The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Special Board Meeting 3/14/20

Date and Time

Saturday March 14, 2020 at 2:00 PM


401 Pacific Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
Teleconference Location: 1102 Ironwood Road, Alameda California 94501

Directors Present

A. Price, C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes, K. Zimmerman, R. Brown, R. Whittaker

Directors Absent

Q. Chu, W. Schaff

Guests Present

M. Huxley

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Saturday Mar 14, 2020 at 2:04 PM.



Vote to Close The Academy of Alameda Schools From March 16 through March 27, 2020

D. Forbes made a motion to Close The Academy of Alameda from 3/16 through 3/26.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Zimmerman
R. Brown
Q. Chu
D. Forbes
C. Robie
A. Price
R. Whittaker
W. Schaff


Resolution to Grant The Executive Director of Alameda Additional Decision Making Authority

R. Brown made a motion to Grant the Executive Director Additional Decision Making Authority.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Zimmerman
W. Schaff
R. Whittaker
Q. Chu
R. Brown
C. Robie
A. Price
D. Forbes

The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors
Resolution # 2019-2020-2
WHEREAS, The Academy of Alameda operates The Academy of Alameda Charter Schools operated (collectively “Charter School”);
WHEREAS, the safety and well-being of all students, staff, parents and stakeholders of the schools operated by Charter School is paramount; and
WHEREAS, in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a coronavirus now known as COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan City, China and has since spread to more than 116 countries, including the United States; and
WHEREAS, on January 23, 2020 the national Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) activated its Emergency Response System to provide ongoing support for the response to COVID-19 across the country; and
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2020, the California Department of Public Health activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center and on March 2, 2020, the California Office of Emergency Services activated the State Operations Center to support and guide state and local actions to preserve public health; and
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020 the Governor of the State of California declared an emergency statewide relating to COVID-19 and has directed state agencies to provide updated and specific guidance to schools; and
WHEREAS, Charter School has been monitoring advice provided by the California Department of Education (“CDE”), the CDC, and the State and County health departments; and
WHEREAS, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is growing at an alarming rate both around the world and in California; and
WHEREAS, more than 9,400 Californians in 49 counties are in “home monitoring” based on travel-related exposure to the virus; and
WHEREAS, experts anticipate that, while a high percentage of individuals affected by COVID-19 will experience mild flu-like symptoms, some will have more serious symptoms and require hospitalization, particularly individuals who are elderly or already have underlying chronic health conditions; and
WHEREAS, Charter School has some students, staff and family members who are likely at risk of more serious symptoms as a result of other health conditions; and
WHEREAS, there are numerous legal and organizational impacts to decisions made in response to the COVID-19 virus and strict adherence to provisions in existing school policies and/or procedures of the Charter School might prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of COVID-19;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of Directors of Charter School directs the following:
1. Charter School shall be closed should the chartering authority, or local, state or federal government officials, including, but not limited to, the County Public Health Department (“Relevant Authorities”) direct or recommend the closure;
2. The Executive Director  may close the School for up to ten (10) school days based on the Executive Director’s determination that it is necessary to protect student and/or staff health and safety; the Executive Director must seek the Board’s authority for any closure longer than ten (10) school days;
3. In order to immediately protect the health and safety of pupils and employees, the Executive Director may waive any school or organization-wide policy or procedure to implement directives from Relevant Authorities;
4. The Executive Director shall have the authority to exclude anyone from school campus in order to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure from the surrounding community;
5. In order to immediately protect the health and safety of pupils and employees, the Executive Director or designee may exclude pupil(s) or employee(s) from school or school activities as necessary to implement guidance or directives from Relevant Authorities or applicable law;
6. The Executive Director or designee may hire additional staff or independent contractors as necessary or convenient for purposes of performing tasks recommended by Relevant Authorities or that the Executive Director deems necessary in his/her discretion to mitigate the actual or potential impacts of COVID-19.  
7. The Executive Director or designee may direct that all parent meetings, conferences, discussions, or other required parent interactions be held telephonically in order to minimize potential exposure of our students and staff by parents or other community members;
8.  As necessary, the Executive Director, in consultation with Charter School legal counsel, is directed to negotiate any necessary changes to or cancelations of other non-employment contracts in order to mitigate losses that the Charter School would otherwise incur, or to provide different levels and types of services needed, as a result of actual or potential impacts of COVID-19;
9.  The Executive Director, in consultation with Charter School legal counsel and our granting agency, shall propose revisions to the academic calendar for the 2019-20 academic year, if necessary;
10.  The Executive Director, in consultation with Charter School legal counsel and our granting agency, shall prepare and file all necessary requests and supporting documentation to preserve full apportionment funding;
11.  The Executive Director, in consultation with Charter School legal counsel, may approve use of virtual, independent study or other programs designed to serve students who otherwise might be unserved;
12.  The Executive Director is directed to continuously inform families about updates to information and directives being received from Relevant Authorities;
13.  The Executive Director shall keep the Charter School Board and the charter school’s parents and staff informed of his/her implementation of the provisions of this Resolution;
14.  The Executive Director shall consult with the Charter School’s insurer for any advisement as to how to deal with virus related issues;
15.  The Executive Director or designee shall ensure that services to special education students continue to be provided in off-campus locations when appropriate and possible in the event of a school closure;
16.  The Executive Director shall ensure that free and reduced-price meals are provided to students in the event of school closure (by collaborating with AUSD personnel) unless this is impossible or commercially unreasonable (by working collaboratively with ;
17.  In order to immediately protect the health and safety of pupils and employees, the Executive Director or designee may restrict or cancel the use of school facilities by off-campus groups and may restrict or cancel extra-curricular activities, field trips, sports, or other school activities sponsored by student or parent groups; and
18.  The Executive Director, after consulting the Board President, shall have the authority to exceed the level of expenditures that would ordinarily trigger the requirement to also obtain approval of the Board President or Board of Directors under Board fiscal policies in order to pay for expenses related to the items contained in this Resolution up to $50,000 during school closure.   
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Charter School on this 14th day of March 2020.
The Academy of Alameda Board President


III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Forbes made a motion to Close the meeting.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Whittaker
C. Robie
R. Brown
A. Price
K. Zimmerman
W. Schaff
D. Forbes
Q. Chu
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes