The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Welch (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), R. Rentschler (remote), T. Ruiz (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

C. Chilcott (remote), D. Espinosa (remote), Sunita Ranadive (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Feb 16, 2023 at 6:32 PM.


Closed Session:


Open Public Session and Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session

No action taken in closed session.


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

W. Schaff made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-26-23.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
C. Robie
R. Rentschler
D. Forbes
K. Zimmerman
A. Price
K. Welch
T. Ruiz


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement


Vote on Consent Agenda

III. Board Communication


Board Committee Reports

Finance Committee- W. Scaff advised nothing to report.


Student Success Committee-C. Robie advised getting schedule of what will be presented and also setting future dates.


Board Governance Committee- K. Zimmerman advised working on board member trainings with EdTec for Finance 101.  Decided on meeting times.




Enrollment Update

C. Chilcott advised last meeting report prior to lottery.   Advised anything after Feb 28 goes into a waitlist.  and from March 9 is the lottery and when we begin sending offer letters.

We are a bit down in applications from where we were last year at this time.  She advised down in Kindergarten and may be due to AUSD doing full day Kindergarten. 9 families advised that they are not returning but the majority is returning.  Most of the 9 students are due to moving out of the area.  Larson communication informed us we have 36 more leads since last month and 1 confirmed enrollment. The Bay farm closure might bring in more students but it has not as of yet. Looking at a website redesign which will take about 3 months.  


K. Welch advised she appreciated the enrollment update timeline graphic.  She was wondering about the lower percentage of applications also aligns with AUSD's numbers. She asked if the waitlisted group was included int the intent to return. what that policy is. 

T. Ruiz advised she is nervous about the numbers we are awaiting on their intent to return and asked if we could send a reminder to confirm.

D. Forbes advised the 50/50 of in district worries him because AUSD will not consider us if we are not.

A. Price echoed the same and advised we will need to look for next options.

K. Welch wanted to make an observation of the in district and that is strictly based on those on queue not the intent to return



Strategic Planning Process Updates

C. Chilcott advised the retreat for boardand some staff and leadership committee for strategic planning will be on Saturday, March 18.  Will be about 50 with the board and with leadership committee.  Would be from 8:30AM-3:30pm at AoA with the consultants.  Board advised they were not aware of it but will speak about it tomorrow to see if they can attend. 


Summer Camp 2023 Update

C. Chilcott advised the summer camp will be 6 weeks and will include 4th of July, which normally is never part of it.  Camp base price is based on weekly income and there are scholarships available.  For elementary we need about 100-120 a week from elementary school and  60 from middle school.  Starting a special middle school program with 12 spots and takes the full month of July from 3-28 and will have racial discrimination and water with swim lessons at Aquatech, STEM lessons and 2 weeks of sailing camp through ACSC.   It is a heavily subsidized program

K. Welch asked since July 4th is a holiday is there staff to work then.  C. Chilcott advised yes, Amanda took care of it.  K. Welch asked advised that it is her understanding that incomming students can apply as well. 

T. Ruiz asked if there is anyway that this program can be opened to all Alameda students.  C. Chilcott advised she will look into it. 

K. Zimmerman wanted to express her excitement for the summer program, she loved the graphics and was excited about all of the plans for it.

A. Price asked if we do not reach the middle school numbers do we not get subsidized or what the outcome would be.  C. Chilcott advised she is not sure.  T. Ruiz advised she believed last year the middle and elementary were just lumped together.

R. Rentschler asked if we have an agreement with Aquatech or if it is costing us money.  He advised that there is an association that can offer lessons and would probably be willing to partner up with us.  He said he will reach out to his contacts


Executive Director's Goals: Mid Year Update

C. Chilcott advised wants to create student success profiles and identify benchmarks...


She advised the student profile is harder to do as there is no consensus on it but the idea of a school profile came into play because of it.  She wants to facilitate possibilities for a 5 year plan with OLT and Board.  OLT was completed in August and they are currently reviewing how they are doing with the yearly goals and they are doing very well, most are in process or completed.

She would like to bring back the PTA, SSC ELAC and community events. The PTA is still being dissolved and we cannot restart it until it is legally dissolved.  C. Chilcott advised that she follows up with them once a month. ELAC was set up in Fall 2022.  Strategic planning consultants will help with equitable SSC.  OLT is working to set up evaluation process along with Bamboo HR.

She would like to create and implement an enrollment plan to increase enrollment. Advised of what we are doing now to market the school and try to get more enrolled such as the postcards, the social media presence, etc.

C. Robie liked the update to know where C. Chilcott is at with the goals. 

IV. Action Items


General Complaint Policy

C. Chilcott wanted to remind the board that this arose from the fact that a parent was not content with something done at the school but this caused us to see we do not have a general complaint form and this was made by the lawyers.

W. Schaff made a motion to accept the new general complaint form.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Welch
T. Ruiz
D. Forbes
A. Price
C. Robie
W. Schaff
R. Rentschler
K. Zimmerman

V. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

Board member reporting- W. Schaff, C. Robie, R. Rentschler, K. Zimmerman, T. Ruiz and D. Forbes advised nothing to report.


K. Welch advised they are holding a popcorn fundraiser in the 2nd quad.  The read-a-thon committee sent out a reminder about their biggest fundraiser, there will be participation prizes. 


A. Price commented how she is met with a program that helps principals of colors to get credentialed but also to help them work against any racism. 


Upcoming Board Meetings

D. Forbes wanted to remind after Feb 28 we will need to start meeting in person at the school with food included.

April meeting was planned the same night as a band concert so we will be having it the night before on the 26th.

We will not have an Executive director at the June 22nd meeting so D. Forbes suggested June 15th.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes