The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM PDT


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Board Member Attendance (Roll Call)
  C. Closed Session Item 1: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of CA Government Code Section 54956.9) OAH Case No. 2021020854 Closed Session Item II: Public Employee Discipline Dismissal/Release (§ 54957)
  D. Return to Public Session
Report out any action taken during closed session.
  E. Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol
This is a meeting of the Board. The Board is composed of 8 voting members and 1 non-voting member, the Executive Director. We are using the following protocols to guide our meeting:
  • This meeting is being recorded
  • If someone wishes to speak during the appropriate time, they will use the ‘raise hand’ icon or will raise their hand on video.
  • Please mute yourself when you enter the meeting and while someone else is talking. 
  • Make sure your name is spelled correctly. 
  • Use reactions to give a "thumbs-up" or "clap."


  F. The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: 
We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
  G. General Public Comments
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Draft Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes from:
  • May 20 Board Meeting
  • June 3 Board Meeting
  • June 17 Board meeting
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on May 20, 2021
  B. Check Register & Credit Card Statement
Review and approve the credit card statements and Bank of Marin check registers for May.
  C. General, Fiscal and Operational MOU Between The Alameda Unified School District and The Academy of Alameda - 2021-22
  D. Elementary and Middle School Consolidated Applications
The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to distribute categorical funds (Title I-V) from various federal programs to county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools throughout California. The Academy of Alameda Middle and Elementary School will be applying for Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV funding during the 2021-22 school year.
  E. 2021/22 Elementary and Middle School Consolidated Application Assurances
As part of our continued receipt of Title funding from the federal government, we are obligated to approve our Consolidated Application Assurances, and to approve the accompanying three policies on an annual basis.  They are complementary to other policies on record, and are intended to make our compliance for federal funding explicit.  No changes have been made since the last annual update on the following: 
1) Protected Prayer Certification;
2) Parent Involvement Policy;
3) Support for Education of Homeless Students
  F. Elementary and Middle School ESSER III Assurances
School Boards need to approve a school or district's ESSER III Assurances in order to receive ESSER III funding.  Thirty days after Board approval of the Assurances, the "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction" Plan needs to be completed and posted on the website. LEAs that receive ESSER III funds must submit an expenditure plan to the CDE by September 30th, 2021. 

  G. 2021-22 Education Protection Account (EPA) Annual Spending Determination
Education Protect Account (EPA) funds must be board approved and designated for eligible expense purposes. The Academy of Alameda will use these funds for teacher salaries during the 2021-22 school year.
  H. T5 (Mental Health Clinician) Salary Schedule
We are proposing the addition of a new step and column salary structure for the mental clinician position. Our salary schedule for that position was compared to surrounding districts and it is competitive.
  I. Vote on Consent Agenda
III. Board Communications
  A. Board Committee Reports
The following committee/s will report out highlights from their recent committee meetings:
  • Student Success Committee (6/10 meeting)
  • Marketing Committee (6/1 meeting)
  • Finance Committee (6/10 meeting)
  • Governance Committee (6/8 meeting)
  B. Acknowledge/Celebrate 10-Year Employees
Board and staff acknowledgement of employees Michele Sloan and Chris Peterson who just finished their 10th year of serving the AoA middle school community.
  C. 2020/21 ES and MS State Dashboard Local Indicators
The local California Dashboard Indicators (for the 2020/21 school year) are not due until next November but the California Department of Education (CDE) required LEAs to go through a self reflection process this year to help support their LCAP efforts. The official CA. Local Indicators will be brought back to  the Board to be voted on at its October meeting.
IV. Action Items
  A. Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators
By submitting this annual declaration, the district is certifying that despite efforts to recruit certificated personnel that include the following strategies below, there is a need to use alternative credentialing processes including internships and emergency permits to secure qualified personnel in a few positions.

EFFORTS  TO  RECRUIT  CERTIFIED  PERSONNEL: The  employing  agency  declares  that  it  has  implemented  in  policy  and  practices  a  process  for  conducting  a  diligent  search that  includes,  but  is  not  limited  to,  distributing job  announcements,  contacting college  and  university  placement  centers, advertising  in  local newspapers,  exploring  incentives  included  in  the  Teaching  as  a Priority  Block  Grant  (refer to  for  details),  participating  in  state  and  regional recruitment  centers  and  participating  in  job  fairs  in California. 

The governing board/body of the school district or charter school specified above adopted a declaration at a regularly scheduled public meeting held on 6/24/21 certifying that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the district's specified employment criteria for the position(s) listed on the attached form.  The attached form was part of the agenda, and the declaration did NOT appear as part of a consent calendar.   
  B. Proposal to Change Minimum Day Schedule for AoA'S Elementary School
Elementary School Principal Leah Rubin is proposing to change the ending time of the elementary school's Wednesday minimum day from 2:00pm to 1:10 pm so that teachers and other select staff have additional professional development time to collaborate as a whole staff and in grade level and subject specific teams (in grades 3-5). Teachers in elementary school do not have as much time as secondary teachers for professional development as most middle school teachers have common prep periods during the week. The Academy of Alameda Elementary School schedule provides substantially more instructional time for students in comparison to the state requirement, as well as surrounding districts including AUSD. 
  C. Proposal to Update AoA's Uniform Policy
The Academy of Alameda has had a uniform policy since its inception. The elementary and middle school administration and staff are proposing a change to the current one that will be easier for staff to enforce, allows students more flexibility in terms of what they wear, and continues to build school unity and pride and differentiates AoA from most surrounding school districts which do not require school uniforms.
  D. Student and Campus Search Policy
  E. Vote on New Three-Year Board Terms for Three Board Members
The Board is voting on new three-year terms for the following Board members:
  • Bill Schaff
  • Ron Whittaker
  • Karen Zimmerman
  F. Vote On AoA's 2021/22 Board of Director's President
The Board of Directors will vote on the following nominee for Board President: David Forbes
  G. Vote On AoA's 2021/22 Board of Director's Vice President
The Board of Directors will vote on the following nominee for Board Vice President: Bill Schaff
  H. Vote On AoA's 2021/22 Board of Director's Secretary
The Board  of Directors will vote on the following nominee for Board Secretary: Carole Robie
  I. One-time Leadership Stipend for Five Organization Leadership Team Members (other than the Executive Director)
Executive Director Matt Huxley is proposing a $2,500 stipend for Organizational Leadership Team members including the Elementary and Middle School Principals, the Director of Special Education, the Director of Finance, and the Director of HR for the significant additional work that they performed this past year supporting the AoA community as a result of the global pandemic. 
  J. Executive Director Compensation 2021-2022
Each year the Board needs to approve, in open session, the compensation for the Executive Director for the following school year.
V. Closing Items
  A. Board Member Reports
  B. Review August 1 Board Retreat agenda and discuss if this will be a Zoom meeting or In-Person
Possible Agenda Items Include:
  • Planning for how to return to normal and "not normal" to move us closer to our mission and envisioned future.
  • Reviewing student and family evidence from the 2021/22school year and discussing different ways to measure student success
  • Discussing how to make Board committees even more effective in 2021/22
  C. Adjourn Meeting