The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday August 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM PDT


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. C. Public Comments
  D. The Board of Directors Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
II. Business Action Items
  A. Vote on New AoA Board of Director Member - Kristin Welch
The Board is voting for two new Board members, Kristin Welch and Theresa Ruiz, to serve two-year terms on AoA's Board of Directors.  
  B. Vote on New AoA Board of Director Member - Teresa Ruiz
The Board is voting for two new Board members, Kristin Welch and Theresa Ruiz, to serve two-year terms on AoA's Board of Directors.  
  C. Proposal To Purchase New Desks for the Middle School
The Executive Director is proposing that the Board approve the use of one-time ESSER III federal funds to purchase new middle school desks and chairs. The investment in new classroom is not only a capital improvement, as many of the middle school's desks are old, it also allows us more flexibility to distance students from each other (they are single desks) while providing teachers with more classroom configuration options. The desks are on casters which allow them to be easily moved.

Proposal: The Board approves the purchase of new middle school desks costing $135, 000 to be paid out of additional one-time federal funding.
III. Board Retreat Agenda
Academic Excellence
  A. Welcoming Remarks, Review of Agenda
  B. Opening the 2021/22 School Year
  C. Morning Break
  D. Collaborating Productively in Board Committees
  E. Morning Debrief
  F. Lunch
  G. Reaffirm 2021/22 Committees
  H. Break
  I. Board Self Evaluation
IV. Closing Items
  A. Closing Remarks and Appreciations

  B. Adjourn Meeting