done with parents and staff in spring of last year.
Draft Vision changes: Intentional not to just say students; meant for whoever is connected to Hogan.
Competitive advantage= graduate with one market value asset.
Concerns: How does this apply to K-12?
There is not any community experience; vision or mission to incorporate community into Hogan.
This needs clear articulation in our mission statement. To be successful, it has to start at Kdg.
Appropriate partnerships
Sports orientation: strong athletic program; build off that interest; teach; broaden approach of instruction Response is very positive.
HPA will be unique; project based learning.
School Smart Kansas City Grant Update
Informational item--rec'd grant awarded based on the draft of the strategic plan---$2.65 million dollar grant
V. Finance
Update of September 2019 Financials
Matt Samson presented having the financial report before the consent agenda. The motion to move was made by Robin Carlson and seconded by David Collier; vote to move was unanimous.
Financial report submitted for September and updated the Board regarding funding.
Financial report submitted for September and updated the Board regarding funding.
Approval of Check Register
David Collier made a motion to Approve the September financials.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Matt Samson presented having the financial report before the consent agenda. The motion to move was made by Robin Carlson and seconded by David Collier; vote to move was unanimous.
VI. Closing Items
Motion/Vote to Close Meeting Pursuant to RSMo Section 610.021 Subsection (3) Personnel
Matt Samson made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
David Collier |
Robin Carlson |
Kirra Jones |
Matt Samson |
Lynne Beaver |
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Matt Samson
Motion to go into Closed Session
Matt Samson made a motion to approve to go into closed session.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.