The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 25, 2019 at 6:30 PM PDT


401 Pacific Avenue, Alameda CA - Room 201


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. C. Public Comments
  D. The Board of Directors Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
II. II. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve the March 2019 Check Register and Credit Card Statement
Approve the February 2019 check register and credit card statement.
  B. Approve March 28, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
  C. Vote on Consent Agenda

Vote on Consent Agenda Items.

III. Closed Session Items
  • Approve settlement offer
  B. Report Out On Closed Session Item
IV. Board Communications
Academic Excellence
  A. Board Member Reports
  B. Executive Director Report
Executive Director reports out on:
Middle School Principal Induction Plan
Strategic Plan Update
Middle School Renewal Update
  C. Attracting Potential New Board Members
Discussion on strategies to attract new Board members who have areas of expertise that would benefit The Academy of Alameda.

1. What Board member skills, experiences or competencies, would be of benefit to AoA's Board and/or organization?
2. Are there members of our community or the broader community who might want to serve on our Board who possess those qualities/experiences?
3. How do we continue to recruit and retain quality Board members?
  D. California School Dashboard Presentation - Part I

Part I will be an overview of the California School Dashboard. Next month we will present how we plan to use the CA Dashboard with the Board, our families, and staff as both a communication tool, and as a tool to improve student outcomes. We'll also present data on areas of success and areas to be address in the strategic and LCAP plans.

  E. Communication Plan for MS Charter Renewal and Community Relations

Scope of Work:

  • Messaging (Defining your school before others define you – what you do well, what makes you different, why you’re needed in the community, etc.)
  • Proactive communications and storytelling (Pitching the media to generate positive stories, sharing your stories and successes at school board meetings and with key community members and influencers, using strategic communications to build support among your parents and other key stakeholders)
  • Media relations (Helping you navigate media inquiries and tackle any challenges that arise if your renewal prompts any challenging coverage)
  • Media training (for you and possibly other key members of the school community who might be interviewed by media)
  • Thought leadership (Positioning you as a leader and expert, which we could do with op-eds and possibly other opportunities; by enhancing your visibility we enhance the school’s)
  • Speaker preparation (for the renewal hearings and vote, preparing your speakers to be concise, credible and compelling)


V. Action Items:
  A. Revisions to Section 12 of The Academy's Board Bylaws
Young, Minney, and Corr recommended that we strengthen our language under Section 12 pertaining to removal of Board members.
  B. Compensation Plan: Vote on Cabinet Level Salary Ranges
The Staff 2019/20 Compensation Plan for all but six positions (Executive Director, Director of Operations and HR, K-5 Elementary School Principal, Middle School Principal, Director of Finance, and K-8 Assistant Principal) was approved at the March 28 meeting. There was still more work to do at that time (comparable data) on one of the Cabinet positions (those positions listed above). Thus, the  salary ranges of those positions was moved to the April 26 Board meeting to be voted upon.
  C. Proposed New Salary Range for Middle School Counselor Position

I asked Edgility to review the salary range for the MS Counselor position as it appeared be low in comparison to many local districts. The new proposed salary range is more accurate and competitive.

VI. Financial Update
VII. Closing Items
  A. Review of Key May 30 Board Meeting Agenda Topics
Topics include:
  • LCAP Drafts
  • Dashboard Presentation Part II
  • May Revised Budget and Initial AoA 2019/20 Budget
  • Strategic Plan Draft
  • Communication Plan
  • Meet the New MS Principal - Miranda Thorman
  • Home Office Plans
  • Facilities
  • Staff Recognition Plan (by The Academy's Board)
  B. Adjourn Meeting