California Pacific Charter Schools
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date and Time
Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Holiday Inn Diamond Bar
Room: Northgate 101
21725 E Gateway Center Dr.
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Teleconference Locations
1850 Peary Way, Livermore, CA 94550
Holiday Garden Inn, Room: Boardroom, 2540 Venture Oaks Way, Sacramento, CA 95833
32706 Spun Cotton Drive, Winchester, CA 92596
Holiday Garden Inn, Room: Padre, 4200 Taylor St, San Diego, CA 92110
Join by telephone or via Zoom conferencing link below:
Dial by your location:
(213) 338 8477 (Los Angeles)
(669) 900 6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 945-0784-4992
CalPac’s mission is to support and encourage all students to relentlessly pursue their life goals by providing an accessible and inclusive personalized learning community.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting California Pacific Charter Schools at 949-752-0527.
Directors Present
J. McFaul, K. Wylie (remote), S. Peterson (remote), T. Rogers (remote), W. Howard (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
C. Amador (remote), C. Feher, Carly Berry (remote), Cherie Cahn (remote), D. Carlos, D. Zemmer (remote), Debi Huber (remote), G. Chamberlain (remote), S. Green (remote), Tyler Phipps (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
II. Approve Adopt/Agenda
III. Approve Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors that was held on October 10, 2023
Roll Call | |
T. Rogers |
J. McFaul |
W. Howard |
S. Peterson |
K. Wylie |
IV. Correspondence/Proposals/Reports
CalPac School Highlights
23-24 Williams Site Visit from LACOE
C. Feher presented 23-24 Williams Site Visit from LACOE
23-24 Williams Site Visit from SDCOE
C. Feher presented 23-24 Williams Site Visit from SDCOE
CTE Program Highlights
T. Phipps, D. Huber, C. Berry, and CalPac students presented CTE Program Highlights and their experience in the program.
V. Consent
Consent - Business/Financial Services
- Check Registers - October 2023
- J.P. Morgan Statement - October 2023
- Approval of Surplus of Electronic Devices
Consent - Personnel Services
- Approval of Certificated - Personnel Report
- Approval of Classified - Personnel Report
Consent - Policy Development
Board Policies: Reviewed
The following documents were reviewed for accuracy and may include minor edits such as a correction to a typographical error, grammar, spelling, or punctuation. The document may also include a change from Executive Director to Superintendent. The edits did not affect the content, meaning, and intent of the policy.
5000 Series - Student Services
5000 - CPCS Concepts and Roles
5015 - CPCS Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy
5110 - CPCS Cell Phones, Smartphones, Pagers, & Other Electronic Signaling Devices Policy
5125 - CPCS Investigation of Residence Policy
5130 - CPCS Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials Policy
Board Policies: Revised
The following are current policies that have been revised to provide clarity or alignment with changes in law or procedures.
5000 Series - Student Services
5010 - CPCS Educational Records and Student Information Policy
5020 - CPCS Suicide Prevention Policy
5030 - CPCS Immunization Policy
5035 - CPCS Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy
5045 - CPCS Acceptable Use Policy
5050 - CPCS Academic Integrity Policy
5055 - CPCS Self Administration of Medication Policy
5060 - CPCS Grade Acceleration Policy
5065 - CPCS Lottery Policy
5070 - CPCS Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Nondiscrimination Policy
5075 - CPCS Transcripts from Non-Accredited Schools Policy
5085 - CPCS Communicable, Contagious, or Infectious Disease Prevention Policy
5095 - CPCS Grade Retention Policy
5115 - CPCS Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy
VI. Education/Student Services
Approval of 2023-24 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Renaissance Subscription (Early Renewal)
VII. Comments
Board Comments
The Board expressed their appreciation to all staff for their hard work and dedication. They were particularly excited about the new CTE offerings and the positive response they were receiving from students. The Board acknowledged the heavy lifting that had been done in preparing for WASC and Williams accreditation visits. The Board thanked the students for participating in the meeting. Finally, they expressed their gratitude to the CalPac staff for their support.
CEO/Superintendent Comments
C. Feher thanked T. Rogers, friends, and staff for their dedication and military service. She acknowledged the hard work and sacrifices made by the CalPac team, emphasizing their effectiveness in utilizing data and research to maximize impact. C. Feher expressed her confidence in the organization's direction and the potential opportunities for current board members to assume more prominent roles. Finally, she thanked the Board for its unwavering commitment and support, which enables the organization to carry out its mission.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- CTE Board Presentation 2023-24.pdf
- October 23-24 School Highlights - Los Angeles.pdf
- October 23-24 School Highlights - San Diego.pdf
- October 23-24 School Highlights - Sonoma.pdf
- Williams Report from LACOE 11.14.23.pdf
- Williams Report from SDCOE 11.14.23.pdf
- CalPac-LA Check Register October 2023.pdf
- CalPac-SD Check Register October 2023.pdf
- CalPac-SO Check Register October 2023.pdf
- J.P. Morgan Statement October 31 2023.pdf
- Surplus of Electronics 11.14.23.pdf
- BUS Policy Review 5000 Series 11.2023.pdf
- 5000 - CPCS Student Services Concepts and Roles.pdf
- 5000 - CPCS Student Services Concepts and Roles_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5010 - CPCS Educational Records and Student Information Policy.pdf
- 5010 - CPCS Educational Records and Student Information Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5015 - CPCS Title IX Harassment Intimidation Discrimination and Bullying Policy.pdf
- 5015 - CPCS Title IX Harassment Intimidation Discrimination and Bullying Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5020 - CPCS Suicide Prevention Policy.pdf
- 5020 - CPCS Suicide Prevention Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5030 - CPCS Immunization Policy.pdf
- 5030 - CPCS Immunization Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5035 - CPCS Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy.pdf
- 5035 - CPCS Student Freedom of Speech and Expression Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5045 - CPCS Acceptable Use Policy.pdf
- 5045 - CPCS Acceptable Use Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5050 - CPCS Academic Integrity Policy.pdf
- 5050 - CPCS Academic Integrity Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5055 - CPCS Self-Administration of Medication Policy.pdf
- 5055 - CPCS Self-Administration of Medication Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5060 - CPCS Grade Acceleration Policy.pdf
- 5060 - CPCS Grade Acceleration Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5065 - CPCS Lottery Policy.pdf
- 5065 - CPCS Lottery Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5070 - CPCS Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Nondiscrimination Policy.pdf
- 5070 - CPCS Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Nondiscrimination Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5075 - CPCS Transcripts from Non-Accredited Schools Policy.pdf
- 5075 - CPCS Transcripts from Non-Accredited Schools Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5085 - CPCS Communicable Contagious or Infectious Disease Prevention.pdf
- 5085 - CPCS Communicable Contagious or Infectious Disease Prevention_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5095 - CPCS Grade Retention Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5095 - CPCS Grade Retention Policy.pdf
- 5110 - CPCS Cell Phones, Smartphones, Pagers & Other Electronic Signaling Devices Policy.pdf
- 5110 - CPCS Cell Phones Smartphones Pagers Other Electronic Signaling Devices Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5115 - CPCS Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy.pdf
- 5115 - CPCS Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5125 - CPCS Investigation of Residence Policy.pdf
- 5125 - CPCS Investigation of Residence Policy_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 5130 - CPCS Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials.pdf
- 5130 - CPCS Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials_redline_11.14.23.pdf
- 2023_School_Plan_for_Student_Achievement_California_Pacific_Charter_-_San_Diego.pdf
- 2023 SPSA Presentation.pdf
- 2023_School_Plan_for_Student_Achievement_California_Pacific_Charter_-_Sonoma.pdf
- 2023_School_Plan_for_Student_Achievement_California_Pacific_Charter_-_Los_Angeles.pdf
- Renaissance 24-25.pdf
C. Feher present CalPac School Highlights