The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 25, 2022 at 6:30 PM

Directors Present

A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Welch (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), R. Whittaker (remote), T. Ruiz (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

C. Chilcott (remote), D. Espinosa (remote), J. Yang (remote), L. Rubin (remote), M. Thorman (remote), Sunita Ranadive (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Aug 25, 2022 at 7:32 PM.


Closed Session:

No action was taken in closed session.


Open Public Session and Report Out Any Actions From the Closed Session


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements


General Public Comments

II. Consent Agenda


Draft Meeting Minutes


Draft Meeting Minutes


Check Registers & Credit Card Statement

W. Schaff made a motion to approve check and register accounts.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Whittaker
W. Schaff
D. Forbes
T. Ruiz
C. Robie
A. Price
K. Zimmerman
K. Welch


Vote on Consent Agenda

III. Board Communications


Board Committee Reports

Marketing committee: Kristen reported meetings schedule and 3 parent volunteers signed up again.

Finance Committee: nothing to report

Student success committee:  1st Wednesday will set up meetings

Governance committee: formulating calendar and 1st potential calendar.

Facilities committee: 1 meeting in Aug and meetings scheduled.



Enrollment Presentation

C. Chilcott advised we still have a robust waitlist in K-5 so it does not mean there is an available spot, just waiting on approval from waitlist.  We have roughly about 100 spots we need to fill for the middle school.  Projections for 7th grade did go up from 115 to 125 and we have about 7 spots left for 7th grade.  8th grade does need more help.  90% of students returned so most of them stayed at AoA.  84% or the 5th graders stayed to enter 6th grade with AoA.  Not losing to other internal Alameda schools only 8 students;  6 to ACLC and 2 to Wood.  Current capacity for our school is not what we have been budgeting for.  M. Thorman and C. Chilcott are aiming to getting the school to aim to achieve that full capacity. 


R. Whitaker asked if we have reasons for 5th grade withdrawals.  C. Chilcott explained currently does not have that data.

T. Ruiz asked when does the enrollments settle.  M. Thorman advised we take all 6th graders as we are low.  She advised it fluctuates during the course of the year but about 10 on average.  T. Ruiz asked how our test scores compare to other schools.  M. Thorman advised she believes on par with Jr Jets and above NEA and ACHC.  There was a decline of amount of people coming for tours. T. Ruiz asked do we in general have a smaller 6th grade population above the board. C. Chilcott advised she does not believe that is the issue.


K. Welch expressed excitement for the data manager.  She asked what the time frame for them to accept vs removing them from the waitlist.  M. Thorman advised that since there is a lower capacity we do not have a time limitation for middle school.  However, L. Rubin advised elementary does have a limitation as there is a waitlist. 


A. Price advised she appreciates having the data available.    Besides Wood and ACLC all other schools have a decline so we should not be too bad.  2/3 or the people who moved was it because they were out of district students or was it just because they moved.  She asked what the other schools are providing that we are not providing, she stated this was more of a curiosity question.  She also asked what the budgetary information for this since we are now under capacity.  C. Chilcott advised we budgeted for a full capacity so we are not at budget with current numbers. 


C. Robbie acknowledged that the message has not been clear previously but is excited for C. Chilcott's vision to take more action to market to the students. 


C. Chilcott expressed that this had been happening for years and should have been caught before and if we do so we can go up from there. 


22-23 Budget Update Presentation

J. Yang advised of a 13% increase in LCFF which is more than the 9% we anticipated.  Block grant was passed and can be used from now through 2027 year.  ADA protection budget.  ELO-P grant went down due to less amount of people.  Block grant is being budgeted for FY24 and FY25 not so much now. 942,000 has increased to just over 1 Billion.  Forecast increased about 200k.  1 Million is for FY22 hold harmless. 2% salary increases were added in new budget.   Also lost about 200k due to less students . Projected ending FY23 cash flow at 4.36 Million. ESSER funds and block grants are helping us as they are flexible.   


C. Chilcott asked if the additional cola 2% staff increase was included.  J. Yang advised yes it is included.  


D. Forbes advised of a 43 decrease in student but only a $243k decrease.  He asked why that number was low.  J. Yang advised partially due to the COLA.  He advised we are very lucky that we have seen a decrease in students and money at a time when the state is giving lots of help.  He also advised we are the only school in Alameda that has a state band.




Opening of The School Year Report- Elementary

L. Rubin advised PD was busy and heavy.  She advised we are remaining with Wit and Wisdom and brought on Eureka square training.  Started with virtual home visits to get to know each of the students' families, it helps reduce anxieties.  Kindergarten welcome day on a Saturday so that Kindergarten parents can get to know each other and the teachers.  No criers on 1st day of school.


K. Welch wanted to say that the home visits, even virtual, help the students connect with the teachers and it reduces anxiety.  


D. Forbes asked the % of homes that were able to connect.  L. Rubin said she does not have the numbers on hand but does have a sign in.


Opening of The School Year Report- Middle School

M. Thorman advised that A. McGeorge crowned everyone with a gold wreath and goodie bag for the new teachers to welcome them.  She also advised that she wanted to show inclusivity and how all teachers work together to make their job succeed.  Routines to create a calm and not chaotic environment.  2 web days to help create 8th grade leaders; 6th graders then come and work with those 8th graders and tour so that they can know their classrooms and some students.  Bridge to learning project was a success.  Has been pretty smooth so far. 


C. Chilcott advised her students approve both elementary and middle schools welcomes and have enjoyed their new schools thus far.  


R. Whitaker expressed he saw the excitement in both of the principals' duties.  He asked if 6th graders are assigned in 8th grade web leader.  M. Thorman advised she would like to continue but currently is not in play.  R.  Whitaker expressed his son really enjoyed the web leader as he felt close to the 8th grader and created a great relationship.


K.  Welch was excited about how A. McGeorge had created the welcome for the new teachers and is setting them up for success.


T. Ruiz echoed the sentiment. 


C. Robie was there on campus for bridge for learning and saw high energy, highly enthusiastic and engagement in the program. 


D.  Forbes echoed his thanks for both schools.


Student Success Data- Elementary

L. Rubin and M. Thorman stressed they are presenting satellite data.  L. Rubin advised 21-22 first full year back and many student and staff absences due to covid.  CAASPP scores cannot be found due to the closure of the school.  Working with CA dept to try to get it.  Showed and presented in house school data.   Majority of students are at grade level and grew in math and ELA throughout the year.  We instituted a more rigorous curriculum and added Eureka squared.


K. Welch observed on the ELA group there was a dip in the 2nd trimester and was curious as to why.  L.  Rubin advised it would have been coming back from Omicron. 


R. Whittaker said it was concerning that Emerging bilinguals have better reading than the group of primary ethnicity: Black and asked if there was a reason for such.  L. Rubin advised that emerging bilinguals are not non-English speakers as some have been learning English from kindergarten. 


D.  Forbes said he would love to see a future presentation comparing us to other schools.  L. Rubin advised once the California dashboard is up it should be possible.


C. Robie hopes some of the grant money can be used to bridge that gap.


A.  Price wants us to try and identify what the challenges are and what can be done to help them; possibly an individualized approach.


L. Rubin advised checking to see tardiness and absences will help try to find out where the gap lies.  Relationship building is something we are working on.  C. Chilcott advised our new family coordinator is helping support families and is working to help support academics by supporting families. 


Student Success Data- Middle School

M. Thorman advised no STAR testing at the beginning and end of the year. CAASPP is the first time being taken since 2018/2019.


54% are at or above benchmark in ELA  and 51% in math.


Significant equity gap based on ethnicity in 6th grade math for the CAASPP.  7th graders had the highest grades in the 3 grades.  M. Thorman advised 8th grade math teacher was not the best and left mid year but a new teacher was hired and M. Thorman has sat in her class and is very pleased with her so far.  Science test scores decreased from 2019 and scores are disappointing. Benefit for 6th grade is the students are getting 2 extra tutorials.  M. Thorman wants to make sure we are targeting skills to help them with their tests, not feed them the answers but give them all the skills they need to succeed.


K. Welch asked if A. McGeorge created a plan for ELA and History but asked if there is a plan in play for Math and Science.  M. Thorman advised yes, there are plans for history and the math plans are all ready to be implemented according to grade level.   K. Welch asked if there is anything to be able to measure the needs of the students based on opportunity.  M.  Thorman said the satellite data shows where we need to focus.  She also advised the plans are not to continue teaching the same information until they get it but also to help them progress so that they do not fall behind while learning the information.  


A.  Price wanted to appreciate M. Thorman's point to not teach down.   She also advised that now that it is 1 school data will be easier to follow.  She asked if it would be possible to track the same students throughout the year.  M.  Thorman advised coming next year that should be feasible. 


M. Thorman advised of the 7 step process to help kids, whether it be transportation or needing glasses etc.  R. Whittaker applauded the great work of the staff during the covid 19 transition.


T. Ruiz acknowledged she cannot see her son's data and hence acknowledging L. Rubin's trouble finding such information for her students.  She also acknowledged the need of having a strong math teacher so as to increase student performance. 


IV. Action Items


Board Local Authorization for Credentials

A. Price made a motion to IT IS RESOLVED that The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors authorizes the following teachers to hold the following assignments: •Jennifer Whatley 6th Grade Math •Patty Devlin 6th Grade Science •Celeste Ansley 6th Grade History • Sheila Hewitt 6th Grade English & History • Bianca Colon 7th Grade English.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
K. Zimmerman
A. Price
R. Whittaker
T. Ruiz
D. Forbes
C. Robie
K. Welch


Vote to Approve Education Protection Account Funds (EPA)

W. Schaff made a motion to the Academy of Alameda approves our education protection accounts funds, which is part of our local control funding formula to be spent on teachers salaries.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Forbes
A. Price
T. Ruiz
R. Whittaker
W. Schaff
K. Welch
C. Robie
K. Zimmerman


Vote to Change Job Title from Human Resource Manager to Human Resource Director

C. Robie made a motion to Change of title from HR Manager to HR Director due to the scope of the work and responsibilities and level of experience.
K. Welch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Whittaker
C. Robie
D. Forbes
W. Schaff
K. Welch
K. Zimmerman
T. Ruiz
A. Price


Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

K. Welch made a motion to The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves continuing to hold Board meetings and Board committee meetings virtually through September 2022 due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19 that continues to directly impact the ability of board members and attendees to meet safely in person pursuant to AB 361.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Whittaker
A. Price
D. Forbes
K. Welch
C. Robie
W. Schaff
T. Ruiz
K. Zimmerman

V. Closing Items


Board Member Reports

R. Whittaker- nothing to report.

C. Robie-nothing to report.

B. Schaff- nothing to report.

K. Zimmerman- nothing to report.

A. Price advised was asked about helping out but could be conflict of interest since AoA is one of the schools.  She will speak privately with C. Chilcott.

K. Welch.  advised was able to go to campus.

T. Ruiz- nothing to report.


Board Acknowledgments


Upcoming Board Meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes