The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 17, 2022 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Welch (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), R. Rentschler (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent

T. Ruiz

Guests Present

C. Chilcott (remote), D. Espinosa (remote), L. Rubin (remote), M. Thorman (remote), Sunita Ranadive (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Nov 17, 2022 at 6:32 PM.


Closed Session:

No action taken in closed session.


Open Public Session and Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

II. Vote on Consent Agenda


Authorization of users for Bank of Marin Credit

C. Robie made a motion to The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors authorizes Christine Chilcott, Executive Director; David Forbes, Board Chair President and William Schaff, Board Vice Chair and Treasurer, as authorized members and users of the AoA Bank of Marin account, which include being able to open and borrow from the AoA line of credit on behalf of the Academy of Alameda.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Welch
R. Rentschler
W. Schaff
K. Zimmerman
D. Forbes
C. Robie
A. Price
T. Ruiz


Be the change Scope of Work


Credit Card Registers

None available due to Credit card changes switching over to Christine, once Bank of Marin approves will upload on the following Board meeting.

III. Board Communication


Special Education Presentation

T. Levine-Hall advised of how our SPED eligibility breakdown when compared to AUSD.  Elementary school currently has 8% of students with needs and Middle school has about 15% when compared to AUSD's 12%.  We have one student who is using James Baldwin which is a more streamline school for the student.  Both C. Robie and D. Forbes asked for clarification about what "more streamline" refers to.  T. Levine-Hall explained this would be more focused training for this particular student.  Currently 83% of our elementary school students and 91% of the middle school students spend 90% or more in the normal school day and not in specialized teaching for them because they are progressing to that point. A. Price asked if these numbers refer to students that have IEP's only or anyone with a disability. T. Levine-Hall wants to encourage more strength with behavior goals and plans. AoA has held 3 Triennial and 2 students qualify.  AoA has had 10 initial IEP initial assessments and 3 qualified and pending 6 and 1 did not qualify. AoA has done 9 ERMHS assessments of those, 3 approved and 3 pending.  AoA has done 3 FBA assessments and 2 were approved with 1 pending. A. Price acknowledged that she believes all students should have an IEP but asked about the 504 plans.  She also asked if the students who do not qualify for a 504 or IEP will not be ignored but rather receive the treatment they need.  T. Levine-Hall stated he speaks and works with the principals closely to make sure that the students are getting the help they need.  K. Zimmerman asked if only ERHMS students are getting mental health services or only if they have an IEP.  T. Levine-Hall provided the current SPED team staffing. D Forbes asked if there is any difference with the future TK plans.  T. Levine-Hall advised it would not affect the areas provided but rather what the workload will look like and affect mental health department. D. Forbes asked how this support compares to other places that he has worked at.  T.  Levine-Hall stated AoA has more IA's than other schools and stated that the fact that we have a school psychologist is very beneficial.  A. Price asked if the contracted help comes over and only works with students or helps with the teachers as well. L. Rubin stated that the speech pathologist will work to see if any other students need any help and will recommend, they get that help. T. Levine-hall stated as a department they just established a flow chart for the ERMHS referral process. M. Thorman commented the way that SPED and GenEd are working together is exciting as they are working hand and hand. D. Forbes asked what number of students with IEP's would require hiring an in-house speech pathologist.  M. Thorman advised that it was not an extra cost and hence would be beneficial. A. Price noted that 17% of students are on the autism spectrum and the in-house speech pathologist works with them. 


IV. Action Item


TK Presentation

C. Chilcott advised room 106 is a large space and being able to warm it up is an issue and we have not been able to do accommodate it yet. Staff is cold in that room, it would be much more so for little children.  C. Chilcott is advising of a possible bathroom in 106 vs a feasible walk for the children.  C. Chilcott also advised that there needs to be a safe TK play space and based on AUSD's schedule all of this does not seem feasible in the time period provided.  L. Rubin advised she is looking for a full day schedule for TK as it is for Kindergarten.  C. Chilcott advised the staffing ratio is currently 12:1 but is most likely changing soon to 10:!.  Also Tk requires 9 hours of program and staffing for that needs to be looked into.  Currently we are working on work orders to fix the building up to TK code and working on looking into enrollment.

K. Welch made a motion to start the TK program at AoA with school year in FY 2024-2025 instead of the FY 2023-2024.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.

K. Zimmerman commented that currently the TK program is 9-12 and they do not have enough time to do laundry and there is not much after school care and those are some of the biggest complaints she currently hears. 

K. Welch asked if TK students will be allowed to walk from 106 to the restrooms by themselves or if we need more staff to watch/monitor them.   

C. Chilcott and L. Rubin stated there is another classroom which is closer but it is smaller however 106 is optimal because it needs an outdoor space.  

A. Price said it seems like a no brainer to delay it as it would be not optimal if it continues now.  She did ask what effect on enrollment will this have on our current numbers or projected data.

C. Chilcott advised AUSD has their 3 and complies and not planning on adding so it should not affect our numbers so much yet. 

C. Robie asked if the district will need to approve any changes to the structure.  

C. Chilcott advised we may need to think out the box and look deeper to see if there are other things we can change so as to have the district participate more in the plans. 

D. Forbes is unsure if we can get approval from the district by the following year and may be pushed back but would like us to aim for the 23-24 school year but know that it may be pushed back.  D. Forbes reminded the board that in order to get the Elementary school playground did take 5 years to approve.

C. Robie said it is critical to have the backup plan firmly in place as we do not know the likelihood of being able to do so by the 23-24 school year.  

W. Schaff just wanted to accentuate that 1 year for AUSD is accelerated.

D. Forbes wants the school to think about the lottery policy for the TK program. 

R. Rentschler asked that if it is a way to build enrollment then let's grab onto it and go full force on the aiming for it to work well.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Forbes
A. Price
T. Ruiz
C. Robie
K. Zimmerman
R. Rentschler
W. Schaff
K. Welch

V. Board Communication


FY23 Forecast Update

J. Yang advised AoA net income is -167K.  J. Yang advised we will be getting the grant in March that is not planned to be used until future years.  J.  Yang explained by the end of the year we should have about 2.04B M not including the 1.74M in LAIF, totaling 3.78B at the end of the year. 



Board Committee Reports

  • Finance Committee- W. Schaff advised met on Nov. 8 and the state is predicting deficits so we will need all of our reserves given the tough times that lie ahead.
  • Marketing Committee- K. Welch advised did not meet in November and next meeting is Dec 8.  Focus groups are in progress.  K. Welch advised that the Alameda journal will contain an AoA sticker that way providing enrollment information and will only be sent to Alameda residents to promote enrollment.
  • Student Success Committee-C. Robie advised had lots of success and spoke about ways to determine how to share with the board as well as with parents' ways about how our students are doing socially and academically. We also got to hear about the CASP results, and we scored better than the county and the state.
  • Governance Committee -K. Zimmerman advised met on Nov 7th and reviewed our goals and talked about onboarding new board members.  She also stated there may be some board members that did not receive the full training and will work with Randy's experience to add to the ongoing onboarding training. Also reminded the board that it is all of our jobs to be recruiting members.  They also spoke about starting and implementing a succession plan.

VI. Action Items


AoA Assuming Facilities Rentals from AUSD

AUSD approached C. Chilcott and S. Perkins about AoA renting out the facilities as they have a shortage of staff to facilitate the rental process. This will mean that we use our own custodial staff but we need to use AUSD district fee structure for rental costs and expenses. C. Chilcott advised that by doing so we are being a good neighbor and have quite a few people wanting to rent it already and if it is not agreed upon the space will remain empty and nobody will take it over. 

K. Welch asked if TYR rented the gym previously during school hours and made it more complicated with the afterschool program.  C. Chilcott advised that this is something the school would have to decide.  K. Welch expressed her concerns of having both at the same time and asked them if so, the school can decide when to rent out.  

C.  Robie asked about liability and if this is something we have looked into.  C. Chilcott advised each one has to have their own insurance.  C. Robie also expressed if the added workload for the janitors is being taken into consideration.  C. Chilcott advised that the rotation of cleaning would change and not so much what they would normally do. 

A. Price found some typos in the draft for the facility classifications and stated wanted clarification on no bbq's outside and no raffles.  C. Chilcott advised AUSD specifically advised no for raffles.

R. Rentschler made a motion to The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves assuming managing the facility rental of the Chipman/AoA facility from the Alameda Unified School District including the adoption of the facility manual and fee structure.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Price
D. Forbes
K. Welch
T. Ruiz
R. Rentschler
W. Schaff
C. Robie
K. Zimmerman


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes from October 27, 2022

C. Robie made a motion to approve the amended minutes Board Meeting on 10-27-22.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
K. Welch
C. Robie
D. Forbes
T. Ruiz
R. Rentschler
K. Zimmerman
A. Price


Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

K. Welch made a motion to The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves continuing to hold Board meetings and Board committee meetings virtually through December 2022 due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19 that continues to directly impact the ability of board members and attendees to meet safely in person pursuant to AB 361.
R. Rentschler seconded the motion.

C. Chilcott advised this will expire in January 2023.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
T. Ruiz
C. Robie
A. Price
K. Welch
D. Forbes
R. Rentschler
K. Zimmerman

VII. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

Nothing to report.


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes