Hogan Preparatory Academy

Hogan Preparatory Academy Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday July 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM CDT


5809 Michigan Ave Kansas City MO 64130

Notice is hereby given that the Hogan Preparatory Academy Board will conduct a Board Meeting at 6:00PM PM on Monday, July 23 at the district office at 5809 Michigan Ave. 

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Vision Statement Read
Hogan Preparatory Academy is a premier college prep district developing educated, compassionate, self-motivated leaders who prepare for life-long career options and give back to their community.
  C. Record Attendance and Guests
Quorum Established
  D. Adoption of Agenda
  E. Comments from Public
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve Minutes from June 25, 2018 Board Meeting
  B. Approve Minutes from July 2, 2018 Board Meeting
III. Closed Session
  A. Motion to Enter Closed Session § 610.021(1), (3), (9), (13)
§ 610.021. Closed meetings and closed records authorized when, exceptions, sunset dates for certain exceptions (1) Legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys.....(3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded...(9) Preparation, including any discussions or work product, on behalf of a public governmental body or its representatives for negotiations with employee groups...(13) Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment...
  B. Motion to End Closed Session and Return to Open Session
IV. UCM Annual Report
  A. UCM's Annual Report on Hogan Preparatory Academy
V. Finance
  A. Update from EdOps
VI. Board Chairperson's Report
  A. SchoolSmartKC
Board approval of partnering with SchoolSmartKC for review into HPA’s financial and legal issues.
  B. La Vie – Board Revitalization
Board approval of cancellation of LaVie contract for board development and revitalization.
  C. Authorization for Contracts
Board approval of those who can sign contracts for HPA:
  • Dr. Shippy can sign contracts for HPA up to the amount of $10,000.00 without Board approval. Dr. Shippy can sign any contract that has been pre-approved by the Board.
  • Dr. Alexis Petri, Chairperson
  • Kirra Jones, Vice-Chairperson
  • Matthew Samson, Secretary-Treasurer
VII. Interim Superintendent's School Report
  A. Interim Superintendent's Report
The Board was directed to review the written report that was included in their electronic packets and to ask questions, if any, regarding the contents.
  • Enrollment Update
  • Orientation Schedule for Teachers
  • Recruitment Plan
  • Bus Contract Resolved
  • Status of Food Vendor
  • Revised & New Job Descriptions
  • PTO Payments for Staff
  • Bell Schedules
  • Operation Breakthrough
  • Chiller at Elementary Building
  B. Interim Superintendent's Action Items
  • Board ratification of PTO payments to staff.
  • Board ratification of expense for Elementary School Chiller
  • Board approval of revised job description.
  • Board approval of new job description.
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
X. Future Meetings
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting