The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 21, 2019 at 6:30 PM


401 Pacific Avenue, Alameda CA 94501 (AoA Home Office)

Directors Present

A. Price, C. Robie, D. Forbes, K. Zimmerman, Q. Chu, R. Brown, R. Whittaker, W. Schaff

Directors Absent


Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

R. Brown

Guests Present

H. Spongberg, M. Huxley, M. Thorman, S. Ivery

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday Nov 21, 2019 at 6:35 PM.


Public Comments

No public comment at this time.


The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements

Carole Robie read the Mission & Envisioned Future Statement.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

R. Whittaker made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 10-24-19 Regular Board Meeting on 10-24-19.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
W. Schaff
A. Price
C. Robie
R. Whittaker
Q. Chu
K. Zimmerman
D. Forbes
R. Brown


October, 2019 Check and Credit Card Registers (Consent Agenda Item)


Updated English Learner Redesignation Board Policy (Consent Agenda Item)


Revisions to The Academy's Employee Handbook (Consent Agenda Item)


Vote on Consent Agenda

R. Whittaker made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Whittaker
R. Brown
D. Forbes
W. Schaff
A. Price
K. Zimmerman
C. Robie
Q. Chu

III. Board Communications


Board Member Reports

C. Robie: The 10th Year Anniversary was fabulous, enjoyable.

R. Whittaker: About the Achievement Gap and Engagement with capital E.

What can we do to improve AoA students' academic success? Suggestion:
  1. Identify & recruit a group (20–30) students who are low-performing.
  2. Identify activities that enhance engagement. (Field trips options examples. Field trips have to connect with the curriculum.)
  3. Identify a coordinator for such a group.
Follow-up in January–February. The strategy has to be designed to actually "move the needle".
R. Brown left.
M. Thorman left.


Executive Director Report

M. Huxley talked about the 10th Year Anniversary Dinner on Friday 11/15/2019 and thanked the Board for attending.


Middle School Charter Renewal Update

M. Huxley to provide a general 3-year plan around English Learners to the AUSD Board (and to the AoA Board) prior to the 12/17 AUSD Board Meeting.

Discussion about providing parents/guardians speaking points for the AUSD Board Meeting on 12/17/2019.

R. Brown suggested getting satisfied parents (of EL students) to highlight how AoA has been successful in supporting English Learners.

Note: Charter Renewal Celebration Coffee at AoA scheduled for 12/20/2019 from 8:00 to 9am.


Middle School Data Report

The focus on presenting growth. Schoolzilla is the tool AoA uses for processing collected data and for creating graphs. In the January Board Meeting a snapshot of Middle School data will be presented.

M. Thorman gave a report on the assessment tools used at AoA:
  • ELA: MAP, CAASPP, Course Grade, Teacher Recommendation.
  • MATH: MAP, Double Math, Purchased Licenses, Additional IA Support, After-School Tutoring.
The slide on CAASPP Data 2015–2018 showed a flattening of results across many sub-groups. Discussion on the possible reasons for the trend.

M. Thorman discussed how our strategic plan addresses the data  - especially as it relates to deeply engaging students and went further into AoA's Theory of Action to increase student outcomes.

Example on Deep Learning from the recent conference in Vancouver: A teacher invited a local inventor to visit their school. The outcome was, that students suddenly felt more connected, and their engagement and performance increased.


Leverage Leadership Board Homework Discussion

Thoughts and experiences on the 1st 10 pages of the book Leverage Leadership 2.0 which was homework for the Board.
The next Board homework assignment will be emailed to members.


Leadership Transition Report

M. Huxley introduced the Hiring Plan.
December 11: a meeting for parents both in the morning & in the evening, and a survey to be sent out by Survey Monkey.
Enrollment Information Sessions to be hosted by Nora Bullock and Matt Huxley.


Enrollment Plan

Preparation of the AoA enrollment schedule included verifying that AoA enrollment events did not conflict with other Alameda schools' enrollment events.
Enrollment postcards have been and will be sent out.
New flyer just got printed.
Alameda Peeps FB group promotion.
Website to be translated in Spanish, Cantonese, Arabic.
Website reconstruction going on.

Important notes:
Elementary School to be promoted so that people know AoA is two schools, not just MS.
Sports programs to be promoted.

IV. Action Items


Alameda Parcel Tax

D. Forbes introduced the AUSD Parcel Tax in a nutshell and the estimated AoA share of it, 475K / year.
Discussion on how to allocate that money – if the ballot passes in March.
C. Robie made a motion to decide that 8–9 % salary increase will follow if the Parcel Tax passes in March 2020.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
C. Robie made a motion to decide that 8–9 % salary increase will follow at AoA if the Parcel Tax passes in March 2020.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Review of Key December 12 Board Agenda Topics

Key December 12 Board Topics 
- MS Renewal Update
- Audit
- Fiscal Policy Update
- ED Goal report out
- Marketing committee - update
- Mid-Year Board Retreat  (January 27, 2020) - Possible Agenda Topics

Special Education
Organization Model Possible Structural Change
Restorative Practices Program and Discipline data 
Board Development


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes