The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 5, 2020 at 6:30 PM


401 Pacific Avenue, Alameda CA 94501 (Home Office - 2nd Quad)

Directors Present

A. Price, C. Robie, D. Forbes, K. Zimmerman, R. Brown, R. Whittaker

Directors Absent

Q. Chu, W. Schaff

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

R. Brown

Guests Present

H. Spongberg, M. Huxley, S. Ivery

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Mar 5, 2020 at 6:32 PM.


Public Comments

No public comments.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements

R. Whittaker read the mission statement.
C. Robie read the envisioned future.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

R. Whittaker made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 12-12-19.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
D. Forbes made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Retreat on 01-26-20.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Ever Forward Overnight Field Trip


Vote on Consent Agenda

A. Price made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Board Communications


Board Member Reports

R. Whittaker introduced an idea of bringing a new club, similar to DECA, to AoA. DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an international non-profit student organization, preparing emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in high schools. The AoA club would focus on creativity and critical thinking. M. Huxley noted that in such club AoA could emphasize social justice perspective. R. Whittaker said that idea originated from seeing the remarkable change/improvement in students who participated the program. A volunteer to facilitate the club has been identified.

A. Price brought up the hot topic in news, coronavirus. An unfortunate event was that the school bathroom ran out of soap, which should not have happened. The social media posting about the incident was very unfortunate as well as it was not entirely accurate.

R. Brown highlighted the annual Salute to Education event that recognizes volunteers and excellent programs from each school in Alameda, including charter schools. Salute to Education will take place on Friday, May 1, 2020 6–9pm

D. Forbes piggybacked R. Brown's note. Every school in Alameda nominates one staff member and one volunteer to be honored in this celebration of success.

C. Robie told about a past event in the Alameda Library. The Friends of the Library organized the 2nd annual Black History Speakers Panel, and R. Whittaker was one of the speakers.

R. Whittaker reminded that the Marketing Committee has not rescheduled a new meeting. Related to this, a noteworthy opportunity to attract new applicants would be to set posters on park fences. This is a free option for schools, for 60 days.


Board Working Group Report/s

The Executive Director's Board Working Group had a discussion in early February about the Executive Director's Progress towards goals.


Executive Director Report

  1. The Board reviewed an article about guidance for schools.
  2. A new part-time custodian was hired to ensure safe, clean school environment.
  3. Information has been gathered for building a comprehensive preparedness plan for the pandemic influenza threat.
  4. The ED talked about using this as a lesson for students about the level of discrimination that is taking place around the world including in local and national media.
  5. Washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer remains the number one means for preventing coronavirus from spreading.
Hiring Update (Elementary School Principal)
Three strong candidates were interviewed by 11 "Input Committee" members on Wednesday 3/4. The goal is to introduce the final candidate in the board meeting on March 26, and get her started with the job shadowing and training process alongside Nora Bullock.

Form 700 and Conflict of Interest Code
Form 700 to be added on the next board meeting agenda and completed by all board members as soon as possible.


2020/21 Enrollment Update

M. Huxley presented the exact applicant numbers, for both Elementary School and Middle School by grade and In-District, Out-of-District and Total.
Discussion about what is it that best draws applicants to AoA. Some schools have parents doing outreach in community events.


New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Budget and Implementation Update

In summer, there will be 2.5 days of Deep Learning training for teachers.
A clear pitch is needed, on what Deep Learning is and what's in it for the students.
(The globalism is not necessarily a big selling point for parents.)

M. Huxley gave a presentation about the framework of Deep Learning:
  • the six C's
  • the four elements
  • a shift from Traditional Learning to Deep Learning (= a comparison if you will)
Results on how the program is working can be expected to be seen in 3–5 years. Starting point: requires an assessment what the student engagement looks like this year.

Estimated budget expenses, including membership fee, conference in Anaheim, and staff facilitated PD, were presented.

IV. Action Items


Staff Compensation

In the election, the result for the parcel tax was 63%, whereas 67% is required for the Measure A to pass (parcel taxes must receive 67% of the vote). The vote for passage of Measure A currently stands just over 404 votes short. The absentee ballots are being counted, and the next results are expected to be announced soon. It is still uncertain whether that will be the final vote announcement or not.

S. Ivery gave a presentation presentation on staff compensation budget including
  • highlights
  • baseline + increase to pay in steps model
  • variables to consider


Staff Compensation if the Parcel Tax Doesn't Pass

D. Forbes made a motion to Increase the teacher salary schedule by 2% which would give teachers a 3.5 to 5% salary increase depending upon where they are on the salary schedule. All other employees' salaries would be increased by 4.5%. This applies if Measure A does not pass. Effective July 1, 2020.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Staff Compensation if the Parcel Tax Passes

D. Forbes made a motion to Increase the teacher salary schedule by 7% which would give teachers a 8.5 to 10% salary increase depending upon where they are on the salary schedule. All other employees' salaries would be increased by 9.5%. This applies if Measure A passes. Effective July 1, 2020.
C. Robie seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
R. Brown left.

V. Closing Items


Closed Session: Gov’t Code § 54957(b): Progress on Executive Director Executive 2019/20 Goals

Executive Director, Matt Huxley, will send Board members actions he has taken thus far toward his 2019/20 goals


Board Returns to Open Session

No other items.


Review of Key March 26 Board Meeting Topics

Matt Huxley shared the key agenda topics to be covered at the March 26 Board meeting.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Robie