The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 15, 2022 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Welch (remote), R. Rentschler (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent

K. Zimmerman, T. Ruiz

Guests Present

C. Chilcott (remote), D. Espinosa (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Dec 15, 2022 at 6:34 PM.


Closed Session:


Open Public Session and Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session

No action taken in closed session.


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes

A. Price made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-17-22.
C. Robie seconded the motion.

A. Price asked that we correct previous minutes to show speech pathologist.  Adjusted and approved when ammended.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
R. Rentschler
T. Ruiz
K. Welch
C. Robie
A. Price
K. Zimmerman
D. Forbes


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement


Vote on Consent Agenda

A. Price made a motion to approve the check registers & credit card statement.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Price
D. Forbes
C. Robie
R. Rentschler
K. Welch
W. Schaff
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz

III. Action Items


First Interim Report

J. Yang advised new grant with Prop 28 for music and should be about 84K and must spend majority of amount on staff.  2K increase since previous forecast. 

W. Schaff advised finance committee has gone over both 1st and 2nd interim report and have worked great with EdTec's thoroughness.

W. Schaff made a motion to approve the 1st interim financial report.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Zimmerman
W. Schaff
K. Welch
D. Forbes
T. Ruiz
R. Rentschler
C. Robie
A. Price

IV. Board Communication


First Interim Financial Update


Board Committee Reports

Finance- W. Schaff reviewed what was just presented.

Marketing- K. Welch advised met on Monday and C. Chilcott provided updates and talked in great detail about the family ambassador program.  Soliciting family ambassador volunteers starting Jan 2023.

Student Success- No Dec meeting, next meeting scheduled Jan 11, 2023.

Governance- did not have a meeting in Dec.

Facilities- C. Chilcott advised wrapped up some unfinished meeting.  D. Forbes advised it was an ad hoc committee but had settled into monthly but now with the Brown act coming up it will become ad hoc again when needed but not monthly.


Enrollment Update

C. Chilcott advised we lost 2 students in Kindergarten and 2 in 2nd grade but we do have 1 on hold.  We are waiting to enroll the new student as student teacher will be coming into the role soon and want time to adjust, but will be offering the  spot to student in January 2023.  Same applies with one 5th grader we lost and will be offering the spot in January 2023.

C.  Chilcott advised we are seeing applications coming in.  We always want more than capacity as some may change. Facebook ads started dropping Dec 2nd.  Principal tours started first week of November.

Messaging efforts are almost completed.  Survey to staff closes tonight.  Reputation Simple Consulting is starting now, which includes website redesign.  Google ads will begin January 2023.  Newspaper ads on Alameda Journal is going out on Friday January 13th.  Farmers market dates in the work to have a table there.  Also, advertising with movie theater coming soon. 


K. Welch wanted to acknowledge C. Chilcott's dedication and time for the enrollment process.  She asked why our students are leaving.  C. Chilcott advised most moving to Fremont schools. K. Welch asked when the Alameda theater ads will be starting.  C. Chilcott advised it is at the owner's discretion since they are doing it for free when normally it costs about $5k a month.


R. Rentschler asked if 6th grade is a targeted audience.  C. Chilcott advised yes and 7th grade since those are low in numbers.  R. Rentschler asked if social media is better than in person meetings and somebody talking in person at those meetings.  C. Chilcott explained we are dipping our toes in all of the media outlets and doing both of those options and more.


A. Price said it would be a pleasure to have a new video at the theater.  She also advised the parent meetings did help her decide what school her kids would be going to and it was something we were doing.  She said these meetings are beneficial.  It would be beneficial to see how we compare to Maya Lin without pitting ourselves against them.  Was asking what our deciding factor is or at what point do we change our way of thinking due to our enrollment numbers and start changing. C. Chilcott advised is working with PTAC to try and get more advice about what we can do to stand out as a great school.


C. Robie advised prior to covid it was not seen as a competition to get students.  She advised there is a benefit of going and speaking at PTA's.


D. Forbes asked if making advertising at the movie theater and we get 2 students while paying $15k would still be a win.  


W. Schaff said he would love to see more marketing and it would be a great IRR since we will see future returns.  He said it makes great upfront expense if we get a few students more.


K. Welch asked for more stickers since it only came up to $800 and everyone that gets the Alameda journal gets a sticker and great marketing.


C. Chilcott advised we did get dynamic qr codes to track how many are searching for us.

V. Action Items


Employee Compensation

K. Welch made a motion to move that the Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves an additional 2% cost of living increase to be applied to all staff, exclusive of the organizational leadership team, to be retroactively applied from July 1st, 2022.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.

D. Forbes advised would like it to be more and all deserve more but this will be a 4% from the beginning of the school year.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Forbes
R. Rentschler
W. Schaff
K. Welch
A. Price
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz
C. Robie


Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

K. Welch made a motion to The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves continuing to hold Board meetings and Board committee meetings virtually through January 2023 due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19 that continues to directly impact the ability of board members and attendees to meet safely in person pursuant to AB 361.
C. Robie seconded the motion.

D. Forbes advised this is the last time we will be voting on this since the amendment expires in January 2023.  He also advised to add committee virtual meetings if they would like to meet.


K. Welch asked if enrollment update can be enough reason for a January meeting.  


C. Robie advised she would like to have a summer program update.


C. Chilcott advised there is time on the Feb and March meetings for summer program updates.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Price
C. Robie
R. Rentschler
D. Forbes
K. Welch
W. Schaff
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz

VI. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

K. Welch just wanted to say she had a great time at the winter party.


W. Schaff advised the party was fantastic and it was great to interact with staff.


R. Rentschler advised that these moments where people see each other in a social environment goes a long way.


C. Robie echoes the sentiment and stated moment like those show why people are committed to AoA.


A. Price echoed what everyone else said.


D. Forbes wanted to thank the board and wish them all a great holiday season.


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes