The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 22, 2018 at 6:30 PM PDT


401 Pacific Avenue (Rm 203 - Upstairs 1st Quad), Alameda, CA


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. C. Public Comments
II. II. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve March 22, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
  B. Approve the March and April 2018 Check Registers
Approve the February 2018 Check Register.
  C. AoA/AUSD ASES Middle School After-School Program MOU
III. Board Communications
Academic Excellence
  A. Work With ED Porter - Executive Director and Leadership Coach

Highlight the three areas where Ed Porter Will Provide Coaching Support 

  B. School Directors' Report
  C. Executive Director Report
  D. May 7, 2018 Finance Working Group Meeting Share Out
IV. Financial Information
  A. Present Draft of The Academy's 2018/19 Budget
V. Action Items
  A. Nominate Board Member Officers for 2018/19 School Year
  B. Closed Session: Gov’t Code § 54957(b) Executive Director Evaluation
VI. Closing Items
  A. Preview Key June Board Meeting Agenda Topics
A preview of the key agenda topics for the 6.21.18 Board meeting 
  B. Adjourn Meeting