The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Price, D. Forbes, J. Thompson, K. McCoy, R. Rentschler, T. Ruiz, W. Schaff

Directors Absent

C. Robie

Guests Present

C. Chilcott, D. Espinosa, J. Yang (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Schaff called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Nov 16, 2023 at 6:31 PM.


Record Attendance

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

D. Forbes made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 10-25-23.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Robie
D. Forbes
A. Price
T. Ruiz
W. Schaff
R. Rentschler
J. Thompson
K. McCoy


Check Registers


Credit Card Statements


Vote on Consent Agenda

D. Forbes made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Robie
D. Forbes
A. Price
W. Schaff
J. Thompson
T. Ruiz
R. Rentschler
K. McCoy

III. Board Communication


Financial Updates

J. Yang advised of current budget status.  D. Forbes advised that there will be a meeting combining B1 and A for parcel taxes but we can keep budgeting as we have. W. Schaff thanked D. Forbes for keeping us updated and for finding out about this. A. Price asked why the amount of enrollment does not increase if we are adding TK.  J. Yang advised that it was in case anything changes as this is what was reported to AUSD originally. W. Schaff thanked J. Yang for having the financial training for our new board members. 


Special Education Presentation

C. Chilcott introduced T. Levine Hall as our SPED coordinator.   T. Levine Hall advised of how this year the amount of SPED students has almost doubled. AoA's population of SPED students is % higher than AUSD.   He advised that some parents have not accepted the diagnosis and therefore they are only showing as speech and language impairment but not under their correct qualification.   This year we have more showing ED.  T. Ruiz asked if the result of increase could be as a result of COVID.  T. Levine Hall advised that it is unknown since we could not be diagnosed as COVID did put a halt to many being diagnosed.   He advised that if students need only 30 minutes of service minutes they may not require an IEP but rather some more attention.  A. Price asked if range in student minutes is weekly and if so, how much is the average amount of minutes.   T. Levine Hall advised that is correct and that the average would be about 180 minutes.  Currently the range in minutes for Elementary is 60 minutes to 500 minutes and for middle school it is 45 minutes to 1000 minutes.  T. Levine Hall advised that there was a student that transferred from Lincoln who over there received 1 on 1 IA needs but came here and when he arrived here his services has been removed drastically but has flourished as he has been supported and needs were met correctly.   14 new incoming students elementary school and 24 new students for middle school.   T. Levine Hall also gave an update on the staffing.  A. Price asked if the ERMHS is provided by AUSD. T. Levine Hall advised that the ERMHS is in-house.   He also advised DHS is contracted  and OT/Assistive Technology provider are both contracted.  R. Rentschler asked if the staffing AoA has is adequate amount of staff as compared to other schools.  T. Levine Hall advised that our SPED needs has increased however the staffing about it has not increased much.  D. Forbes asked if we know the amount compared to ACLC and NEA,  T. Levine Hall advised that our amounts are similar. T. Levine Hall spoke of changes that have happened since he has become the SPED Coordinator.  He advised that as of this year he has held or scheduled 38 504 meetings as compared to last years' 34 and this is a basic IEP meeting.  W. Schaff asked if the training has been more streamlined for Elementary and Middle School students.  T. Ruiz asked if we know what percentage of students have language IEP's, he advised can get that information.  He presented the goals for the program.  D. Forbes praised T. Levine Hall for all the work the team is doing and asked if TK will change much in the SPED world.  T. Levine Hall responded will not affect much as the needs will be the same. 


Board Committee Reports

Finance Committee-  D. Forbes advised update given by J. Yang basically encompassed it.


Student Success Committee-  J. Thompson advised coming up with school profile and looking at values.


Governance committee- A. Price advised was supposed to meet on Monday but it will be updated soon.  



Strategic Plan Goals

C. Chilcott advised of the year 1 goals and provided a recap of what was agreed upon as goals.  She advised that board members, staff, parents and students were created for AoA's goals.   Year 1 goal with culture is to make clear what AoA means by being a social justice school and increase parent participation.   D. Forbes asked that under slide about culture bullet point 2 also includes the board and not just staff, will make that correction.

C. Chilcott advised that we currently have parent conferences in elementary and started middle school this year and had over 200 parents sign up for it.   

C. Chilcott advised approach to intervention and reminded L. Rubin had previously advised of the inverted triangle.  A. Price asked if information is known about the medical emergencies for kids and our relationships/partnership with health insurances.    D. Forbes asked for some clarification on spectrums.  J.  Thompson asked if that the top bullet point goal should be removed.  A.  Price asked that instead of saying other test scores to state other metrics .  D.  Forbes advised instead of removing the goal it would be to add another bullet point to explain it a little better.  D.  Forbes and T. Ruiz asked that instead of saying spectrums it says across all students.  D. Forbes asked if the name of these program names should be in there or if they are just in there as examples.   Will remove all items in the brackets.


C. Chilcott advised of goal for staff.  D. Forbes advised to change retain good staff and teachers.  A. Price asked how each goal is being implemented and if it is beneficial to show that to the board and report outs.

IV. Closing Items


Individual Board Member Reports

K. McCoy advised that the conference was good and appreciated that one training session taught them to not delve into the weeds too much but rather let the leadership team do their work.  R. Rentschler advised that we should reflect on positive intention to/from all.


D. Forbes asked if the new rules can be shared with the board.


Executive Director Report


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
W. Schaff