The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

C. Robie, D. Forbes, K. Welch, K. Zimmerman, T. Ruiz

Directors Absent

A. Price, R. Rentschler, W. Schaff

Guests Present

C. Chilcott, D. Espinosa, L. Rubin, Tyler Levine-Hall

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday May 25, 2023 at 6:34 PM.


Closed Session:

II. Open Public Session


Open Public Session and Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session

In closed session, the board voted 4-1 to disenroll student 90238 from the school.  Motion carries.

 No further action taken in closed session.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

C. Robie made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 03-09-23.
K. Welch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Ruiz
A. Price
R. Rentschler
W. Schaff
K. Welch
C. Robie
K. Zimmerman
D. Forbes


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

C. Robie made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-26-23.
K. Welch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
A. Price
K. Welch
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz
C. Robie
D. Forbes
R. Rentschler


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement


Vote on Consent Agenda

C. Robie made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
K. Welch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Robie
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz
D. Forbes
W. Schaff
A. Price
K. Welch
R. Rentschler


AUSD 23-24 Contracts

1. AUSD Fiscal and Operational MOU 23-24


2. AUSD ASES MOU 23-24

IV. Board Communication


Board Committee Reports

Student Success Committee had their last meeting today, C. Robie explained that if the Board would like to have more in depth information about programs and progress of students, the Board needs to allocate more time at the Board meeting.  



Financial Update and 23-24 Preliminary Budget

Per D. Forbes, we pulled this item to next month's agenda for an update but did want the board to  review the notes.


Mid-Year Elementary School Update

L. Rubin advised that there has been an increase in learning from our students including our students of color.  Also there is a program called the summer intervention program for summer school and right now with the "slide" we have a total of 61 students (including students with IEP's) that will be recommended to enroll in this program as currently they are 1 year or more below their grade level. Class sizes for 23-24 school year are targeted for 26 students in all grades which increases the size of the student body by 10.  We have strong curriculum and strong interventions and narrowing the racial gap. L. Rubin explained the inverted triangle instructional tier,  all of the teachers are involved in tier 1 with attention given to all students, tier 2 are students who need a little more attention and more support with help from the IA's and more help, tier 3  is intense remediation and that does not necessarily mean students with IEP's or SPED but rather those that need intense attention.  C. Robie asked if the IA's provide more support in tier 2.   L. Rubin advised yes.   D. Forbes asked if there is anyway to compare our students to other schools that have less IA's since we spend so much more money on IA's. D. Forbes wanted to know if there is any way to calculate if we can do with one less IA or 6 more and how we can see how this is affecting the class/school directly.  L. Rubin advised that our goal is to have the majority stays in tier 1. J. Whatley asked if all of the aids are SPED IA's or non SPED IA's.  L. Rubin advised 3 non SPED IA's and 4 SPED IA's. J. Whatley also advised that the SPED IA's are not any different from other schools but rather just the 3 non SPED IA's and we should take that into account as that is what makes us stand out from other schools.  The next steps is focusing on student culture.  Focus for next year, starting now, is in developing clear student culture and behavior systems.  In March, PD began implementing the training and in August someone from the book will be coming to implement it and teach it to all the teachers and not just those who have gone to training thus far.  K. Welch asked what the classroom management framework is.  C. Robie asked that the response be put in writing so that it could be explained more in depth.   T. Ruiz wanted to thank L. Rubin for aiming to even the playing field for all students. 



Special Education Update

T. Levine-Hall presented the data showing the differences between what he presented last November to today.  He showed the number of IEP's in Elementary school grew from 8% to 10% and in Middle school it went from 15% down to 14%.  The amount of time students spend above 90% of the school day in general education has increased in both elementary and middle school.  We have one student who will need high behavioral needs and hired a behavioral tech.

 In November only 3 Triennial assessments were done and only 2 qualified and up until today 19 assessments have been made and 17 qualified. D. Forbes asked compared to an AUSD school do we have the same amount of FTE's or do we have more?  T. Levine Hall advised many other schools he has worked with share the workers and they were not on site 24/7 as we have them.  All of the goals from November were met.  Students are asked to have 5 academic goals in order to motivate them and help them achieve them.   C. Robie asked about the workload for the speech pathologist.  T. Levine Hall advised currently it is 32 students she would work with.  K. Zimmerman asked for a quick example of what an ERMHS would be.  T. Levine Hall advised can be 30 mins of counseling.  J. Whatley said she really likes having 3 Ed Specialists as because they have a smaller workload there is much more support and updates on what is going on.


23-24 Board Slate

K. Zimmerman wanted to propose President Bill Schaff, VP Kristin Welch, Treasurer Bill Schaff, and  Secretary Carol Robie.  D. Forbes asked if the president and the treasurer can be the same person.   C. Robie, K. Zimmerman and C. Chilcott interviewed and would like to nominate Jezra Thompson and Keith McCoy.  Nominations for 23-26 board terms will be C. Robie, T. Ruiz, K. Welch.

V. Action Items


Student Accountability Report Card (SARC) Update

Pulling this to next month's agenda but encouraged the board to please read it. 

VI. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

No board member reports.


Executive Director Report


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes