Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School


PTO Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Committee Members Present

C. Billings (remote), J. Warner (remote), L. Peterson (remote), M. Norman (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Bryan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Peterson called a meeting of the PTO Committee of Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School to order on Wednesday Mar 6, 2024 at 6:33 PM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from PTO Meeting on 02-07-24.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.



Board Report

Christa, Board President, delivered the report.  Normal Board meeting.  Letter of Intent went out to staff.  Going after grants, specifically Nike grant for sports and PE equipment.  Ticket sales for auction are low.  Please buy tickets or share with others so they can buy tickets.  Classroom contest ends next week, so make sure to contribute.  Procurement is looking good.  Video company coming in next week, look for something from the office.  These videos are used at the auction.  


No School Days

School is closed Friday, March 22.  Also closed for Spring Break March 25-29.


Coffee with the Director

Great turnout for the March Coffee with the Director.  Come join us for the April Coffee with the Director, April 5 at 8:35 in Room 114.  Thank you to Thornton Coffee and Caitlin Lowe for supplying the coffee and donuts.


Fundraising Update

Next up is a two-day event at Papa Murphy's at the corner of Murray and Allen.  It starts Wednesday, March 13 and goes through Thursday, March 14.  This is an online only event and 25% is donated back to the school.  Please support Arco Iris and order one or both days.

April 2 is an online nationwide restaurant night at Panda Express.

May 7 is Mod Pizza

Next Bottle drop collection is in April


Teacher Appreciation

Stock the breakroom wasn't as good for 5th/8th.  We may be asking for additional donations for this month.  Next is 4th grade on April 3.

Assistant Director day is April 1 and the team will be doing something for Perla.

Teacher appreciation week is May 6-10 and we will be doing something.  Feel free to email the PTO if you have ideas or suggestions for this.

For School Counselor appreciation we provided a gift to Luis.


Upcoming Events - Save the Date

March 15 Family Fun Night will be Loteria night.  This will be a fun event with prizes and a chance to meet other families.  We are looking into selling items, but you can bring your own nut-free items.  Please RSVP for the event; this is required since space is limited.  We will also have uniform exchange during the event and possibly spirit wear as well.

School-wide pajama day is March 21.  This was a reward from Move-a-thon.




Saturday, April 13.  Auction tickets are on sale now.  Please order soon so that we know how many will be attending.  There is an online portion, but there are some items that will be for in-person auction attendees only.  


Art Lit



We have achieved our first goal.  We have over 350 volunteers signed up on Vicnet.  We have 3,489 hours logged so far, almost halfway to our goal of 8,000 hours by the end of the school year.  Each family is asked to volunteer for at least 20 hours during the school year.  If you sign up for something, please show up.  Donations also count for volunteer hours.  Remember to sign in to Vicnet when you start your volunteer shift. You can always add your hours afterward if you forget.  Take a moment to look at the current volunteer opportunities on Vicnet.  Set your Vicnet preferences to received automated reminders of volunteer shifts and enable text messaging.  Text messaging is preferred for contact, but the volunteer coordinators will make sure that you are at least signed up for email messages.


Arco Iris Mural

Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Team is gearing up to coordinate the installation of a mural at Arco Iris.  It will likely be on the outside wall near the 2nd/3rd drop off door.  Leadership Beaverton, an intensive program dedicated to fortifying and educating community leaders, features a class project. This year, the class has chosen to commission and coordinate the installation of a culturally diverse mural at Arco Iris. At the request of the school’s administration, development committee and Luis, we are in the initial stages of bringing this vision to life.


PTO Positions

We are recruiting for multiple PTO positions at the school.  Elections are next month at the PTO meeting.  All positions are up for election.  If you are interested, please reach out to the PTO.  Without these positions we risk losing out on many well-known activities, events, and social gatherings.  Newly elected PTO officers will have the opportunity to work with the current team to prepare them for their new roles.  Please visit the Arco Iris PTO page or email the PTO if you have questions or are interested.  

III. Other Business


Next Meeting

Congratulations to Christa Billings, Board President, for being awarded Best in Beaverton for her school board work.  We are grateful for all of the work that she has done for our community.

Next meeting is Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30pm.  We will be holding elections for the 2024-25 PTO officers.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Norman