Hogan Preparatory Academy
Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday August 26, 2019 at 5:30 PM
2803 E. 51st. St., Kansas City, MO 64130
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, August 26th at Hogan Elementary at 2803 E. 51st.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, August 26th at Hogan Elementary at 2803 E. 51st.
The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:
Directors Present
Alexis Petri, David Collier, Lynne Beaver, Matt Samson, Robin Carlson
Directors Absent
Kirra Jones
Guests Present
Dana Cutler, Jayson Strickland, Tamara Burns, Tanya Shippy
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Matt Samson called a meeting of the board of directors of Hogan Preparatory Academy to order on Monday Aug 26, 2019 at 5:39 PM.
Vision Statement Read
Record Attendance and Guests
Adoption of Agenda
Alexis Petri made a motion to adopt agenda.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Comments from Public
No comments from public
Comments from the Superintendent
Discussed the following items:
- Grant from Kauffman Foundation that will allow among other items a facilities review to identify upgrades needed for all buildings
- Enrollment is at 1042 and there are students that are wait-listed for the middle school
- New hires include Jamie Berry as Financial Officer to relieve Dr. Shippy of some of the responsibilities associated with being COO and Jan Thomas who will serve as Executive Assistant to the Board/School Cabinet and Communications Director
- Update on student who was shot off-campus and is doing well
- Advised that a member of the Walton family (long-term financial supporters of charter schools) is scheduled to meet with Dr. Strickland in the coming weeks.
Comments from the Board President
The President welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the hard work and dedication of former president Alexis Petri.
Approve June 10, 2019 Board Meeting Session Minutes
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 06-10-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 06-10-19.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Alexis Petri |
Matt Samson |
David Collier |
Robin Carlson |
Kirra Jones |
Lynne Beaver |
Approval of Minutes from July 22nd, 2019 Board Meeting Session
Lynne Beaver made a motion to approve minutes from the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 07-22-19 Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting on 07-22-19.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Alexis Petri |
Lynne Beaver |
David Collier |
Robin Carlson |
Kirra Jones |
Matt Samson |
II. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda
Robin Carlson made a motion to to approve hiring certified personnel, Licia Crawford; to approve hiring non-certified personnel; to approve the Michigan Lease; to approve the Mary Kelly Lease; and to approve the Addie Hawkins Scope of Work.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Superintendent's Report
Annual Oversight Report
Dr. Lynne Beachner, from our sponsor UCM, presented HPA's Annual Overview. She highlighted the areas of significant improvement and felt exceedingly encouraged about the progress from last academic year to this one. Encouraged the board and administration to review the same for any needed corrections. Encouraged the Board and Administration to keep moving in the same direction.
State of The District-HR
Dr. Shippy discussed the strategic plan developed with the administration to bolster employee retention in the district over the next three years--including additional financial benefits and new evaluation processes etc.
IV. Finance
Update of July 2019 Financials
Paul Greenwood provided an improved financial forecast for the fiscal year given the number of students currently enrolled, which was higher than what was budgeted for which means increased revenue. School year ending June 30 2019 left HPA with a cash balance of more than $800,000.00, about 30-days of reserve. The goal is to increase to at least 60-days reserve for this fiscal year.
Approval of Check Register
David Collier made a motion to approve check registry.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. New Business
Real World Learning Grant
Dr. Burns discussed what the Real World Learning Grant would be used for at the high school to redesign the current high school model to match goals of students whether that is to go to college or to get a job--they would graduate with the tools and real world experience needed to do either or, in some cases, both.
High School Graduation Requirements
Mr. Wright, principal of the high school, presented proposal to change the high school's graduation requirements. He shared the negative impact on the school and recruitment efforts with the current requirements. The issue was discussed at length, but will be taken up the Board for a vote at a subsequent meeting.
Literacy Lab Contract
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve the Literacy Lab contract.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Evaluate Assessment Contract- Newton Alliance
Lynne Beaver made a motion to accept the Evaluate Assessment Contract w/Newton Alliance.
Alexis Petri seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. Closing Items
Motion/Vote to Close Meeting Pursuant to RSMo Section 610.021 Subsection (3) Personnel
Alexis Petri made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to RSMo. 610.021(1) to discuss litigation at 7:54 p.m.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Robin Carlson |
Kirra Jones |
Matt Samson |
Alexis Petri |
David Collier |
Lynne Beaver |
Approval Closed Session Minutes from May 4, 2019
Alexis Petri made a motion to approve minutes from closed session on May 4, 2019.
Lynne Beaver seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Lynne Beaver |
Kirra Jones |
David Collier |
Robin Carlson |
Alexis Petri |
Matt Samson |
Motion to Exit Closed Session
Lynne Beaver made a motion to to exit closed session at 8:12 p.m.
Robin Carlson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Matt Samson |
Kirra Jones |
Lynne Beaver |
David Collier |
Alexis Petri |
Robin Carlson |
Adjourn Meeting
Lynne Beaver made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m.
David Collier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynne Beaver
Members of Grandparent Support Organization
Marcella Clay - Principal Elementary
Brian Childs - Asst Principal/Student Services - Elementary
Kijuan Cummings - Asst Principal - Elementary
Eddie Wright - Principal High