Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 21, 2024 at 6:15 PM
Board & Staff: Zoom only
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 9881 5196
Passcode: 602469
Arco Iris Spanish Immersion Charter School cultivates academic success for all students through a biliterate education and a robust math curriculum. Our students are members of a supportive multicultural community valuing diversity, equity and inclusion.
Directors Present
A. Kusaba (remote), A. Nelson (remote), C. Billings (remote), E. Hatch (remote), S. Badawi (remote), S. Zephirin (remote), Y. Jones (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Urdiales (remote), M. Ston (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Urdiales (remote), M. Ston (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
General Public Comment
II. New Business
Approve Meeting Minutes: October 17th
SIA Annual Grant Report
- Michelle Ston reviewed our SIA Annual Report. This is a reflection on successes and challenges from the previous school year, and reporting on specific progress markers. This is a required report submitted to the Oregon Department Education, and must be reviewed in an open public meeting and posted on the website. The SIA grant primarily funds our school counselor/success coach and instructional assistant positions.
- Discussion was opened up for public comment on the report. No public comment made.
Conference Updates: OSBA and ORC3S
Board members shared overview of information learned thru attendance at recent conferences.
Complaint Protocol and Policy
Board discussion about current complaint procedures, and whether or not we need a more robust list of resources for making complaints beyond the administrator team and Board of Directors. Also discussion on opportunities for families or staff to provide anonymous feedback/complaints. Adreana and Sarah B. will work to draft a suggested revision and present at an upcoming Board meeting.
PTO Report
Jillian Henss provided PTO updates:
- 640 raised at last restaurant night with Panda Express. Upcoming nights on Dec. 11 and 12th at Papa Murphy's on Murray/Allen.
- Ruby's Bridge Walk to School had great participation
- Updates on school celebrations and Art Lit Projects
Board Member Attendance at PTO Meeting
Erin will attend the December PTO meeting.
Art Lit Supply Budget
December Supplies:
$130 for tools and wax paper
$195 for clay
Total: $325
Anticipating total Art Lit Budget need of $2000 for the school year. Many of the purchased supplies could be reused in future years.
Art Lit was not originally included in our budget for the school year.
Roll Call | |
A. Kusaba |
C. Billings |
E. Hatch |
S. Zephirin |
S. Badawi |
Y. Jones |
A. Nelson |
IV. Executive Director
Director's Report
Academic Excellence
- Conferences are taking place tomorrow and Monday
- Internal assessments
- We use easyCBM as an internal assessment.
- This assessment is utilized to measure student growth throughout the year.
- We use easyCBM as an internal assessment.
- Data analysis
- Our main focus remains on supporting students not making progress during class Interventions and/or Workshop based on data. (Students in need of Tier 2 support.)
- This is our next Data Analysis date for Interventions. Each cycle spans 6-8 weeks. We will review current data to gauge students’ progress and create new groups for interventions
- Cycle 2: October 14-Dec 6
- Next SDW focus (December 9th)
- Data cycle analysis.
- Better understanding of math instructional resources for math instruction.
Team Training and Retention
- Current team and Hiring for SY 25-26
- Staff member on leave
- Our internal sub took over the class
- We have entered into an agreement with ESS to have an educator covering the internal sub position left
- Hiring opportunities being explored with Spain and Mexico - TBD
- Wednesday, November 20th meeting with liaison from Embassy in Spain
- Staff member on leave
- Other opportunities for teacher support:
- NWRESD is an Arco Iris partner for this SY 24-25
- The agency offers in-house mentorship/coaching opportunities for 7 of our educators, including our Student Success Coach (SSC)
- Teachers are receiving feedback and support via:
- Classroom visits by mentor teacher/coach
- PD opportunities outside of Arco Iris - some examples:
- 3 team members attended a training in October re: Early Literacy small group instruction. 2 more will attend this Wednesday 11/20
- SSC will be shadowing leadership teams on 12/3 at Hope Chinese
- Teachers are receiving feedback and support via:
- The agency offers in-house mentorship/coaching opportunities for 7 of our educators, including our Student Success Coach (SSC)
- NWRESD is an Arco Iris partner for this SY 24-25
- Team Training (SDW)
- Our next training session for the year will take place December 9. As mentioned above, our focus will be on:
- Singapore Math (small group instruction resources and best practices)
- Data Analysis
- Our next training session for the year will take place December 9. As mentioned above, our focus will be on:
- Reminder: throughout the year we have developed PD/training with a focus on:
- Small group instruction including data collection/analysis (academic and SEL)
- HMH Literacy Curriculum (ELA / SLA)
- Singapore Math
Community Engagement and Positive School Culture
- Community Engagement:
- Current and upcoming events:
- AFG (Annual Family Give) kick off occurred November 1-15, 2024:
- Total fundraising efforts to date: $96,967.20.
- Winter celebrations:
- Performances by every grade level in the gym
- Tuesday, December 17th - inviting families
- Friday celebrations, last day of school. Organized by PTO.
- Performances by every grade level in the gym
- AFG (Annual Family Give) kick off occurred November 1-15, 2024:
- (Reminders) Recurring events:
- Coffee with the Principal and Cafe con el Director (1st Friday and 1st/2nd Monday of every month). Changing it to second Friday, and the Monday after, during the month of December.
- Current and upcoming events:
Financial Responsibility
- Grants - updates
- We intend to apply again for funding opportunities with the SIA grant and Early Literacy grant. Combined grant opportunities around $500k.
- External partnerships:
- Arco Iris continues to partner with FundEd for more grant opportunities this year.
- We received our first grant for $10,000 from the Oregon Community Foundation, This will be used for leadership and mentorship opportunities for our Assistant Director.
- Arco Iris continues to partner with FundEd for more grant opportunities this year.
- Enrollment for 24-25
- Total enrollment for the year and current projections:
- 2024-25: 416
- -2 students due to holiday travels. Families have expressed re-enrolling at Arco Iris once they return in December and January.
- 2024-25: 416
- Open enrollment:
- January 6 - February 28
- Adding information to our website.
- Perla looking into social media posts.
- January 6 - February 28
- Lottery Date:
- March 17, 2024
- Total enrollment for the year and current projections:
V. Governance
Governance Report
No report
VI. Finance
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report
▪ ADMw received for (Month): $235,529.00
▪ Total income for (Month): $514,391.32
▪ Cash balance for (Month): $3,594,506.73
▪ Accts Receivable for (Month): $2,258.16
▪ Net gain/loss for (Month): $78,627.26
VII. Development
Development Report
Erin shared updates from Nov. Development Committee meeting. Committee looking ahead to the Auction in April and supporting Christa in those efforts. Waiting to hear back from a grant for staff laptops.
Chamber of Commerce
- August 15th, 7-9am Arco is hosting a Beaverton Area Chamber of Conference event coffee event.
- Christa and Sarah to attend December event with Women in Business
Expansion Updates
- Need to complete a new Charter Agreement in order to expand. Christa in contact with someone who may be able to support with writing this agreement.
- Real Estate broker expanding property location search to Tigard area. Ruled out Hillsboro as a location. No properties available in Beaverton right now.
ATDLE Accreditation
Michelle Ston met with the new chair of the association to review feedback from last year's application. Will be working to re-apply this year.
VIII. Closing Items
Action Items
- Sarah Z to email Michelle the draft of today's minutes to include in the SIA Annual Report. Also send to Erin for PTO meeting.
- Those that attended a conference in summer and Fall, email Sarah Z the names of sessions you attended so they can be added to the training log
- Adreana and Sarah B to work on draft of update to complaint procedures
No public comment