Life School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 9:30 AM CDT


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:30 AM
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Speakers on Public Sign-up Sheet

Speakers on Public Sign-up Sheet: 3 minute limit "per speaker".

Multiple speakers on the same topic may be asked to consolidate 

their presentation and designate a spokesperson.

II. Presentations
  A. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge Life School Oak Cliff Secondary
III. Recognitions
  A. National TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) competition student and teacher honorees Leigh Dopson
IV. Education Foundation Presentation Update
  A. Life School Education Foundation Update Bryon Ding
V. Public Hearing/Board Training
  A. Motion to Enter a Public Hearing to Review Campus Improvement Plans and to Review the Annual Evaluation of the Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Services Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
  B. Presentation and Review of the Campus Improvement Plans Troy Mooney, Ed.D.
  C. Gifted and Talented Services Annual Evaluation and Review Ellen Saltzman
  D. Motion to Close the Public Hearing and Reconvene in Regular Session Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
VI. Consent Items

A consent item shall include items of a routine and or a reoccurring 

nature grouped together under one action item.  All such items shall be 

acted upon by one vote without separate discussion unless a board 

member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration.  

The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote.

  A. Acceptance of the Campus Improvement Plans as Presented in the Public Hearing Troy Mooney, Ed.D.
  B. Approval of the 2023-2024 Gifted & Talented Services Program Evaluation as Presented in the Public Hearing Ellen Saltzman
  C. Acceptance of New Hires and Terminations Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  D. Acceptance of Gifts and Donations Bryon Ding
  E. Approval of Academic Partner for Sports Medicine Curriculum and Certification Tests Leigh Dopson
  F. Acceptance of Resignation of Member of Life School Board of Directors Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
  G. Motion to Approve the Consent Items as presented Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
VII. Action Items
  A. Possible Approval of Board Meeting Minutes, August 21, 2024 Vote
  B. Consideration and Possible Acceptance of the Financial Report Vote Megan Beck
  C. Consideration and Possbile Approval of the 2025-2026 Life School District Calendar Vote Troy Mooney, Ed.D.
  D. Consideration and Possible Approval of MOU, Partnership with Region 10 Vote Kim Riepe
VIII. Information Items
  A. Nomination of Board Members Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
IX. Executive Closed Session

Pursuant to Govt Code 551.071 (Consultation with Legal Counsel), 551.072 (Real Property), Texas Government Code 551.074 (Personnel), Govt. Code 551.076 (Security Audit)   

  A. Call for Motion to Enter Executive Closed Session Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
  B. Possible Discussion regarding results of Intruder Detection Audit by TxSSC pursuant to Govt. Code 551.076 (Security Audit) Barry West
  C. Possible Discussion of Property and/or Campus Improvements/Construction Barry West
  D. Possible Discussion of Personnel Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  E. Possible Discussion of Superintendent Pre-Evaluation (Review) Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  F. Possible Discussion of Annual Review of the Superintendent Succession Plan Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
  G. Possible Consultation with Legal Counsel on Legal Agreements and Plan Documents Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
  H. Motion to Reconvene in Open Session Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
X. Possible Action from Items Discussed in Closed Session
  A. Consideration and Take Possible Action to Amend 457(f) Plan and Retention Strategies and Related Documents Vote Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
  B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Revise Non-Expansion Charter Amendment for Life School Oak Cliff Campus Vote Bryon Ding
  C. Consideration and Possible Approval of Delegation of Authority Relating to Construction Vote Barry West
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote