The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 27, 2022 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Welch (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Price, T. Ruiz

Guests Present

C. Chilcott (remote), (remote), D. Espinosa (remote), S. Ranadive (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Oct 27, 2022 at 6:29 PM.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

II. Action Item


Discuss and Vote on Potential Board Member: Randy Rentschler

K. Zimmerman made a motion to have Randy Rentschler become a member of the Board of Directors beginning today, October 27th through June 2025.
K. Welch seconded the motion.

C. Robie commented that she enjoyed the previous meeting with Randy and appreciated that he knew the difference between being staff and a board member.

K. Welch agreed with C. Robie and noted Randy's extensive experience volunteering with the community.  She liked that Randy stated that "AoA needs to focus not on growing but getting better."

W. Schaff commented that he has known Randy for a while and he knows the principles of governance and would be an asset to the team. 

D. Forbes advised he offered him a spot in the governance committee and finance committee should he be accepted into the board.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
C. Robie
D. Forbes
T. Ruiz
K. Zimmerman
K. Welch
A. Price

III. Opening Items


Closed Session:


Open Public Session and Report Out on Any Actions From the Closed Session

No action taken in closed session,


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol

IV. Vote on Consent Agenda


Approve Draft Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2022 Board Meeting

C. Robie made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 09-28-22.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Zimmerman
D. Forbes
W. Schaff
C. Robie
T. Ruiz
K. Welch
A. Price


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement

V. Board Communication


Introduction of Messaging and Website Consultant

Megan Agee is a consultant helping out with telling "our story" here at the Academy of Alameda.  C.  Chilcott explained that M. Agee helped her with Girls Inc and she believed she would be helpful in telling what AoA stands for.

M. Agee stated she has been in the education space for about 20 years in a variety of positions.  She stated that with C. Chilcott they have been trying to describe what AoA does.  She is helping with a messaging project that puts to words what AoA members already feel and embodying already.  She stated the project has 2 phases, phase 1 is the gathering information stage and phase 2 refreshing the website content (which is referring more to the language and not the layout as much). M. Agee stated she will have doodle poll's to gather information from the board, the principals, teachers, parents, students etc. 


K. Welch advised she is extremely excited to have the opportunity to work with M. Agee as she has heard great things from C. Chilcott.  


D. Forbes stated M. Agee stated "agreed upon results" and wanted a bit more clarification on this.  C. Chilcott stated it is essentially once M. Agee synthesizes all she has heard she will bring it back to the board to make sure the information she received is also agreed upon what the board is working for as well.  It should be embedded by the leadership team at the school and are bringing it up to the board with the stamp of approval.  M. Agee stated she wants to avoid messaging by committee but rather have it sync to every member.  D. Forbes wanted to ensure there will be ample presentation prior to decisions.


C. Chilcott encouraged everyone to sign up with the doodle and to try to make those 2 times work as she will be having other groups to interview.


C. Robie stated on the 2nd she has a student success committee that ends at 6:30 and they can possibly roll over to a doodle with M. Agee


Board Committee Reports and Goals

  •  Finance Committee- W. Schaff advised that Boardontrack has everything including templates for the agenda and goals.  He stated the goals are: developing an annual budget, conducting annual audits with external company and present to the board,  develop a multi-year calendar with potential committee meetings, and develop a finance plan. Nothing to report.
  •  Marketing Committee -K. Welch stated the primary goal is to boost in district enrollment records and to close the gaps in enrollment through increased family engagement, amplifying AoA information and messaging. Reported C. Chilcott is updating website, Miranda and Leah are scheduling meetings to welcome families.
  • Student Success Committee- C. Robie stated the goals are to inform the board about programs and what student success is.  The first goal will be: Assessment and programatic data will be presented twice a year by Special Ed program, Elementary and Middle School.  By Sept 2023 we will present student success profile to the board, which will show what student success looks like in a variety of ways.  Sharing discipline data will also be an important piece to share.  
  • Governance Committee -D. Forbes asked K. Zimmerman to chair the governance committee. Governance committee goals were to create a board pipeline of potential board members, onboarding process to new board members, recruit 1-2 board members by the end of this school year and identify officers for 23-24 year.  
  • Facilities Committee: D. Forbes shared T Ruiz's goal, which is: Clear communication with AUSD and maintenance are being taken.


22-23 Enrollment Update (For the 23-24 School Year)

C. Chilcott gave an update on enrollment. She stated tours, information sessions, and postcards will be going out.  We are currently preparing for the lottery at school internally.  There will be a re-enrollment survey that will go to families in January, this will allow us to know how many spaces we have according to the grade levels. Lottery will happen on March 9th. After the lottery happens then the families have 2 weeks to decide. C. Chilcott stated the postcard is in the works and should be available next week and postcards should be going out by Friday of next week.  Looking for new pictures and video for the website.  Possible revamp of the full website.


J. Whatley asked if there will be picture that she can share to her Facebook or instagram to promote AoA.  She asked if our postcards will be standing out or different for the other schools.  She also stated the numbers of students being forecasted is worrisome as the expectations for teachers with grading, planning, and other duties are very time consuming and doing that for 140 kids will be very cumbersome. She also stated that the scheduling is difficult and even had to PE had to change and is only being taught 2 times a day, which makes it difficult for class movement.   She is concerned with a higher percentage of student and the same amount of needs the time will not be given to them appropriately.


K. Welch stated that with the wording for the re-enrollment survey was cringey and problematic.  She stated she would like to add family engagement activities to the timeline.  She asked if the tours and information sessions are both online and in person.  C. Chilcott stated her understanding is all in person but will confirm.   K.  Welch advised she would like to see the new materials such as the pamphlet.  K.  Welch echoed J. Whatley's sentiment to have a AoA Bio to share on social media.


Update on Strategic Plan Consultant

C. Chilcott reached out to various consulting firms.  Out of 8, 3 responded but 2 were unavailable for this school year.   She was able to connect with one firm "Be the change" which is a woman owned, people of color firm. They would want to have a full day workshop which would cost between $20k and $29k.  C. Chilcott stated she will be moving ahead with this consultant and would like the OLT team to meet up with them to explain the process to the team. 

C. Robie noticed that in their areas of focus it states racial justice and wanted to know if that expands to social justice as well.  C. Chilcott explained that Fong (consultant) and AoA's vision aligned and felt it worked well.  She admired that Fong in a conversation asked if the work they would be doing along with the work that Megan is doing is repetitive and wanted to make sure AoA would not be paying twice for the same work, which proved their honesty as a company. 


A Preview: AoA Starting TK in SY 24-25 Instead of SY 23-24

C. Chilcott stated that currently we are 2 years ahead of the mandatory TK program.  However, in the November board meeting there will be a presentation that will show the benefits of postponing the TK program to the following year.  In the November board meeting it will be voted on whether the TK program can be postponed to the 24-25 school year. and asked that all questions be sent to her by November 9.

J. Whatley asked if the building requirements are AUSD or AoA's responsibility.  C. Chilcott stated AUSD's responsibility.

VI. Action Items


Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

W. Schaff made a motion to continue to hold Board meetings and Board committee meetings virtually through November 2022 due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19 that continues to directly impact the ability of board members and attendees to meet safely in person pursuant to AB 361.
K. Welch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Robie
A. Price
D. Forbes
T. Ruiz
W. Schaff
K. Welch
K. Zimmerman

VII. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

K. Zimmerman wanted to congratulate all of the staff and principals on creating a warm environment.    She said she met a student from AoA and she stated the student light up and state she loved AoA and that everyone is very warm and friendly.  

D. Forbes advised that R. Whittaker resigned but he did want to acknowledge and organizing a thank you for his 11 years of service.  W. Schaff wanted to thank R. Whittaker for all his years of service and will miss him. 


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes