The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board


The Academy of Alameda Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday January 8, 2017 at 9:00 AM


980 Atlantic Blvd. Alameda, CA 94501 (Phocas Financial Office)

Directors Present

A. Price, C. Robie, D. Forbes, L. Cazares, R. Whittaker, S. Youngblood, W. Schaff

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Cherie Spivey, Christina Greenberg, M. Huxley, N. Bullock, S. Hottinger, W. Williams

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Whittaker called a meeting to order on Sunday Jan 8, 2017 at 9:00 AM.

II. Board Communications


Overview of Agenda

Driving Questions:
  1. Who we serve?
  2. How we serve?
  3. Do we want to expand?


Organizational Mission, Vision and Priorities Discussion

Mission Statement:
  • On track for college – measuring with attendance, MAP, discipline data
  • Equity-centered – all students
  • On the ground statement (AoA at Pacific Ave) as opposed to an organizational mission statement
  • If we expand need to develop an organizational mission statement
  • Don’t have a vision statement – need to work on it
  • Matt does have a theory of action that the cabinet has been working on
Vision Exercise:
  • 1500 students (500 ES/MS/HS)
  • PreK - 12
  • 1000 students total to stay intimate
  • PreK - 8
  • Neighborhood vs diversity
  • Expand diversity to include ethnicity, cultural definition, socio-economic
  • Help students improve circumstances and opportunity
  • Having diversity of all kinds
  • Needs to be pyramid (determine size of HS and work backwards with larger MS and even larger ES)
  • Will we move away from physical plant?
  • Most of the board was formed to improve MS (Do we need a new board to support expansion?)
  • Revamped structure to grow?
  • Model school and model program
  • Org structure that supports our core mission – outsource elements that are not core (fiscal services)
  • Highest quality PD, Accountability and support for board and staff
  • Career paths or alternative plans for students who do not go to college
  • Engagement with community
  • Whole child – measure student success in all ways not just standardized tests
  • Fundraise at a level to provide extended day and extended year and teachers have built in 2 hours a day of built in PD (write and receive grants)


Growth Planning

  • Broader than the color of skin
  • Learning challenges, Ethnicity, home language
  • Board definition of diversity – common understanding
  • Under served students in Alameda community first
  • Reflect diversity
  • Moving ALL students up no matter where they are
  • 3 levers to ensure diversity:
    • Recruitment
    • Lottery Preferences
    • Retention
  • ACTION: Pull data specifics on diversity and local school comparisons, get other examples of diversity definitions
Potential Growth Paths (Sequence):
  • Improve Program
  • Early Childhood
  • Expand ES enrollment in Alameda
What does “improve” program mean?
  • Underserved students
  • Extended day/year
  • Electives (language, art, music, extracurricular)
  • Community/family engagement and support
  • Getting retaining excellent teachers especially hard to staff areas
  • Communicating to community effectively
  • Math & writing program


Break and Lunch


Action Planning

  • Summer Program
    • Leverage current resources and connections
    • Freedom school model
  • Reserve spending
  • Possibility of getting grants
    • Better promotional and marketing to get the story of AoA out in the community
    • Something that makes our program stand out as we aren’t known as “needy”
  • Intervention in general
    • Literacy (MS) – staff with potential to be expert – needs cert.
    • Participation in after school
    • Staff member like case manager for Tier III w/ counseling experience, family liaison & student support
  • Math & Science
    • Build internal pipeline to recruit teachers
  • Pre-K (kids under 5 yrs old)
    • Market analysis for pre-K/TK need
    • How does pre-k formation happen? Part of charter?
    • Research other charters who have Pre-K
Next 6 months to do:
  • January
    • ES $$ & model for summer program
    • List of new positions needed for 17-18
    • Post Math/Science position
    • Communicate to families about summer school
    • Matt bring literacy program and costs to board for literacy specialist
    • Math/Science compensation review at Finance Committee Meeting
  • February
    • MS $$ & model for summer program
    • If we want to hire a Math/Science Teacher do so
      • Create pipeline with universities, intern programs, etc.
    • Job Description or Intervention case manager/family liaison
  • March
    • Review data on effectiveness of last year’s investments, propose next year staffing/program investments
  • April
  • May
  • June
    • Revisit Pre-K growth plan and timeline
    • Board Retreat – Program data



III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Whittaker