Hogan Preparatory Academy

Regular Monthly Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Friday May 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM CDT



Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Governance Committee  will conduct a meeting at 2:00 PM on Friday, May 20,2022 at Hogan Preparatory Academy District Office, at 6409 Agnes Avenue. 
 Virtual Information: Please use Google Meet


Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/sny-ogjv-sys

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 567-331-1190‬ PIN: ‪875 745 655‬#






Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
II. Focus of the Governance Committee
  A. Governance Committee Focus
  1. Agenda for the May 23rd Board Meeting to review


  1. Resumes of Potential Board Members:  Charter School Board Draft

May 22 - Finalist Networking

This Sunday from 2:30-3:30, immediately following the Finalists’ KC Charter School History lecture, you will have the opportunity to join the finalists and fellow school leadership to network and continue to build relationships.


June 1 - Bus Tour

School leaders and finalists will be aboard the bus from 10:30-12 and 1:30-2:30. Each school will have an opportunity to have a representative give a short overview of the area surrounding their school, info about community impact and relationships, and any other pertinent information.


June 8, 15, 22, 29

Lunch N’ Learns will take place every Wednesday in June following the bus tour from 12p-1:30p. Each school will have a designated day and time to give a 20 min presentation and questions/discussion for 10min. Those 30 minutes are all that are required, no need to attend other time slots unless you’d like to.


July 30 - Charter School Board Draft


Here are some final reminders!

  • On Draft day, the order of picks will be chosen randomly via lottery. Therefore, you must be prepared to pick first, last, or in between. It’s possible you won’t get your first, second, or even fifth choice- which is why we have such an incredible pool of candidates! Any one of them will make an amazing Charter Board member.
  • All of the candidates will be trained in Washington, D.C. on Charter governance. Whoever you pick, they’ll be ready, and through the Lunch N’ Learns and Bus Tour, will already know everything they need to know about whichever school they get to serve.
  • You may feel free to contact your frontrunner candidates to meet with them individually, give them a tour of your school, etc.
  • There will be one additional event between now and Draft day- details TBD.


  1. Update on Signing Bonus to staff
    • 31 certified staff x $500 = $15,500.00
    • 14 staff x $500 = $7,000.00
    • Total= $22,500.00


  B. Governance Committee
  1. Board Meeting Evaluation and Reflections
    • Do we still want to complete this at the end of the board meetings?  At the April board meeting there were two responses.
  2. Policy updates from Missouri Charter Public School Association for board approval-  new policies 
    1. 1) Approve new policies according to MCPSA recommendation.  This will help us meet the first compliance requirement from the Commision since Jamie and I reviewed the policies for this year, found the gaps, and sent them to the board for approval.- Assessment Policy at Board meeting- 2nd Read (completed)   
  • Commission Requirement:  Complete a full review every two years.  It is time for this review.
    1. 2) Discuss the current set of policies and potential of switching 100% to MCPSA model policies vs. the hybrid we’ve been using (Missouri Consultant of Education-MCE) and MCPSA policies we have been adding along the way.  
    2. 3) Identify gaps between current policies and MCPSA, and review if policy is needed and if so keep/revise.
  • Process:  Jamie and I will compare Hogan current policies to MCPSA policies and note discrepancies.  For example, Hogan has a policy of parent conduct expectations, but MCPSA does not.  
  • Jamie will provide a recommendation to adopt the MCPSA policies, but to add x,y, and z.
  • The committees will review Hogan’s Policies and the comparable MCPSA side by side and make recommendations.
  • The goal is to have a complete set of policies sometime in the fall to meet this compliance requirement

Hogan Policies to Review-   









III. Other Business
  A. Upcoming Dates
  • Next Governance Committee Meeting:  Friday, June 17th  at 2:00 PM
  • Open Discussion:  Anything else that needs to be considered or completed prior to the next Board meeting.  
    • May 23rd, 2022


IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting