California Pacific Charter Schools


Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday October 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM


The meeting will be held virtually.


Join by telephone or via Zoom conferencing link below:

Dial In:  +1 669 900 6833 

Meeting ID: 995 7667 8143

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CalPac’s mission is to support and encourage all students to relentlessly pursue their life goals by providing an accessible and inclusive personalized learning community.



Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.


The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.



Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting California Pacific Charter Schools at 949-752-0527.

Directors Present

J. McFaul (remote), K. Wylie (remote), S. Peterson (remote), T. Rogers (remote), W. Howard (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

S. Peterson

Guests Present

C. Amador (remote), C. Feher (remote), D. Zemmer (remote), Erin Rineberg (remote), G. Chamberlain (remote), K. Madden (remote), L. Hath (remote), S. Green (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Wylie called a meeting of the board of directors of California Pacific Charter Schools to order on Tuesday Oct 11, 2022 at 5:05 PM.


Record Attendance

II. Approve Adopt/Agenda



A motion was made to amend the agenda by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent to replace consent item A. Check Register with an updated version due to formatting issues. The numbers did not change, only the formatting. Christine noted that all Board Members were sent a revised version prior to the meeting tonight, and an updated version would be placed in Board On Track for reference.


T. Rogers made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
W. Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Approve Minutes


Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on September 13, 2022

J. McFaul made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President to approve the Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on 09-13-22.
W. Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Governance


Approval of Resolution No. 2022-10-11 Recognizing a State of Emergency and Re-Authorizing Teleconferenced Meetings Pursuant to AB 361

S. Peterson made a motion to Kylie Wylie, President.
T. Rogers seconded the motion.


Option I was selected by the Board Members.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Public Comment


Closed Session

There were no public comments regarding closed session.

VI. Adjourn to Closed Session


Closed Session

Kelly Wylie, President requested the Board Members adjourn to closed session at 5:14 p.m.

VII. Reconvene Regular Meeting


Report out any action that was taken in closed session.

The meeting reconvened at 5:23 p.m.


Tanya Rogers, Clerk reported out that the Board unanimously approved the Agreement Letter for Legal Services & Joint Consent in re: Lares v. Reid v. Sage Oak Charter Schools, et al. with Buchalter, A Professional Corporation.


VIII. Public Comments


Recognition and Reports

There were no public comments regarding recognition and reports.

IX. Correspondence/Proposals/Reports


School Highlights

School Highlights were presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent.


School Data & Achievement Outcomes

School Data & Achievement Outcomes were presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent.


2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals Response from Authorizers

2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals Response from Authorizers were presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent.

X. Consent


Consent - Business/Financial Services

  1. Check Registers and J.P. Morgan Statement - September 2022

Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent noted that all Board Members were sent a revised version prior to the meeting tonight, and an updated version would be placed in Board On Track for reference.


Consent - Personnel Services

J. McFaul made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
W. Howard seconded the motion.
  1. Approval of Certificated - Personnel Report
  2. Approval of Classified - Personnel Report
  3. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CSU Dominguez Hills and California Pacific Charter Schools


Consent items A & B were approved. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Business/Financial Services


Approval of All Systems Go! (ASG!) Computer Services Contract for Paid Media Management

T. Rogers made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
S. Peterson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Special Education Master Contracts 2022-2023

W. Howard made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
J. McFaul seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XII. Personnel Services


Approval of 2022-2023 California Pacific Charter School's Board of Directors and Superintendent/CEO Goals

Motion to - There was no motion or second made to open this item. This item was introduced by Kelly Wylie, President, and went directly into the presentation by Christine. All members agreed to the Superintendent/CEO Goals and voted.


Presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of 2022-2023 Superintendent/CEO Evaluation Process, Evaluation Template, Timeline, Evaluators, Evaluator Compensation, and Revised Resolution

J. McFaul made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
W. Howard seconded the motion.


Evaluators: Tanya Rogers, Clerk and William Howard, Member for the 2022-23 school year.  It was agreed that a rotation of evaluators will occur the following school year.

Member Compensation: $3,600 each per year, Fiscal Impact: $7,200



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Peterson left at 6:42 PM.

XIII. Comments


Board Comments

The Board thanked everyone on the team for the amazing work they are doing. The back to school night, the fall club rush, and the professional development for faculty is huge!  The reports and data tonight shows a strong leadership.  Tanya thanked the Board for trusting her to continue with the CEO/Superintendent evaluation process and Bill said he looks forward to working with Tanya on the evaluation process.  He said this will be a great opportunity for him to learn more about the process and the work that Christine does. Thank you all for the work you do on behalf of the students!


CEO/Superintendent Comments

The CEO/Superintendent thanked the Board for allowing her to showcase the work from the CPCS staff, saying every bit of data has a story behind it.  She then thanked her staff for their hard work and continued support for students.  She said the study session will need to be scheduled for 2023 due to the upcoming holidays, and she will contact each Board Member for their availability.  She is looking to schedule the study session in the spring, sometime between February and April.  An amended board meeting calendar will be provided at the November meeting.  This will also provide more time to collect items for discussion.  Thank you.


XIV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

W. Howard made a motion to Kelly Wylie, President.
J. McFaul seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Peterson
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Wylie
Documents used during the meeting
  • AMENDED-CPCS Resolution-re-authorizing-AB-361_10.11.22.docx.pdf
  • September 22-23 SO School Highlights.pdf
  • September 22-23 LA School Highlights.pdf
  • September 22-23 SD School Highlights.pdf
  • Board Meeting 10-11-22.pdf
  • UA 21-22 Letter, CalPac.pdf
  • Acton-Agua Dulce USD letter 093022.pdf
  • Unaudited Actuals review.pdf
  • 09.2022 44 CAL-PAC-SD Check Register.pdf
  • 09.2022 55 CAL-PAC-LA Check Register.pdf
  • 09.2022 95 CAL-PAC-SO Check Register.pdf
  • 2022.09.30 J.P. Morgan Statement September 2022.pdf
  • CalPacCharterSchool-StudentTeachingMOU.pdf
  • CalPacs-DigitalMarketing-Contract-9-2022-Revised.pdf
  • Special Education Master Contracts 2022-2023 - Sheet1.pdf
  • 22-23 Superintendent Goals.pdf
  • CPCS_Resolution_to_Establish_Ad_Hoc_ED_Evaluation_Advisory_Committee.pdf
  • 2022_23 California Pacific Charter Schools Superintendent Evaluation Process.pdf
  • 2022_23 California Pacific Charter Schools Superintendent Evaluation.pdf