The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 20, 2021 at 6:30 PM PDT


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Closed Session: Gov’t Code § 54957(b): Executive Director Performance Towards Goals
  C. Record Board Member Attendance (Roll Call)
  D. Return to Public Session
  E. Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol
This is a meeting of the Board. The Board is composed of 8 voting members and 1 non-voting member, the Executive Director. We are using the following protocols to guide our meeting:
  • This meeting is being recorded
  • If someone wishes to speak during the appropriate time, they will use the ‘raise hand’ icon or will raise their hand on video.
  • Please mute yourself when you enter the meeting and while someone else is talking. 
  • Make sure your name is spelled correctly. 
  • Use reactions to give a "thumbs-up" or "clap."


  F. The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: 
We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
  G. General Public Comments
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Draft Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes from:
  • April 22 Board Meeting
  • May 14 Board meeting
    Minutes for Board Meeting on April 22, 2021
  B. Check Register & Credit Card Statement
Review and approve the credit card statements and Bank of Marin check registers for April.
  C. Approval of Koya Partners Contract
  D. Vote on Consent Agenda
III. Board Communications
  A. Board Committee Reports
The following committee/s will report out highlights from their recent committee meetings:
  • Student Success Committee (5/12 meeting)
  • Finance Committee (5/12/21 meeting)
  B. AoA School Uniform Presentation
  C. Elementary and Middle School Summer Enrichment Programs
  D. Board Member Nominations for New Three-year Terms
Nomination for the following Board members to serve new, three-year terms:
  • Ron Whittaker
  • Bill Schaff
  • Karen Zimmerman
  E. Nomination of Board of Director Officers for 2021/22
Nominations for the following 2021/22 AoA Board Officer positions:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
IV. Financial Update
  A. Draft 2021/22 Elementary and Middle School Budgets
V. Action Items
  A. Compensation Plan - New Step and Column Salary Structures for Teachers and Non-Teachers
Proposal: That the Board adopts the 2021/22 compensation plan except step and column structures O2 and O3, which will be amended and brought back to a scheduled Board meeting in June for adoption.
  B. AoA Elementary and Middle School Expanded Learning Opportunity Grants
  C. Board Meeting Calendar for 2021/22
  D. Acceptance of Que Chu's Resignation.
We greatly appreciate Que Chu's active tenure on the AoA Board of Directors for the past four years. Que will continue to serve on the Board of Director through July 31. She is also the mother of two AoA students. That role, along with her professional experience has been (and will continue to be) an important asset to the AoA community. 
VI. Closing Items
  A. Board Member Reports
  B. Review of Key June 17 and June 24 Board Meeting Agenda Topics
Key Topics Include:

June 17
  • Draft LCAP Plans and Family Survey Feedback/Input

June 24
  • Vote on ES and MS Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP's)
  • 2021/22 Fall Reopening Plans
  • 2021/22 ES and MS Budgets
  • Campus Student Safety Policy
  • Vote on Board of Director Officers for 2021/22 (President, Vice-President, and Secretary)
  • Vote on new three-year terms for Board member (Ron Whittaker, Bill Schaff, and Karen Zimmerman)
  • MOU's: ASES After-School Grant, Food Services, and General, Fiscal, and Operational
  • Student Success Committee Presentation
  • Acknowledge 10-year AoA Employees (Matt Huxley, Michele Sloan, and Chris Peterson)





  C. Adjourn Meeting