The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM


Public comment Instructions:
Follow the zoom link or enter the zoom meeting via phone to make a public comment and/or listen in  dial (415) 762-9988.
Enter Meeting ID: 978-0030-2439 followed by #
Enter Participant ID: 266137 

Directors Present

A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), Q. Chu (remote), R. Brown (remote), R. Whittaker (remote), W. Schaff (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Pulido (remote), H. Spongberg (remote), S. Ivery (remote), T. Ammar (remote)

I. Opening Items


Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol

M. Huxley reviewed the Zoom Meeting Protocol.


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Apr 30, 2020 at 6:33 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests (Roll Call)


Public Comments

No public comments.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements

D. Forbes read The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

A. Price made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 03-26-20.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


March, 2020 Check and Credit Card Registers


Distance Learning Expectations Policy


Vote on Consent Agenda

A. Price made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Board Communications


Board Member Reports

D. Forbes encouraged everyone to explore the resources that BoardOnTrack offers.
R. Brown, as a parent of a middle-schooler, expressed how much she appreciated how well 
the home-schooling works.
Q. Chu, as a parent of two elementary-schoolers, echoed R. Brown, and expressed her gratitude to the AoA staff for a lot of interaction between students and teachers.
C. Robie gave kudos to the fact that AoA's staff 'was doing an excellent job in dealing with this challenging situation.
A. Price announced that a group of advocates sent a letter to the Governor requesting an additional 10 million dollars for emergency funds for schools.  
R. Whittaker reported that he heard from a friend who has twins in two different schools in Alameda - one at AoA. Having the chance to compare these two schools with AoA, he was proud to note that AoA's distance learning seems to be the most successful, organized and effective of the other middle schools in Alameda.
W. Schaff gave big kudos to the AoA staff for doing an excellent job.


Executive Director Report

1) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) 
Matt reported that the main annual LCAP was being postponed until December 15, 2020 and that there would be only a small operations report that would be brought to the June Board meeting to be voted on. 

2) Parent Survey
Both principals have sent out Parent/Guardian surveys to gather feedback on their school's distance learning plan. They will follow up with Zoom meetings to gather additional input as well as send out the survey a few more times to gather more feedback.

3) Planning for the Opening of the School Year
A school committee is being formed to create a detailed plan for the 2020/21 school year. The Executive Director will report out more specifics at the May 28 meeting. 


Elementary and Middle School Distance Learning Programs

It has been challenging to meet the needs of all families, although the survey data showed that parents were mostly happy with AoA's distance learning plan. Some families want more work for their children while others want less - depending on their unique situations at home. 

Key Components
Teachers post instructional video(s), students watch the video(s), log into IXL, and practice skills.  Teachers reach out to students who need additional support. All after-school staff have been assigned to certain grade levels to provide additional assistance.

Power Standards
Focus on skills to help students to prepare them for the next grade level. Google Classroom has been a powerful tool. The transition to distance learning using Google Classroom was relatively easy because middle school students were already familiar with the platform. Other tools that are being used include IXL, GoFormative, Newsela, Math 180, and Accelerated Reader.

Measuring Success
Tracking student success and academic performance is challenging. Sending MAP tests home is not an option. The main assessment plan will take place in the beginning of the new school year. The start of the school year may be set earlier by a few days for assessing students.

Middle School Grade Scale
The middle school is using A–C grade scale.  Grades are primarily determined based on effort and work completion. 

Additional Middle School Support
Counselor Shannon Smoot has created a distance learning support website – 
Instructional Assistants and GOLD staff are offering personalized assistance to students who need additional support.

Addressing Underperformers 
D. Forbes suggested that extra resources for students with IEP's will need to be budgeted in the Fall (IEP – Individualized Education Program). M. Huxley talked about a new hire – a 3rd year School Psychologist Intern who was hired to provide additional support for students.

Family Outreach
The COST Team (Coordination of Student Services Team) is following up on students who have not logged in and done their assignments. R. Brown brought up that as many as 20% of students would not be completing their assignments. A. Price conveyed her deep concern. According to M. Huxley, however, the percentage of families that AoA has not been able to connect to at all is significantly lower.

For the next board meeting
Amber Cameron will be invited to give a presentation providing a more data-driven report concerning students who are underperforming. A. Price requested that the data would reflect socio-economic status so that appropriate support could be provided when needed. C. Robie suggested that legal advice may be needed to make sure that legal requirements are followed precisely. 

Weekend Report
Executive Director will start a weekly Board email called Weekend Report to communicate important updates to Board Members.

Extra Resources
R. Whittaker brought up that Alameda Arts is posting art projects for K–5 daily. He also wanted to remind the importance of online learning to be fun. "Kids need fun."
C. Robie brought up that the library has online stories for all ages including adults.


2020/21 Elementary and Middle School Enrollment Update

By the application deadline February 28, the number of applications looked fairly solid. However, there were a large number of families who declined their offers. Last year, AoA's middle school had low enrollment for the 6th grade as well. 

Current Middle School Enrollment Assupmtions For Budgeting
6th grade = 140 students | 7th grade = 140 students | 8th grade = 170 students

​​​​​The recent social media campaign has brought at least 4 new families in the past two weeks. 
Action Plan: Virtual school tour and school videos on social media. Advertising a couple of dates for the 6th graders to meet the middle school principal.


2020/21 Budget Discussion

State Budget Update
State budget information is changing on an almost daily basis and the Organizational Team is monitoring state budget updates. The 2020/21 budget submitted in June will most likely be adjusted in the Fall as additional information will be delivered over the summer. 

Next year we should find out the severity of this crisis. Past recessions have lasted multiple budget cycles. 
Timeline 2020
May 7th: Finance Working Group Meeting meeting
May 28th: Board Meeting: draft budget 
June TBD: Finance Workign Group Meeting: work on the final budget draft that goes to the Board on June 25
June 25th: Board passes final 2020/21 budget

A. Price expressed her appreciation to S. Ivery for providing such a clear and thorough report, and also to the more veteran board members who have managed the budget so well that "we are not in panic right now". D. Forbes expressed his appreciation to S. Ivery for her work on the PPP loan. W. Schaff extended his thanks for S. Ivery's effort and commended the entire board for its strong budgetary oversight.  


IV. Action Items


Board Proposal to Extend The Academy of Alameda's On-Site Closure

R. Whittaker made a motion to Extend The Academy of Alameda's On-Site Closure through the end of the school year, June 12, 2020.
A. Price seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2020/21 Executive Director Compensation

C. Robie made a motion to approve a raise of 4% to the Executive Director's salary for 2020/21.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
R. Whittaker and R. Brown added that Matt Huxley has done extraordinary job as the Executive Director. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Closed Session: Gov’t Code § 54957(b): Executive Director's Evaluation

Board Members and the Executive Director began Closed Session at 7:56pm.


Return to Public Session (After Closed Session item)

Board Members and the Executive Director returned to Public Session at 8:35pm. No action was taken during the closed session. 


Review of Key May 28 Board Meeting Topics

  • Distance Learning student performance report
  • Enrollment update for2020/21
  • Board member nomination (for 3-year term and offices)
    R. Whittaker asked for a list of who is coming to an end with their term.
  • Draft 2020/21 budget 
  • LCAP Operations Draft
  • 2020/21 Schools' Plan Working Group report 
  • Form 700 – due date June 1, 2020


Summer Board Retreat

  • Review of the 2020/21 School Plan
  • Program Alignment to The Academy's  Mission and Vision
  • Board Development

VI. Adjourn Meeting


Adjourn Meeting

W. Schaff made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
R. Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes