Life School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 17, 2024 at 9:30 AM CDT


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:30 AM
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Speakers on Public Sign-up Sheet

Speakers on Public Sign-up Sheet: 3 minute limit "per speaker".

Multiple speakers on the same topic may be asked to consolidate 

their presentation and designate a spokesperson.

II. Presentations
  A. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge Life School Red Oak Student
III. Recognitions
IV. Education Foundation Presentation Update
  A. Life School Education Foundation Update Eddie Davis
V. Consent Items

A consent item shall include items of a routine and or a reoccurring 

nature grouped together under one action item.  All such items shall be 

acted upon by one vote without separate discussion unless a board 

member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration.  

The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote.

  A. Acceptance of New Hires and Terminations Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  B. Acceptance of Special Education Department Annual Agreements Candace Johnson
  C. Acceptance of the TexQuest Electronic Resources Agreement Melissa Brown
  D. Approval of the MOU for Revocable Facility Use License with SAGU Barry West
  E. Approval of the 2024-2025 Parent-Student Athletic Handbook Barry West
  F. Approval of the 2024-2025 Staff Athletic Handbook Barry West
  G. Approval of Public Relations Firm Agreement Eddie Davis/Ryan McElhany
  H. Acceptance of Contract for Sam Chand, Consultant Scott Fuller, Ed.D.
  I. Approval of Worker's Compensation Insurance Provider Barry West
  J. Motion to Approve the Consent Items as presented Vote
VI. Action Items
  A. Possible Approval of Board Meeting Minutes, June 12, 2024 Vote
  B. Consideration and Possible Acceptance of the Financial Report Vote Megan Beck
  C. Consideration and Possible Approval of Kitchen Equipment Bid Vote Megan Beck
  D. Consideration and Possible Approval of the 2024-2025 Staff Handbook Vote Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  E. Consideration and Possible Approval of the 2024-2025 Student Handbook Vote Kim Riepe
  F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Issuance of a Request for Sealed Proposals for Selection of a Contractor to Clean Up Grove Creek Located in Waxahachie, Texas Vote Barry West
  G. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Revisions to the “Admission and Enrollment” Policy in Life School Board Policy Manual, Policy Group 3 – Students, Including Board Resolution and Non-Expansion Amendment Request Vote Bryon Ding
VII. Information Items
  A. Texas Public Charter School Conference - San Antonio - October 21-23, 2024 Bryon Ding
  B. S & P Global Report Megan Beck
VIII. Executive Closed Session

Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074 (Personnel), §551.072 (Real Property), §551.076 (Security Audit), §551.089 (Security Infrastructure)

  A. Call for Motion to Enter Executive Closed Session Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
  B. Possible Discussion of Personnel Stephanie Colwell, Ed.D.
  C. Possible Discussion of the Active Threat Annex, the Severe Weather Annex and Annual Updates for The Emergency Operations Plan Barry West
  D. Possible Discussion of Property and/or Campus Improvements Barry West
  E. Possible Discussion of LHSW Phase 2, Building 3 Refurbish and Athletic Field Drainage Project Barry West
  F. Motion to Reconvene in Open Session Vote Brent Wilson, Ed.D.
IX. Possible Action from Items Discussed in Closed Session
  A. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Active Threat Annex, Sever Weather Annex and Annual Updates to the multi-hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Vote Barry West
  B. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Amendment/Change Order of CMAR Contract for Phase 2, Building 3 Reburbish Located at 150 W. Butcher Road, Waxahachie, Texas, not to exceed $234,300 Vote Barry West
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote