The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM


At AoA in room 106

Directors Present

A. Price, C. Robie, D. Forbes, K. Welch, K. Zimmerman, R. Rentschler, T. Ruiz

Directors Absent

W. Schaff

Guests Present

C. Chilcott, D. Espinosa

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Mar 9, 2023 at 6:37 PM.


Closed Session:

II. Open Public Session


Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session

No action was taken in closed session.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

C. Robie made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 02-16-23.
A. Price seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Welch
K. Zimmerman
C. Robie
W. Schaff
A. Price
R. Rentschler
T. Ruiz
D. Forbes


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement

Pulled from consent agenda.


22-23 School Year Calendar

Pulled from consent agenda. 

K. Welch asked if we normally give half days when teachers have PD days or full days. C. Chilcott advised that this is what the principals agreed upon in accordance with the district. C. Robie asked if this is fewer full days from staff development. She also asked to check in the 2024 school year, if the development will be beneficial with the new format or if we need to go back to what is going on this year. K. Welch noticed that Web day is grayed out and wanted clarification on what takes place on that day.  J. Whatley clarified that it is the day the 8th graders welcome the 6th graders.  She also added that both the spring break, the winter break and the PD days in June are not matching on the calendar and notes on the side. C. Chilcott offerred to correct them

K. Welch made a motion to approve the calendar with the dates as proposed.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New Audit Firm


Vote on Consent Agenda

C. Robie made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
A. Price seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Action Item


Financial Update: 2nd Interim Financial Presentation

 J. Yang advised the tax filing has been pushed back to May 15th.  Cola may be reduced to 6.4%. ELO-P will possibly to be reduced to a 1 lump sum.  69k reduced in money spent from pushing back middle school hiring and books.  We are at 562.2 students as a regular.  AoA has increased from 89.6 to 94.3% on ADA which is higher than she is used to seeing.  This year's historic COLA is 13.26% but then in year 2024-2025 it goes down to the normal 3%. J. Whatley asked about the budget and if it is made for the students enrolled for next year and if it is projected or what we have currently enrolled.  J. Yang advised that is projected.  T. Ruiz asked if the cola does go down to 6% instead of the projected 8% numbers were run with what would happen.  J. Yang advised we would need to adjust the actual budget.   D. Forbes asked for every 1% down COLA how much would it affect us.  J. Yang advised about 70K.  

A. Price made a motion to approve the interim report.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Board Communication


Elementary School Mid-Year Update

Pulled from agenda for next month.


Board Committee Reports

Finance committee discussed interim report, and employee matching.

Student Success Committee- advised usually they talk about the principals' presentations.  She advised they received an update to summer school and program.


Enrollment and Lottery Report

C. Chilcott advised the lottery ran today and 1 member of the public came to participate and both of her students were on the waitlist. She advised how the process takes place. K. Welch asked if the letters went out today.  C. Chilcott advised that they were notified in real time instantaneously.  She advised they have until March 23 to accept.  She advised all middle school students were accepted.  Middle school families are welcomed to open house to see the school.  She advised middle school numbers are looking very good.  Out of the middle school 12 have siblings that did not get in with the lottery so there is a possibility that we may lose those 12 students potentially.  C. Chilcott advised an internal decision was made to change how the elementary does the lottery and have agreed to just add in 26 students to every classroom from the beginning and by doing so it increases our amounts by 10 additional students.  She advises that even with attrition the numbers are looking good. J. Whatley advised that on the calendar it does not show the open house on May 11. She also asked about the 12 middle schools students who might not accept, if there is any way that their waitlist numbers can go up so that they can be accepted.  She also had pushback on the amount of 150 students for 6th grade, she said it doubles the capacity and it worries her and a process they are not prepared for, in her opinion.  She also gave lots of Kudos to Christine for seeing the numbers go up so much.  K. Welch asked that some of the middle school students had siblings who did not make it in and wanted to know if they had priority per her understanding.  C. Chilcott advised it is a priority but since there are more priorities i.e. Alameda resident students have more priority they could push them down on the list.  R. Rentschler asked if C. Chilcott felt good about the lottery, she advised yes. He also asked if the list is beneficial for us, D. Forbes advised that we get more money if they are Alameda residents.  A. Price asked if there is more languages and helps for parents to apply.  She also asked if we are getting more Bay Farm, C. Chilcott advised we do not have many from 94502. A. Price asked if how the increase in students will affect the teachers and budget from both.  C. Chilcott advised no teachers were reduced from last year. T. Ruiz asked what other schools in Alameda districts have both Elementary and Secondary schools in the same campus, she said only AoA which is why siblings should be accepted.  She also asked if more elementary schools will require more attentions due to "accidents".  K. Zimmerman asked since the elementary school is going into all the same number if there is any difference in doing the same to the middle school.  C. Chilcott advised that middle school is in it's own category since it is different. K. Welch asked if have ever considered 3 5th grade classes.  C. Chilcott advised that there is no room for it.  D. Forbes applauded the efforts done by C. Chilcott and the team to increase the numbers. K. Welch asked if there is any way to see the source of the applications.  C. Chilcott advised that the newspaper ad was very effective and the question of how they heard about AoA is on the application.


California Charter School Conference Update

T. Ruiz will be there TW

C. Chilcott will be there MTW

D. Forbes will be there TW

C. Robie will be there TW

K . Welch will be there TW


C. Robie advised there is less this time for board members and more for staff.  

VI. Action Items


Update Health Policy

K. Welch made a motion to The Academy of Alameda board of directors votes to update the health policy with this approved verbiage.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.

T. Ruiz asked if we will be having Narcan?  C. Chilcott advised that yes and now the county supplies this but she believes this is new as of this year. T. Ruiz asked if the one the parents provided will be returned back?  C. Chilcott advised she will ask and find out.  C. Chilcott advised that EpiPen is already part of the policy but the Narcan is the new one.  D. Forbes advised communication to parents would be good.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

K. Welch advised the elementary school is in the middle of the read-a-thon and has a goal of $12k and as of today they are above $10K. and that money goes to field trips and other elementary school activities.  She also advised 5th grade has an overnight field trip planned and are doing pop-sales and they just started a go-fund me page.


D. Forbes reminded to complete the 700 form with a quick turn-around.  C. Chilcott echoed the reminder and is trying to get them the shortened version. 


Executive Director Report


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes