Hogan Preparatory Academy
Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday September 23, 2019 at 5:30 PM
5809 Michigan Ave. Kansas City, MO 64130
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, September 23rd at Hogan Preparatory Academy District Office, at 5809 Michigan Avenue.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, September 23rd at Hogan Preparatory Academy District Office, at 5809 Michigan Avenue.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Directors Present
Alexis Petri, David Collier, Lynne Beaver (remote), Matt Samson, Robin Carlson
Directors Absent
Kirra Jones
Guests Present
Janice Thomas
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Matt Samson called a meeting of the board of directors of Hogan Preparatory Academy to order on Monday Sep 23, 2019 at 5:35 PM.
Vision Statement Read
Record Attendance and Guests
Adoption of Agenda
David Collier made a motion to approve and adopt agenda.
Alexis Petri seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Comments from Public
Comments from the Superintendent
Comments from the Board President
Recognition of Dr. Petris for her years of service to Hogan Prep; thank you!
II. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes August 26, 2019
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 08-26-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 08-26-19.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Employment of Non-Certified Personnel
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve report for Employment of non-certified personnel.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Employment of Certified Personnel
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve report for the Employment of Certified Personnel.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
P1 Contract
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve the P-1 Contract.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approval of Bus Monitor Stipends
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve the bus stipends.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. New Business
Records Retention Policy
Collier: Create a compliance issue
Berry: Department by department review
Recommendation to pass what is here and then go back to amend it once streamlined.
Petris: Student records from the Diocese; old records responsibility of the Diocese and not the HPA now--time period of 1940 to 1999.; add a sentence or two to address this.
Berry: Move from this point forward and not go back
Berry: Department by department review
Recommendation to pass what is here and then go back to amend it once streamlined.
Petris: Student records from the Diocese; old records responsibility of the Diocese and not the HPA now--time period of 1940 to 1999.; add a sentence or two to address this.
Berry: Move from this point forward and not go back
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve the policy with the necessary changes.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Financial Operation Banking Procedures
Reduce staff from spending money and coming back for reimbursement
Samson: great idea; streamlining
Samson: great idea; streamlining
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve the financial operations banking procedures.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Old Business
High School Graduation Requirements
David Collier made a motion to Approve new graduation requirements.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approval of May 4, 2019 MINUTES
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 05-04-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 05-04-19.
Matt Samson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Alexis Petri |
David Collier |
Lynne Beaver |
Matt Samson |
Kirra Jones |
Robin Carlson |
Approval of Minutes From February 25, 2019
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 02-25-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 02-25-19.
Matt Samson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Matt Samson |
David Collier |
Kirra Jones |
Robin Carlson |
Lynne Beaver |
Alexis Petri |
Approval of Minutes From November 26, 2018
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 11-26-18 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 11-26-18.
Matt Samson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Lynne Beaver |
Alexis Petri |
David Collier |
Robin Carlson |
Kirra Jones |
Matt Samson |
Approve Minutes from July 31, 2018
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Notice & Agenda for Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-31-18 Notice & Agenda for Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-31-18.
Matt Samson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Robin Carlson |
Lynne Beaver |
Matt Samson |
Alexis Petri |
Kirra Jones |
David Collier |
Approve Minutes from July 23, 2018
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 07-23-18 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 07-23-18.
Matt Samson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Kirra Jones |
Matt Samson |
David Collier |
Alexis Petri |
Lynne Beaver |
Robin Carlson |
V. Superintendent's Report
Strategic Plan Update
Dr. Burns presented the Strategic Plan. She explained the (5) Improvement Pillars: Leadership; Climate & Culture; Teaching & Learning; Operations and Governance. The plan is evolving and will be a working document. There are monthly benchmarks. The Board asked questions about measurement and support. Lots of room for improvement and there will be tiered system of support.
VI. Finance
Update of August 2019 Financials
Approval of Check Register
David Collier made a motion to approve the check register.
Alexis Petri seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VII. Calendar
Upcoming Dates
September 25th Early Release
October 2nd End of First Quarter
October 10th Parent Teacher Conferences; Early Release
October 11th Parent Teacher Conferences; No School
October 23rd Early Release
October 28th Board Meeting at 5:30pm
October 2nd End of First Quarter
October 10th Parent Teacher Conferences; Early Release
October 11th Parent Teacher Conferences; No School
October 23rd Early Release
October 28th Board Meeting at 5:30pm
VIII. Closing Items
Motion/Vote to Close Meeting Pursuant to RSMo Section 610.021 Subsection (3) Personnel
Alexis Petri made a motion to Close meeting.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Matt Samson |
Robin Carlson |
David Collier |
Lynne Beaver |
Alexis Petri |
Kirra Jones |
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Matt Samson
Motion to go into Closed Session
Matt Samson made a motion to approve to go into Executive Session.
Alexis Petri seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Attendance is being tracked monthly. The goal is a 93% attendance rate.
Binders in front of Board members has by-laws, policies and UCM contract. These documents are working documents. The goal is to have them available on flash drives for Board members. This is part of the packet which will be given to new board members.
Parent and staff newsletters distributed; copies available in folders for the Board.
Parents will receive the newsletter monthly and the staff will receive the newsletter on a weekly basis. Power School will also be another communication stream.
This is in response to the request for increased communications.
The 4-year retention rate for 2016-2020 is 37%. Enrollment growth of 490 students.
SSKC grant awarded of $2.65 million dollars over the next five years.
Recognition of Dr. Alexis Petris for her years of dedication, commitment, and service to Hogan Prep staff and students and their families.